Chapter 7

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Faizu proposes Jan and she accepts it and Sid is heart broken.
Sid doesn't talk with anyone for almost 1 week. Abhi forces him to eat food.
At college
Vaish: Hi Abhi. How is Sid now?
Abhi: Same as before. He doesn't talk to me. Yes he came out of his room 2 days ago.
Vaish: Ok will come to meet him today.
Vaish sees Faizu and Jan together.
Vaish: Abhi look there. How are Faizu and Jan together?
Vaish: Should we ask Sid?
Abhi: He doesn't wanna talk about Jan.
Vaish: Ok
Both leave for class
After 2 days, Sid comes to the college.
Faizu: Hey Sid. Where were you? You didn't even pick my calls.
Sid: Actually I wasn't well
Jan comes.
Jan: Hi Sid. Hi baby (looking at Faizu)
Sid: (jealous) I think I should leave.
Sid leaves before anyone could say something.
4 months later
Sid's P.O.V.
It's almost 4 months Faizu and Jan are dating. But still I see them together something happens inside me. I feel so jealous of Faizu.
P.O.V. ends
Faizu: Where are you lost?
Sid: Nowhere
Faizu: Don't lie to me. I know you from inside out. There is some problem with you. You are even not talking to anyone properly.
Sid: There is nothing like this. I am perfectly fine.
Faizu's P.O.V.
I think he doesn't wanna talk. Ok I shouldn't force him.
Meanwhile in Pune
Avu is in school with his besties Reem and Jai
Reem: (to Avu) Why are you going to Mumbai? You know I can't live without you.
Avu: Reem you know na my parents want me to study in Mumbai University. Well why are behaving like this? Jai is here with u.
Reem: Yes but still. M gonna miss you. U r special to me.
Avu: It's ok. Let's change the topics. R u guys ready for farewell. It in 4 days remember.
Reem: Yes. M so excited. I have got a new saree. What about you Avu.
Avu: I am wearing one of my mumma's saree. But I haven't choosed one yet. Wait I have an idea.
Jai and Reem: What?
Avu: Why don't you guys come for sleep over tonight. Last time we will have fun before our boards and Reem you can help me with clothes.

To be continued

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