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*Kwame Asante*

I watched the young doctor's face as he took another critical look at the x-ray of my thigh. After a moment's analysis, he sighed, and a lump suddenly found its way into my throat.

"What's the verdict?" About 80% of my voice was shrouded in anxiety, and the doctor sensed it, offering an assuring smile.

"Relax, Mr. Asante. You'll definitely be able to walk again."

"Thank God." A wave of relief washed over me.

"But it's going to take time," he quickly added, "and some crutches. Thankfully, there were no fractures, but there is significant contusion and bruising. It's primarily soft tissue damage and will require some weeks to heal. To aid in the healing process, I'm prescribing pain medication." He pulled out a notepad and began to scribble. "Your first few attempts to walk will be painful, so brace yourself and don't overdo it, otherwise you'll end up reopening the wound. I also strongly advise that you avoid straining the tendons in your leg. Rest is crucial to the healing process, and you should use ice packs anytime there's swelling."

"Thanks, Doc." I rubbed a hand over my face. "What about Arturo and Thomas? Are they ok?"

"Yes. Among the three of you, you and Thomas suffered the most impact. Arturo got off with just a cut on his head. The good news is you're all doing fine. We plan to keep you here for a few days. If everything is in order, we'll have you discharged before the week ends."

A knock interrupted our conversation.

"Mr. Asante." A nurse poked her head inside. "You have a visitor." When she stepped back and the door opened, my eyes widened.


She stepped into the room, giving me a shy wave. "Hi."

"Hey." I waved back, and for a minute, the room was awfully quiet.

"Uh, I'll leave you two to talk." Clutching his notepad, the doctor moved towards the door.

"Right, thank you so much, Dr. Biney," I called out. "Really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it," he smiled, then closed the door.

Silence reigned again until I cleared my throat and pushed myself up on the bed. "So... umm... how... how are you?"

"I should be the one asking you that question," Delores chuckled, pulling out the nearest chair and sitting down next to me. "But I'm fine."

"You don't look it," I stated pointedly.

"That's because I was worried sick about you." She hesitated, realizing what she had said. But after a minute's contemplation, she decided to continue. "I know we haven't really been talking these past few days, but when I heard about the accident, it felt as if my whole world was just... falling apart."

Seeing this as an opportunity to ask the question that had plagued my mind for days, I took a moment to gather my thoughts, then steadily proceeded, "What happened to us, Delores?"

She toyed with her fingers, unable to meet my eyes.

"One night, we were happy in each other's arms, making love. Then the next day, you were like... an entirely different person."

"It's nothing, it's just... It was the best decision for us," she mumbled.

"Best decision?" My eyebrows furrowed. "How was that the best decision for us? You saw how miserable we were without each other."

"No, you don't get it, Kwame." Delores raised her head, giving me a stern look. "This is... this is a lot more complicated than you think it is."

"What is? What's so complicated that we have to stay away from each other?"

Delores pulled herself off the bed and was about to get up when I quickly grabbed her arm. "Please... you have to tell me what's going on."

Reluctance clouded her features as she sank back into her seat. I released my hold on her.

"I promised myself I wouldn't tell you this," she muttered.

I shrugged. "I don't think you have a choice now."

Taking in a deep breath, Delores began, "That night we spent together, I had a dream... about Cas. He said a lot about how you didn't love me and just wanted someone to fuck on this trip."

My eyebrows immediately descended into a frown. "And you believed him?"

"No!" She quickly snapped. "What actually got to me was the fact that Cas reminded me of who I was. He made me remember why I chose to stay single. I'm not a complete woman, Kwame. If our relationship goes any further, I'm going to disappoint you. I won't be able to give you the family you deserve."

"Wait, is this about you not being able to have kids?" I asked, and sank further in surprise when she didn't respond. "Wow... I... the night of the fashion show, I thought I made it clear that your diagnosis doesn't matter to me."

"Now it doesn't," Delores responded. "But in the next five years, will you still think that way?"

I spent the longest time silent, analyzing the depth of Delores' concerns. I really couldn't blame her. She was just scared that the same thing that happened with Cas was going to happen to us.

"I've carried this burden for a long time," Delores mumbled. "And it's not something I take lightly."

"Neither do I," I said, meeting her eyes. "Delores, I can't predict the future, and I won't pretend that I have all the answers. But I do know that my feelings for you are real, and they go beyond the possibility of having children. I fell in love with you for who you are, not for the potential of starting a family."

"You don't mean that." She looked at me, her eyes still clouded with doubt. "No matter how certain you are now, there's going to be a day you'll wake up and regret being with someone who can't give you the family you dreamed of."

I took a moment to collect my thoughts. "Look, Delores, I can't lie. Life is unpredictable, and there are no guarantees in any relationship. People change, circumstances change, and we adapt to those changes together. If we're constantly worrying about 'what ifs,' we'll never truly experience the present and the love we have for each other."

"I just..." Delores stared, her resolve still thick and strong. "I just don't want to hold you back from a future you might want with someone else."

"You're not holding me back," I reassured her. "You're a part of my future, Delores. And if that future includes us facing challenges together, I'm ready for it. We'll find our own path, one step at a time."

"I..." she hesitated, then sighed, "I don't know what to say."

Slowly, I cupped her face, rubbing a thumb over her soft cheek. "You don't need to give me an answer now. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. No matter what decision you take, I'll stand by it. It's the least I can do for the woman I love."

Without a hint of hesitation, Delores climbed onto the bed and wrapped me in a tight hug. I held her close, feeling her heartbeat against mine, and wishing we could stay like this forever.


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