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There's a time when your family has to come first. A time when your family needs you and you make sure to drag your ass and be there for them. No matter what, family is blood and blood is thicker than water. Ashton's family weren't the stereotypical family you would expect. Yeah, they still did things a normal family would do, but the definition extended way further than anyone else's.

It wasn't the first time Ashton had to do this. They had to move frequently due to the 'situations' they got themselves into, but Ashton hadn't been back home in years. The place where he was born and raised; NewYork. It was exhausting, honestly. To move at least once a year and Ashton had learnt to keep his things to a minimum, make sure that he kept his head down, not to draw any attention to himself. Well, as little attention as a dude in women's clothing could draw to himself. But that had all changed now. It wasn't time to hide anymore.

It was as soon as their leader, the Don had called, asking them to return home to help with some of the business their rival mob had started. They had packed as much stuff as they could and made their way back to the city they hadn't been to since Ashton was eleven.

The reason they were back in NewYork was because their rivals had killed mama Irwin, hanging her in the tree at the front of their Don's home with their initials carved into the bark. The bastards had killed the only mother figure Ashton had. They murdered his grandmother and he was more caught up on seeking revenge than anything else. Mama Irwin was someone who everyone was afraid off. You didn't fuck with her or her babies, but now that had all gone to shit and they were going to pay for what they had done.

"Where are you going, Bella?"

"School, papa. I'm going to be late if I don't hurry," Ashton groaned as his father pulled him backwards with his backpack. "Where are your weapons?" His brother, Kyle piped up and Ashton hated that they did this. Treating him like he was some naive, vulnerable child. He might be short, but he was more than sure that if he wanted to, he could kill a man with his own finger. "Jesus Christ, they're in the ripped compartment of my bag. Can I go now?"

Kyle zipped open Ashton's bag, humming as an 'okay' once his fingertips brushed against the younger boys handgun. "You're travelling with your brother," Pete stated and Ashton rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not," He snapped, yanking his bag back into place. "He can ride with Michael and Calum in their car. I'm taking my bike,"

Ashton's dad groaned, running his hands over his face in frustration. "You know I hate seeing you ride that thing." Pete sighed and Ashton shrugged his shoulders in response. They had this discussion every time Ashton left the house. He got his own way, like always. "Don't look then," He replied.

Picking up his helmet, Ashton finally made his way outside, groaning as he looked at the time on his phone. He was going to be late if he didn't hurry. Ashton rushed towards his bike, running his fingers down the side, smiling at the new paintwork before throwing his leg over and putting his helmet on. "Ashton, be careful!" He heard his dad yell before he pushed down his visor, turning the ignition on and driving out of his driveway.


Ashton turned into the schools parking lot, sighing in relief as he parked up, seeing that he had at least ten minutes before the bell went. He pulled his helmet off, sliding it over the handle bars before he ran his hands through the mess of curls the helmet had decided to ruin.

A familiar jeep pulled up beside him and his brother got out of car, Calum and Michael following his actions. "I thought I said to lead us, not run lights and speed away," Calum tsked, wrapping his arm around Ashton's small shoulders. "Yeah, maybe Pops would like to here about your reckless driving," Ashton groaned, his eyes narrowing at his brother. "Why do you always have to ruin the fun?" And Calum mimicked Ashton's words before Kyle pushed him, jokingly.

"Anyway, you should know these roads like the back of your hand, I shouldn't  have to lead you," Ashton said, referring to Calum's earlier comment and the dark haired boy jutted his bottom lip out in response, bringing the back of his hand up to his forehead. "What if I get lost? It's not my fault I had to change school." He huffed.

Ashton scoffed, pushing Calum away from him before he let out a laugh. "Stop being so dramatic. It was you who changed so you could be at the same school as me," he stated and Calum whined out, pulling Ashton back to his chest, wrapping his arms firmly around him. "You're my bestfriend. I haven't seen you since we were twelve and I want to spend as much time as I can with you."

"Awh, little Cally actually has a heart," Michael teased, slapping Calum on his back as hard as he could. The bell rang as Calum let out a hiss before he let go of Ashton, punching the green eyed boy back.

Ashton turned away from the boys who were bickering like a married couple as he slung himself over to his brother. "Carry me, I'm dying," Ashton sighed out, jumping onto Kyle's back. Kyle scoffed, grabbing the back of Ashton legs to hold him up as the walked inside school. "Maybe if you didn't get up so early to do your makeup then you'd be fine,"

"Whatever, you're just jealous because I can pull it off and you can't."


"Did you see the new kids?"

"No, now shut up," Luke groaned as he sat down, slouching in his seat as he wished his brother would just shut up for one tiny second. He swore that even though they looked identical, they had completely different characters. Sitting in front of Luke, Levi shuffled around on his chair grinning from ear to ear. "The little twink on the bike. Oh my god. I'm straight, but I'd fuck him."

Luke snorted as he glanced past Levi's shoulder, quickly looking down as he tried to conceal his laugher. "What now?" His twin whined, turning around to face the front. Levi's whole body went rigid, the back of his neck instantly flushing pink, contrasting against his pale skin as he was met with Ashton who was stood right in front of him, arms crossed over his chest. Calum was stood tall behind him, looking less than impressed with his jaw clenched as his eyes practically burned holes through Levi.

"Who wouldn't?" Were the words that came from Ashton's mouth. He smirked as he put one hand on the desk, lowering his voice as his other hand pulled open his jacket, flashing off the butterfly knife that was tucked away safely. "If I ever catch you talking about me like I'm a piece of meat again, shitburger, I'm gonna go Saudi Arabia on your ass and cut your fucking hand off, okay?" And Levi looked like he was about to faint as the colour drained from his skin. He became a blubbering mess as he tried to form a sentence.

Ashton leant in even closer raising his eyebrows, and blowing a bubble with his bubblegum before he stood back up straight, winking at the mortified boy. Luke cleared his throat. "I'm sorry about my mouthy brother, I'm Luke and the little girl in front of me is Levi," Ashton's eyes instantly flickered to Luke, changing between the two as he sized them up. Biting his lip as he slipped into the seat beside the blonde, Calum followed like a lost puppy as he sat beside Ashton. "Double trouble. It's nice to meet you," Ashton replied before he stuck his hand out. Luke's large hand gripped onto Ashton's.




Please vote and comment and all that shizzle. Peace out, bitches xoxo

SincerelyLittle, here's your chapter, sweet cheeks.

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