Chapter Forty One

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When I went back to work on Wednesday everyone had questions about where I had been since the weekend. Diana told them I'd been sick and I stuck to gang story. It was none of their business where I had been. Diana had insisted we stay home on Tuesday too just so she could continue talking care of me. I was not one to say no to sex and lying all day in bed with my lady. It had been a relaxing day but we didn't want to push our luck too far so we both had to go back to work. Everyone at work believed me when I told them I'd been sick, all except for Fabian. He had been on my case ever since I clocked in and would not let it go.

"Are you really not going to tell me where you've been since Saturday? Come on dude, I'm you're best friend."Fabian nagged kicking the bottom of my boot.

I was working under and audi and the idiot wouldn't stop nagging me.

"I told you I was sick, Diana stayed home to take care of me. Now can you leave me be, I'm trying to work here and so should you."I demanded.

"You're never sick, I've known you four years and you've never been sick. The most you've ever down with was a flu and even then you came to work. What are you hiding from me?"He insisted kicking my boot again.

"Fabian if you don't stop that I swear to all that is holy I will smash your head against the wall."I threatened.

"Is Diana pregnant?"He asked completely ignoring me.

"No. Why would you think that?"I gritted out.

"It's the only reason I could come up with that would actually give you enough reason to stay home."Fabian replied.

"Maybe I just wanted to stay home with my girl playing hooky."I retorted.

"Yeah, no, definitely not you or Diana. You know I won't leave you alone until you tell me what happened so just spill it out."Fabian said.

I knew he was right, there's no way he was going to leave me alone until I told him. I rolled down from under the car. I got up and head used the dirty rag to wipe the oil from my hands.

"Okay fine, since you won't let it be, I might as well tell you. I got arrested on Saturday night after dropping you guys off. I spent the weekend in so Diana had to come get me out on Monday."I explained.

"You what? Why? I know you weren't driving drunk so why?"Fabian asked.

"I got into a fight with Kyle, Diana's ex when I went to pick up my car at the club. He was being a dick talking smack about me and about her so I decided to teach him a lesson and I got arrested for it."I replied.

"Shit man, I'm sorry. What about the other dude? Is he alive? Are you going to prison?"Fabian inquired.

"It wasn't much of a fight, I knocked him out with one punch. And I'm not going to prison, Diana bribed the police to throw the case out. You know how corrupt our system is."I explained.

"That's good but why didn't you just tell us that in the first place."

"Honestly it's none of anyone's business and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it."

"You're right I'm sorry for meddling, you're okay though right?"He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine and you always meddle so you're apology isn't accepted, you'll still do the same next time."I replied.

"You're right. Now that I've got what I came for, imma get back to work."The fool grinned before walking away skipping.

"I should dice your cheque for that."I yelled after him.

"Yeah but you won't."He shouted back.

I shook my head at his retreating form

Fabian had interrupted my grateful for a meddlesome friend like him. Him being so involved and nagging meant that he cared about me and I appreciated that.

Fabian had interrupted my concentration so I decided to take a break in my office. I also had two days worth of paperwork waiting for me at my desk. That was the worst part of my job but I did it anyway because I didn't have anyone else to do it for me.

On my desk, next to the photo of me, Jamila and Nuru, I'd added another photo of me and Diana. It had been taken during our trip to the coast and I'd printed it out and framed it. In the picture Diana and I were out in the water, our hands framing each other faces as we leaned in for a kiss. Both our eyes were closed, lips parted in anticipation. It was a very sensual photo, very inappropriate for work but it was my personal office so I didn't care about anyone's opinion. Anytime I looked at it, it made me smile and get a little horny.

In the past few days Diana had really shown me how much she cared for me. She had bailed me out of jail, kept that secret from everyone and taken care of me afterwards. The more I thought about all she had done for me, the more the thoughts of us making our relationship permanent hit hard. I was not going to propose yet but more than ever Diana had shown me why she was the right woman for me. She had come through me me during a hard time and for that reason and many more, I would wife her.

I texted Diana to tell her that I was thinking of her before getting into all the paperwork awaiting me. Yeah I definitely didn't like that part of my job.

An hour later just as I was getting into the groove of my work, there was a knock of the door. Fabian popped his head in before I could even invite him in. I needed to teach that man some manners.

"Boss there are some officers here to see you."He informed me before I could scold him.

He stepped aside and two uniformed officers let themselves into my office. I stood up looking at them weirdly wondering what they were doing at my place of work. I looked at Fabian with a questioning look but he just shrugged at me.

"Kareem Najib."Officer one called out.

"Yeah that's me, how can I help you officers?"I asked.

"You are under arrest."Officer two replied taking me by surprise.

Arrested? Again? Why? It's like I couldn't catch a break.

"For what?"Fabian asked the question we were both thinking.

"For assault and battery to one Kyle Mutiso."Officer one confirmed.

"You can't be serious."I exclaimed.

That fucking turd just wouldn't leave me alone. He was filing charges against me for knocking him out. He was probably doing it out of spite because I had Diana and he didn't.

"Please turn around and put your hands behind your back." Officer two requested.

Not wanting to fight, I did what he had asked me to. I honestly didn't want to spend another night in jail, that place had been horrifying but it looks like there was no choice for me. Twice in one week, definitely not a good week for me.

"You can't arrest him, he didn't do anything wrong."Fabian yelled.

"He'll get the chance to prove that in court."Officer two replied.

The officers handcuffed me and pulled me out of my office.

"Kareem, what the fuck is going on?"Manuel asked clenching a wrench tightly in his hand when he saw me being dragged out.

"Don't do anything crazy man, just call Diana and let her know what happened."I instructed Fabian.

"I will."He assured me.

I got shoved into the back of a police land cruiser and was taken away. I wish I'd done more than punch Kyle, I should have maimed the asshole just so that he could have something more to accuse me of. He was throwing a jealousy fit and trying to ruin my relationship with Diana but that would not be really hard to accomplish. And besides the fucker was married so he would have no chance with Diana at all.

I was taken to a different police station and booked in. At least the one I was taken to this time was cleaner and I got a cell all to myself. I hadn't even been given a chance to change, I was still in my work coveralls. I kept cussing Kyle in my head over and over again for messing with my life.

As I lay on that cold slab I prayed that Fabian had gotten my message to Diana so she could get me out. I didn't want to go prison for teaching an asshole some manners. If I was ever to be jailed, I wanted it to be for something worthwhile like killing the man who broke my daughters heart when Diana and I were blessed with children. Kyle would loose his case though because he had attacked me first and I had hit him defending myself. It was definitely not how I'd seen my Wednesday ending but I believed that Diana would be able to fix it and get me home before the whole thing even got to court.

I had no idea how much time had passed before I was pulled out of my cell because apparently someone wanted to see me. The officer handcuffed me before leading me to the front desk where a very pissed off Diana was waiting for me. I knew she wasn't mad at me because she smiled as soon as she saw me. I couldn't get to her because there were bars separating me and her but it was so good seeing her.

"Again Najib."She teased looking at me with a cheeky smile.

"You knew I was a bad boy when you fell in love with me."I replied smiling back.

"Yeah I really should have read the terms and conditions that you came with but I skipped them."She said making me laugh.

"Good thing that you did, there are some stuff there that I'm not proud of."I expressed biting my lip.

"That's fine, how are you doing? Fabian called me sounding really worried? Is your bromance something I should be worried about?"She asked.

"I'm doing okay and definitely not, Fabian is that last person you should ever have to worry about."I assured her.

"That's good to know."Diana said with a smile.

"So when are you going to get me out of here?"I asked knowing it was more serious than I thought seeing as I wasn't with her on the other side of the bars.

"Soon I promise but this is not as easy as last time. You were denied bail and you can't get out unless we prove you innocent or Kyle drops the charges."Diana informed me.

I groaned out loud in frustration because the situation was just getting more fucked up.

"I am not innocent and we both know that fucker won't let me go."I gritted out.

Kyle was not going to drop the charges, according to him, he was punishing me for dating Diana.

"Don't worry babe, I've got this. You'll be out soon."Diana assured me.

"I don't like the sound of that, what are you going to do cupcake?"I asked seeing the wheels turning in her head.

Diana could get a little crazy when it came to defend those that she loved.

"Anything and everything possible to get you out of here."She replied.

"Baby please don't do anything crazy."I pleaded.

"Who? Me? I can never."She spluttered her voice rising a few octaves meaning that she was lying to me.

"Cupcake I'm serious."I demanded.

I didn't want to get her into trouble but I also wanted to get out of jail.

"So am I."She retorted.

"Times up, miss you've got to go now."The officer yelled approaching us.

"I'll see you soon baby on this side of the bars, I love you."Diana said blowing me a kiss.

There was nothing I could have done to stop her so I just hoped that she would be safe while she did whatever she had in mind.

"I love you too, don't do anything crazy."I requested her again.

"I'll try but no promises."Diana replied winking at me.

"Just remember not to involve your family please, I don't anyone especially your dad knowing about this."I reminded her.

"I won't, don't worry love, I'll fix it all on my own."She assured me.

"Thanks baby, see you soon."

"Bye love."

With that she turned around and left looking like a woman on a mission. I watched her until she disappeared out of sight. The officer then led me back to my cell.

"Uko na msichana mrembo."He commented uncuffing me.

You have a very beautiful girlfriend.

It was an odd comment but he was right, Diana was very beautiful and he would have been blind not to notice that.

"Sana lakini ni kichwa ngumu."I replied.

Yes but she's also very stubborn.

"Hao ndio wazuri. Uko na bahati hapo."The officer insisted.

Those are the good ones, you're a very lucky man.

"That I am."I grinned getting into my cell.

He locked it behind me and I walked back into my quiet cell. I slumped back on the slab feeling defeated, hoping that whatever Diana had in mind would work. My girl was out there fighting to get me out of a mess I'd put myself in. I didn't regret it though and would do it all again in a heartbeat. No one talked smack about with my woman and got away with it. I just hoped she wouldn't have to do anything illegal to get me out otherwise we'd both end up behind bars. Diana and I had a lot of plans for the future that I really hoped wouldn't be ruined by some jealous twit who didn't know how to move on.

Feeling tired and grateful that I at least had a clean cell, I lay back on the slab, the hardness of it making my back hurt and closed my eyes. Just like I had done the first time I got arrested, I flooded my mind with images of Diana and let myself be transported into the world of imagination where everything was fine. Those thoughts would keep me going until Diana got me out.


Double update because I love you guys and also because I'm racing against time.





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