Chapter Thirteen

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"It's been four days Salome, get over it. You can't be mad at me forever."I scolded my best friend.

She still wouldn't talk to me for going to the Nyashinski concert without her. It's not like I had any control over that. If I did, I definitely would have invited her.

"Yes I can."Salome grumbled laying out cupcakes with a variety of toppings on the display.

"If you don't talk to me I will eat all those cupcakes by myself."I threatened.

"Fine."Salome replied putting away the last cupcake.

She sneered at me before walking past me in a huff and walking back into the kitchen. Salome didn't like it when I ate stuff from the display so her allowing me to have some meant she really was pissed. She was being irrational which actually didn't make sense since I had no control over inviting her to the event. Tired of her attitude I walked into the kitchen to make things right. I found her hunched over the sink drinking water as she rubbed her lower stomach with her free hand. It took me a few seconds to understand what was going on.

"You bitch, you got your period."I exclaimed.

Salome hadn't gotten her period ever since she got pregnant with Oliver. Looks like it was back.

"Yeah."She grumbled turning to look at me.

"You've been prissy at me the past few days, not because you're actually mad about the concert but because lady red is back."I pointed out.

"I guess I kind of forgot how bad it messes with my mood."Salome replied.

"Is it painful?"

"No just uncomfortable and my emotions are all over the place."Salome lamented.

Now that I was fully aware of what was going on I felt sorry for her. I walked towards her we pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry love but now you can stop making fun of me when I have my period."I chided and she pushed me away.

"I'll take Oliver off your hands before you take out your prissy attitude on him."I said picking up my nephew whose little fist immediately latched onto one of my braids.

"I would never do that to my son."Salome defended.

"You did it to your best friend, that's a very thin line to cross before you get to your son."I replied and before she could argue I walked out of there.

Traffic in and out of the bookcafe was a little slow and since Sophia was also on duty I took a seat out front on one of the reading booths with Oliver. Picking up the Winnie The Pooh book I began reading it to Oliver showing him the brightly colored photos.

I was determined to make him a book worm like me. By the time he got to ten years old, he'd be practically living in the library. To me books were everything. They were educative, informative, entertaining and if you were really into them could provide a high no drug could give.

An hour later Salome brought me tacos for lunch. It was her apology meal to me since she knew how much I loved tacos and they were not that easy to make, especially the fillings. So I could eat without messing me and Oliver up, I grabbed Oliver's feeding chair so I could also feed him bits and pieces of what I was having. He was old enough to eat literally anything as long as he enjoyed it and wasn't allergic.

I looked up from feeding Oliver when the bell at the door rang signalling a customer had walked in. I almost choked on a taco shell when I saw that it was Kareem. I had no idea what he was doing at the bookcafe, he hadn't even told me he was stopping by. We had been texting a lot since the date so he could have at least mentioned it to avoid taking me by surprise.

His gaze was trained directly at the counter but when Oliver started babbling he turned his gaze and that's when he saw me. He smiled and took the few steps towards the table I was seating at. He was dressed in black cargo pants, vans sneakers and a grey short sleeved t-shirt that had his muscles all out on display.

"Hi Diana."He greeted taking a seat opposite me.

"Hi Kareem, didn't expect to see you here, today."I chocked out awkwardly since I was feeling a little ambushed.

"Sorry for dropping by like this, I was in town running a few errands for Vihaan so I decided to drop by. I did text you like an hour ago to tell you I might be stopping by but you didn't reply."He explained apologizing.

I had left my phone behind the counter when I began reading to Oliver thus why I probably hadn't seen his message.

"It's okay, Oliver and I were just having lunch."I replied.

"Oliver?"He asked looking confused.

"Yeah this is Oliver, he's Salome and my brother Ashton's son."I replied introducing him.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. You told me about him on Saturday. He really is as cute as you described him."Kareem commented looking at Oliver.

I smiled because he remembered our conversations from Saturday. I had definitely talked about Oliver for a while.

"Did you have lunch yet?"I inquired feeling awkward that I was eating and he wasn't.

"No, I was gonna have some as soon as I got back to work."He replied.

"Why don't you have tacos with us? They are good, I assure you."I suggested.

"I don't want to intrude."He replied.

"You won't be."I assured him before turning to Sophia who was listening to music behind the counter.

"Sophia."I called out a few times until she popped her head up to look at me.

"Can you please bring my guest a plate?"I requested.

"Right away."Sophia replied hurrying back.

"I didn't know you guys serve food here."Kareem inquired.

"We don't but Salome makes us lunch everyday. She always makes extra because Sophia and I have a tendency of taking some home for dinner since we both live alone and don't like cooking."I explained.

"So you don't like cooking?"Kareem asked.

"I do but sometimes it gets boring cooking for just one person."I answered.

"That I can understand, I have all my meals at work or at my sisters apartment so I don't have to cook for myself. I honestly can't remember the last time I stepped foot into a kitchen even if I do know how to cook."Kareem added.

"Well that makes two of us."I smiled.

Just then Salome, as I had expected came out of the kitchen with Kareem's food instead of Sophia. She just couldn't resist the urge to come see him.

"Hi Kareem, nice to see you again."She said cheerfully puting down his plate along with a few serviettes.

"Afternoon Salome, it's nice to see you too. Thank you."Kareem replied politely.

Salome looked at Kareem as if she wanted to ask something more and I knew it definitely had to do with our date on Saturday so I stopped her before she could.

"Sal why don't you take Oliver to the back so Kareem and I can have some privacy."I suggested.

"Yeah of course, you lovebirds enjoy. Let's go baby, time to clean you up."Salome said cooing at Oliver.

She picked him up from his feeding chair and walked away leaving Kareem and I alone.

"You ever plan on having one of those?"Kareem asked taking me by surprise.

"What? Kids?"I inquired and he nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah I suppose, with the right person and after marriage. If I'm not married by the time I'm twenty eight, I'll still have kids without a man."I answered.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"Kareem asked.

"I have no idea but there's so many way to have kids nowadays so it won't be a problem."I replied.

"Well don't loose hope just yet. Your Mr right will find you, or already has, you never know."Kareem said with a mischievous smile.

His not so subtle hint about him being my Mr right didn't go unnoticed. I wasn't going to agree with him or deny it. I was keeping an open mind with Kareem and besides it was too soon to tell.

"So how come you are running errands for your boss? Aren't you his manager or something? "I asked.

"I was actually dropping off this months paychecks at the bank. I do it every end month like clockwork."Kareem replied.

"That's very predictable, it makes you an easy target for theft."I pointed out.

"Do I look like someone who can be mugged?"Kareem asked his biceps flexing slightly.

"Definitely not."I replied swallowing hard.

Kareem was a walking wet dream, all 6'5 of him with muscles in all the right places. I was not ashamed to admit that I'd had a few naughty dreams about him which was both great and worrying. We'd only been on one date yet he was already getting under my skin and invading my dreams. I didn't want our relationship to move too fast but at the same time he and I were connecting in a way I'd never done with another man before.

"Can I be honest with you?"Kareem asked cutting through my thoughts.

I nodded happy to get a distraction from my own thoughts.

"There's another reason why I dropped by today."Kareem admitted.

"Which is?"I asked with a little worry in my voice.

"Don't sound like that, it's nothing bad."He assured me and I just took a deep breath and nodded allowing him to continue."My sister Jamila has a small sweets business where she sells Mabuyu and achari. It's not doing so well now so I've been trying my best to help her with the sales. I know this is awkward since we've only just rekindled our friendship and are still getting to know each other but I was wondering if you could buy some for personal use or even to sell here at the bookcafe. I'd buy all of them myself but the last time I did that Jamila found out and wouldn't talk to me for a month."Kareem explained.

First of all I had to acknowledge how much courage it took for a man like Kareem to ask a girl he was trying to impress something like that. Second he was very sweet for going to such extents for his sister. How could I say no when he had told me such a compelling story?

"Do you have a sample I can try?"I asked.

Kareem nodded and reached for the pocket of his jacket. He retrieved two packets, one for mabuyu and the other one for achari then handed them to me. I was already done eating so I put my empty plate aside and opened one of the packets. I took a few pieces out and put them in my mouth. The sweetness that exploded on my taste buds spoke to the side of me with a sweet tongue.

"Oh my God, these are amazing."I exclaimed spitting out the seeds putting some more in my mouth.

"I know, I have to limit myself to the times I can eat them in a week otherwise I'll get diabetes.

"Well Jamila definitely has another customer. I'll buy some for my personal use but I'll have to talk to Salome about selling them here at the bookstore though I'm sure once she tastes them she'll definitely agree."I said.

"That's awesome, here's her number. You can call her and make the order, she delivers for free around CBD."Kareem said handing me a card.

"I definitely will."I assured him.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea what this means to me."Kareem expressed.

"Happy to uplift a fellow business woman."I replied.

"Honestly thank you so much for lunch and agreeing to buy my sisters sweets, you are a blessing. For now I'll have to say goodbye and get back to work. For some reason the guys always get into some mischief when I'm not around."Kareem said excusing himself.

"Well you better get back then before you find they took a client's car for a joy ride."

"Don't even joke about that, they did that once and it was the one time Vihaan was so livid he almost fired me."Kareem said looking visibly shaken.

"Your coworkers respect you. I'm sure they'll keep their mischief to a minimum."I consoled.

"I really hope so. Bye, Diana. I'll call you after I get off from work."Kareem said getting up.

"Can't wait."I replied smiling at him.

He leaned over the table and kissed my cheek. Before I could recover from that he was already out the door leaving me staring at it like in a daze like a fool.

Salome was the one to stir me from my day dream screeching like a hormonal teenage girl.

"Dee, Dee, Dee, look at you looking like a love sick puppy."She teased taking the seat Kareem had occupied seconds before.

"Shut up."I grumbled.

"You really like him huh?"She asked.

"What's not to like?"I retorted.

"Good point. Anyway so what did you guys talk about. Any second date plans?"She inquired.

"No but he did pitch me a business idea that I think you'll be interested in."I answered.

"What idea?"

I didn't reply just pushed the packet I'd been munching on towards her. She took a few pieces and her eyes widened in surprise when they hit her taste buds.

"Wow, these are amazing. Does he make these?"She exclaimed.

"I know right and his sister is the one who makes them for sale. He was wondering if I could buy some from her, for my consumption and for the bookcafe too."I explained.

"Dee you know we don't buy stuff from other vendors."Salome replied.

"I know but I think we should just this once. They are amazing and we'll be supporting another woman in her small business."I pitched.

"You're just saying all that because you want to get deeper into Kareems good graces and earn his sister's affection."Salome countered.

"All of that is true and what I said is true also. Just remember I gave you a chance when no one else did, maybe we should give Jamila the same chance."I argued.

"You just had to use the guilt trip didn't you?"Salome grumbled and I knew she had already given in.

"So should I call her or will you?"I asked with a grin holding up the card Kareem had given me.

"You do it, you're her future sister in law after all. I have dishes to clean."Salome declared getting up.

I got up too since my phone was behind the counter. I was about to reach for the sweets when Salome snatched them away.

"These are mine now, order yours."She declared walking away the empty plates balanced on one hand.

"You're lucky I love you."I yelled after her getting behind the counter.

Time to call my future sister in law as Salome had referred to Jamila and make an order. I just hoped she wouldn't be too mad at Kareem since it was clear he was going behind her back. It was a sweet gesture though which earned him more points with me.


There are so many delicacies I wish to try but my poor pocket and limited travel doesn't allow me. Tacos are definitely on that list.

What food would you like to try but have never have the chance?

Anyway how did you guys like the chapter?

Let me know in a comment. Keep voting and sharing.


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