Chapter Twenty Four

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up in the morning was that I was buck naked and there was an equally naked tinier body next to me. It took a few moments for the fog around my mind to clear and when it finally did I couldn't help but smile from the memories that flooded my mind. My eyes landed on Diana who was sleeping on her stomach, one of her legs folded and strewn over mine and the other stretched straight. Her face was buried in the pillow, one of her hands on my chest and the other under the pillow. She was breathing softly, her hair a little frizzy but she looked beautiful nonetheless.

I smiled when she moaned, my dick twitching when I remembered how loud she had screamed my name as we had sex. I had not expected us to have sex so soon, sure I had been hoping we would but I thought Diana would hold out for a while longer. Her invite to shower with her had been a dream come true but it also freaked me out since I didn't want to ruin things with Diana by moving too fast with her. It all worked out though because once I felt her naked body against mine there was no going back. Diana was a vixen in bed, completely different from the cute nerd who read books all day and that to me only added to her charm.

"Stop staring it's ruining my sleep."Diana said her voice muffled by the pillow but her eyes were still closed.

"Good morning cupcake."I replied caressing her bare back with my fingers.

"Morning."Diana mumbled turning around so she was fully facing me.

Her eyes fluttered open and I finally got to see her brown orbs laden with sleep. We had only slept for a few hours so it was understandable why she was still sleepy.

"How are you feeling?"I asked tucking away a few stray hairs from her face.

"Sore but satiated."She replied stretching her legs so that they rubbed all over mine.

"So no regrets about last night?"I inquired.

"None, you?"

"Never."I assured her.

Diana smiled and I could resist so I leaned in to kiss her but she moved away.

"I need to brush my teeth first."Diana declared.

"I want a good morning kiss, I don't care if your teeth are brushed."I requested moving closer to her but she kept pulling away.

"You might not care but I do, besides we need to get going anyway, we're burning daylight."Diana said jumping out of bed.

Before I could reach her she ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I laughed shaking my head at her antics as I pulled on a pair of boxers. While I waited for Diana to finish taking a shower as announced by the running water in the bathroom I made a few calls and replied to some messages and emails. Diana emerged half an hour later wrapped in a towel smelling as fresh as a daisy with her hair tamed into an afro.

"Can I get my kiss now?"I asked trapping her against the door.

"Nope, you haven't showered or brushed your teeth."Diana replied and before I could insist she ducked under my arm and ran from me.

"You get lucky this time princess."I said getting into the bathroom myself to get ready for our final leg of the journey.

When I got out of the bathroom freshly showered and clean I found Diana bent over the bed in a short maroon romper zipping up her suitcase. Her brown thighs were out on display teasing me and I slowly got hard the longer I kept watching her. Unable to stop myself I stalked towards her putting my hands on her waist and pulling her back so that my hard on was perfectly nestled between her ass cheeks. Diana straightened up and leaned back on my chest.

"How sore are you?"I asked drawing patterns on her bare thighs.

"Sore enough and as tempting as what you're offering is, we can't."Diana replied turning around in my arms so she was facing me.

She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed me wrapping her arms around my neck for support. I lifted her up to make things easier for her.

"Now it's a good morning."I rasped out when we pulled apart brushing my nose against hers .

"Good morning indeed but you need to get dressed, I'm hungry."Diana declared.

"Me too."I replied pecking her lips one last time before setting her down.

I got dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans, a t-shirt under a grey hoodie and brown boots. After I was done getting ready Diana and I packed up our stuff and checked out of the motel. We put our luggage back in the truck before finding a restaurant to have breakfast at. We were both pretty hungry so we filled up and carried some take away for the road. An hour later Diana and I were back on the road headed to Nairobi.

"Will you be going to work tomorrow?"Diana asked since it was on a Thursday.

"No I've got the rest of the week off, why?"

"Nothing, just curious. Oh and by the way I got a text from my mom about us going to meet them. If you're free we can go this Saturday."She informed me.

"No problem, I'll be there."I replied.

"You still want to go?"Diana inquired looking surprised.

"Yeah why wouldn't I?"I asked wondering why she was doubting me all of a sudden.

I'd already assured her that I would go and meet her family so her doubt was misplaced.

"Nothing."Diana mumbled avoiding eye contact.

"No there's definitely something, tell me, what is it?"I insisted.

Diana didn't say anything for a while and I was prepared to insist until she was honest with me. Luckily for the both of us she opened up to me.

"I expected you to bail on me last minute is all."Diana answered with a shrug.

There was a lot of pain and hurt under that small statement making my heart go out to Diana. She had been hurt and let down before but I wasn't going to do that to her. I had to find a way to assure her that I was in it for the long run. The road we were on was basically deserted except for a few cars every twenty minutes so I stopped the truck by the side of the road.

"What's wrong? Why are we stopping?"Diana asked.

"I just want us to talk, now come here."I requested Diana tapping my lap.

"Why?"She questioned.

She was taking too much time so I undid her seatbelt and pulled her to my lap so she was straddling me her legs on either side of me. Her hands were trapped between us as mine rested on her waist.

"I like you cupcake."I confessed looking into her eyes so she could see how much I meant those words.

"I know and I like you too."Diana replied looking unnerved by the intense look in my gaze.

It wasn't my intention to make her uncomfortable but I had to open my heart and soul to her.

"No I don't think you get it. I really like you Diana, I liked you all those years ago but I didn't act on it. Now I have you in my arms and I wish I was good with words to really describe how I feel. I'm not here to play games with you, I'm in it for the long haul. You are beautiful, sexy, kind, thoughtful, loving and so many other great qualities. Anyone would be lucky to have you but I have that privilege. I know you've been hurt and disappointed by other men in the past especially Kyle but I am not them or him. I can't erase all that doubt overnight but I'm asking for a chance to prove to you that I deserve you."I expressed bearing my heart out to her.

Diana just looked at me with tears in her eyes before launching herself at me and kissing me.

"I like you too so much and I know you're different, I wouldn't be here if you weren't. I'm lucky to have you as my boyfriend and I'm in it for the long haul too."Diana admitted when we pulled apart.

I kissed her once more loving the feel of her soft lips on mine and her warm tongue fighting against mine for dominance. I won of course.

"So now that we've talked about that, how about you take the wheel for a while."I proposed.

"Seriously?!"Diana yelled excited.

"Of course as long as you're sure you can handle it."I replied.

"Or course I can, it'll be awesome."Diana declared looking very excited.

I kissed her one last time before switching places with her so that she was in the driver's seat. Diana had to adjust the seat and steering wheel to her size before she turned the key in the ignition and the truck purred to life. We both put on our seatbelts before Diana pulled away from the side of the road and into the tarmac. Watching Diana handle such a large truck was a huge turn on. I couldn't help but reach for the camera on the dash board and take photos of her.

"What are you doing?"Diana asked sparing me a glance.

"Taking a few photos for my spank bank."I replied with a wink.

"Ewh, please no."Diana gagged.

"I'm joking but you should be pleased I'm not jerking off to photos of women on the Internet."I retorted.

"That's not flattering at all, I can't even imagine you jerking off."Diana commented.

"I'm a man and we need to relieve tension sometimes."I argued.

"Yeah sure but it's just weird thinking of you doing that."Diana insisted.

"Why? I'm a man, I can show you how I do it to convince you."I teased hooking my fingers to the waistband of my pants.

"Oh God no! Please stop. I don't want to crash but if you insist then fine, I believe you."Diana said stopping me.

I laughed hard watching the embarrassed look on her face.

"I was joking, I can't remember the last time I jerked off, plus I'd never disrespect you like that."I assured her.

Diana looked relieved at my words but for a moment it was funny seeing her looking flustered like that. After an hour Diana and I had to switch back since we were getting closer to the city meaning more police check points. Diana wasn't certified to drive such a vehicle so it would get us in trouble if she was caught behind the wheel.

"Thank you for that experience."Diana said once I was settled back in the driver's seat.

"My pleasure and honestly I think I benefited more than you did."I replied with a wink earning me an eye roll.

"You're incorrigible."Diana muttered.

"But you like me anyway."I retorted.

"Unfortunately."Diana mumbled relaxing back into her seat.

She looked tired which was to be expected since we didn't get a lot of sleep the previous night. I watched her doze off so I covered her with the shawl she'd draped over her seat. I let her sleep since the most interesting part of our journey was over.

We arrived at the auto shop at five pm in the evening. Everyone had already left for the day so the security guard let us in.

"Cupcake get up, we're here."I shook Diana awake once I'd parked the truck.

Her eyes fluttered open as she stretched a satisfied yawn escaping her lips.

"How was your nap?"I teased.

"Perfect."She replied with a smile.

I kissed her before I gathering all our stuff. I got out first so Diana could hand me everything. I then helped her down before locking the truck. I left the key in my locker so Fabian could get it the next morning.

Jamila had dropped my car off earlier during the day so I put our luggage in the trunk before getting behind the wheel and driving us home. I dropped Diana off first at her place and carried her luggage to her door.

"I don't want to say goodbye."I mumbled against her hair as I hugged her goodnight.

"You can spend the night, neither of us have work tomorrow so we can sleep in."Diana replied taking me by surprise.

"Are you sure? We don't have to."I said.

"I'm sure."Diana replied.

"Okay then, let me go get my stuff from the car."I answered quickly pecking her lips.

Looks like our talk earlier really had done its magic because Diana was becoming more and more confident in our relationship. I called Jamila to let her know that we had arrived safely and that I would see her soon. I didn't tell her I was spending the night with Diana, she would ask too many questions and I preferred to fill her in on the latest about my relationship with Diana in person.

When I went back up to the apartment I found Diana pulling baked chicken and rice out of the oven.

"How long was I gone?"I asked wondering when she had enough time to cook.

Diana laughed looking at my confused face.

"My mom was here earlier, she cleaned and cooked like she always does when she pops by. She also left a note on the fridge to remind me of the dinner on Saturday."Diana replied.

"Wow, your mom is very consistent in your life."I commented abandoning my luggage and joining her in the kitchen.

"Yeah she is but it's only because she and dad retired so they have a lot of free time on their hands. Ashton got married so he's the only one allowed to say no to her, the rest of us have to endure her mothering."Diana explained.

"I like that, Jamila is the same to me but only because we only have each other."I replied trying my best to keep the sadness out of my tone but failing miserably.

I had already gotten over my run in with my family but sometimes images of them invaded my mind making me sad. Diana knew that I didn't like talking about it so she was always quick to change the topic.

"Well let me introduce you to my mom's cooking, you'll be having a lot more of it on Saturday so this is just a start."Diana said serving us both a good helping.

"I can't wait."I replied digging in.

It was delicious and I found myself getting a second helping. After supper we both showered and the exhaustion of the long drive caught up to us so we ended up sleeping early. As I held Diana in my arms that night, a smile was permanently etched on my face because even though the coast trip had been random and unplanned it had yielded the best results. Diana and I were closer than ever and I couldn't be happier.


I can't believe it's December already, the year is almost over... 2021 has rushed by so fast so let's all use this one last month to make sure we end the year with a blast, a good one.

Also happy new month to all my readers❤❤.





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