Between The Counter And Him

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Everything feels numb. My body almost aches but it feels good in a weird way. Opening my eyes I quickly shut them when sun shines in my eyes.

    I covers my eyes, opening them again before removing my hand allowing my sight to adjust. I'm in a warm bed and the blanket is clinging to my body, I don't want to leave. It took me a moment to realize the dampness of my hair and the dampness left behind. There is the faint scent of bleach and on the floor is pieces of fabric. My clothing.

Quickly I move the blanket to my chest, finally realizing I'm completely naked. I had a few seconds of panic, not recognizing what was happening until my hair fell in my face. I freeze and slowly take the strand between two fingers. It's white.

    Dropping the strand of hair, I slowly ease into the bed and hold my hand above my face. It bleach white, just like the Joker's. I finally remembered last nights events. 

I had pushed myself into a tank of acid to prove myself to the Joker. I had taken the chance of dying just so I could find out how the Joker felt about me.

     "He saved me." I whisper and I can't help but smile, my hand dropping onto my chest. I feel something shift beneath me and I jumps.

"Shut up." He growled and I quickly looked to my left. It was him, laying beside me with his arm under my back. His eyes were half open, his blue eyes piercing through me and his green hair untidy. I slowly sink back and he closes his eyes. He cares.


Shoving me against the bathroom wall, I gasp as he attacks my neck. The water is washing away the drying acid and revealing our true selves. We're both completely naked and his fingers are digging into my hips. He hasn't looked at me the wrong way, only looking at my face rather then my body. I was blissful, happy beyond compare. I can't keep the smile off my face and when he kisses my lips I have to pull away because I can't remove the smile. I've never felt more alive or loved in my life.

    But when something hard grazed my thigh I jumped, I couldn't help the reaction my body made. He noticed and he pulled away, panting with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"I- I'm sorry." I whisper and his stare hardens and he presses his lips against mine again. I instinctively wrap my fingers in his hair and he suddenly pulls away whining with a throaty growl, pressing his forehead against mine and growling again as he makes eye contact with me.

     "Next time I won't stop." He warns me, his lips brushing against my ears. A shiver runs down my spine and when he moves away my body almost falls down because of the missing pressure. He climbs out of the shower and I try not to look at his body as he grabs a towel and leaves.

Gasping, my hair clings to my face and I'm in shock. He stopped. He sensed my uncomfortable reaction and decided he wouldn't take it that far. That was all i needed as I slowly climbed out and grabbed a towel myself, I wrap it around my body and leave the bathroom, walking into the large bedroom.

    The Joker's room is large. He had a nice king sized bed with purple sheets that reminds me of a king. Parts of his walls have the words 'HaHaHa' scribbled on them and he has a small chandelier. Across from the bed is large pink/purple curtain covering a large window and his dresser is beside the bathroom door. A section of the floor has knives scattered across the floor and on the Joker's bedside table is a machine gun. On the bed was the Joker, he was sat down with the Arkahm asylum prison sweats on like pajama pants. He's shirtless and from what I could tell, his tattoo's are fainter then before and he would probably have to get them redone.

His hair is swept back and he is leaning forward on his knees, a scowl on his face as he's on his phone. Biting my lip, I lean against the bathroom threshold and clear my throat. He looks up and growls.

   I stand up straighter when he walks up to me, almost seemingly furious. For a moment I wasn't sure why he was so mad. Grabbing my arm he jerks me against him and that hazy feeling runs through me again. I want him to kiss me again, but instead he takes my chin in his hand and jerks my head up to look at him. He smiles and his next words are in the form of a growl. "Come sleep with daddy, baby."

~Present Time~

    He didn't touch me because he knew I wasn't comfortable because of what happened to me, even if he won't admit it. I know he won't admit things, he never will. His ego is too big that he will hide kind actions with harsh tones and actions. I was about to fall asleep again, my body easing into the comfortable mattress but the door jerked open.


    "What!?" Joker snaps sitting open. I open my eyes as his arms slides away from under me and see as man at the door. The guys eyes fall on me and I'm at a loss for words when he seemed lost for a second.

"Taylor." Joker growls and there is a threatening tone. The guy jumps a little and looks at the Joker, his eyes flickering between myself and Joker. He clears his throat.

     "We got information for your next  . . meeting." The guy stammers and I look in time to see the Jokers scowl turn into a grin. He gets up from the bed and the guy quickly leaves the room. I watch dumbly as Joker walks to the dresser and pulls something out, but when he loosens the strings of his sweats I look away before it falls.

I sit up, moving the blanket over my chest and playing with a strand of my hair. I sit awkwardly until an object is thrown in front of me. I quickly look to see it the Arkahm sweats and I look to see Joker pull on a new pair of pants and I catch a glimpse of his purple boxers. I slowly grab the sweat pants as he pulls on a button up shirt and throws a plain white one at me which I catch as well. He doesn't say anything, only looks at me before storming out of the room.

        I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in and look down at the clothing in my hands. He wants me to . . wear his clothing? I think. 

I'm hesitant at first, glancing between the door and the clothing in my hands. It's not like I have much of a choice, my clothing is ruined from the acid. So I slowly move out of the bed, pulling on the white shirt and buttoning it up. I then pull on the long sweat pants and tie the strings together before gazing into the mirror. Instantly I wrap my arms around my chest, you could see my nipples poking through the fabric slightly. Happily it isn't see through but it's a little uncomfortable non the less.

       Sitting on the end of the bed, I look around me and try to contain another smile as a wave of happiness courses through me. He isn't kicking me out. I'm with him. He saved me. Squealing I roll onto my back and stretch out my arms. I hold my hands together and squeak, smiling largely.

I didn't stop to think about my family. I didn't think of Camren or Jason. All I could think about is the Joker and the happiness I feel is over the top. I'm basically like a child meeting her celebrity crush who told her she's cute. But the difference is he isn't exactly a celebrity and I'm in love and he knows me. He also cares about me.

      I grin and sit up, not fazed by the knives laid out or the gun until now. I guess the knives are a collection. But a machine gun on his bedside table? That's a little much. 

Hesitantly I crawl to the pillows and lift up his, remembering his one arm being underneath it. When I lift it I'm not surprised so see a switchblade laying there. I have a small moment of fear and almost contemplate why I'm here. But the thought goes away when I notice how dry my throat is. Would I end up in trouble if I go to find the kitchen?

    Placing the pillow down I crawl off the large bed and walk towards the door. But I wince and I remember the bruise on my leg, I had caught a glimpse of it when pulling on my sweats. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. It's purple but not yellow.

I walk to the dresser holding the mirror, stepping over the knives and catching a glimpse of myself. I'm . . beautiful?

   My skin and hair are fair and my eyes are brighter and noticeable. My lashes are somehow more noticeable and my eyebrows are somehow still brown, a nice color. Joker's shirt is sticking to my curves and if you were to see me I would probably stick out like a soar thumb.

I can't help but smile as I push myself away from the dresser. Moistening my lower lip I walk to the door hesitantly and place my right hand on the door handle. Slowly I twist it and push it open a little bit causing a squeak. I wince, cringing and closing my eyes. I slowly peak with one eye and lean forward to look down the hall. It's long and lot's of doors on either side. The walls are white and the farther I go I feel uneasy. Eventually I found myself at the end of the hall and at a long white railing to my left. I look over the edge and see the front foyer. The staircase is white and the top wood is brown. Instantly I remember it from when Johnny brought me to his bosses house, the Joker's house.

    It's a bit of an odd feeling, knowing that I've been here before Joker ever allowed me inside. i decide to keep that to myself. I descend down the mini grand staircase as quietly as I can and instantly hear the sound of voices. To my left is the living room and I quietly peak inside. There are two men talking and neither are the Joker or Johnny.

"I can't believe he's back." The guy with black hair hisses to the red head.

     "We should just kill him, get everyone else against him." The red head says while racking his hand through his hair. 

"Are you crazy?" The other guys whispers in a hushed tone. "Someone will tell."

    "So? We could get people on our side. Starting tonight!" The red head hisses. I realize they're talking about the Joker and I quickly walk backwards. But my leg collides with something hard and I gasp as it teeters to the side, quickly I move and catch whatever it was. A cane holder.

"Who's she?" I look over my shoulder and see both men looking at me. I quickly set the thing up straight and turn to look at them, holding a hand up innocently. "Hi?"

    "The doors right there." The red head points and I glance to my right awkwardly. They turn around again and whisper, well, they talk normally just in hushed voices.

"Since when did nutzo bring in street walkers?" The red head whispers and I glare. 

     "I don't know, but she sure is hot. Maybe I'll go get some for myself later." The guy whispers and they laugh.

I glare at them and turn around, I storm to the other door and shove it open. But I halt to a stop as five eyes look at me. 

      "What do you want?" Joker growls and I jump. His blue eyes are focused on me and I bite my lip, wrapping an arm around myself. "Um. Can I have some water?"

Joker growls, turning away from me and talking to the men around him. But Johnny gestures for me to come over so i walk hesitantly to him, walking behind Joker.

   "Cups are in there, tap water." he tells me and I nod quickly and go to the cubard. I pull it open and grab a cup.

"What's the guys name again?" A guy asks.

     "Adam Davis." Johnny states and I freeze for a second. Adam Davis? Adam Davis.

"Oh no." Adam turns to me. "We have business with you."

    My blood runs cold and I didn't comprehend that I had dropped the glass cup. It shatters around my feet and all look at me. I stand completely still and no one breaths, but I hear a growl of annoyance and I quickly crouch down to grab the pieces.

"Sorry!" I whisper and my heart is still beating quickly. I swallow down my fear and don't notice the glass slicing my skin as I pick it up and place them in the Joker's shirt I was holding up as a surface.

     I hear fast footsteps coming in my direction and I jump a little but keep picking up my mess. 

"Stand up." He growls from behind me and I flinch. But I don't listen despite the warning in his voice and keep picking up the glass. Suddenly a hand grabs my elbow and tugs me up.

    "Come on baby!" He moans in my ear, pulling me up by the elbow and shoving my face into the plush couch. 

"Get away!" I scream a lash out my hand as the memory replays my hand. But the other hand grabs my wrist and I'm shoved into the counter, not hard enough to bruise or hurt me. I gasp and the glass in my hand slips and I open my eyes to meet harsh blue ones. I instantly relax although I know he's mad.

      "I'm sorry." I say quickly before he could say anything, his face showed anger and I quickly continue. "I just know the guy, Adam Davis."

He lets go of me and I drop a little, noticing he had pulled me up a little. I suck in a deep breath as Johnny pulls out a broom and sweeps the mess. I was going to go back to my room but Johnny holds a hand up at me. So as Joker leans on the counter again I idol behind him.

      "Now, where were we?" Joker grins as the men and I play with the hem of my -Joker's- shirt. Johnny scoops up the glass and throws it into the garbage. I don't pay attention to what the men are saying and Johnny grabs a new cup and fills it with water and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I whisper and he nods in acknowledgment. I take a sip and glance at the men with Joker, but as I look one makes eye contact with me. He looks me up and down and I quickly look away and start to leave. But a hand grabs me and I'm tugged towards the counter, my water splashing out of it's cup as Joker pushes me lightly against the table.

      I gasp when he presses himself flesh against me from behind and I place the cup down. "Stay." He growls, lips brushing against my ear before he moves away and puts his arm around me and leans on the table with the other one. Slowly I look up and all the other men are looking at me. 

I look down quickly and focus my gaze on Joker arm. His sleeves are pulled up to the elbow and I could see a little bit of muscle on his upper arm. I quickly avert my gaze from his arm and look at my own pale hands. I don't pay attention to there conversation, only on the fact that it's about Adam Davis. 

    Eventually the conversation ends and Joker stands up straight. One of them hold up a hand for a handshake but Joker ignores it, I vaguely remember Johnny saying he doesn't do handshakes.

"Pleasure doing business Mr J." One mumbles and Joker again ignores him. Joker looks at Johnny and nods for him to leave, when Johnny is out of the room Joker grabs my wrist and twists me around.

     "I want to go too." I gasp and he growls at me.

"Please." I whispers and he hums in delight, taking my chin in his head and tilting it upwards.

      "Please Mr J." I repeat quietly. I want to see him. I want to see if he recognizes me. If he regrets it or feels remorse. 

Joker hums tilting his head to the side. He pulls away and crouches down like a photographer, taking my hips in his hands and smiling. "Maybe you could be of some help."

     "So is that a yes?" I ask as he stands up, pointing at me. "On one condition."

"Anything." I gasp as he walks closer to me. My back makes contact with the counter and he continue, placing a finger on my lips and making the image of Adam hazy.

    "Listen when I tell you to do . . anything." He growls and I close my eyes, surprised by the delight I felt. He leans forward and his lips brush past my cheekbone and brush my ear, his hands placed firmly on my hips as he gives me a command. "Kiss me."

I waste no time when he pulls back to face me. I take a hold of the collar of his shirt and tug him against me. I press my lips against his and I'm instantly at peace. Any worry is gone and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. 

    We stayed like that in the kitchen for who knows how long. In a heated make out session, myself between the counter and him.

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