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"Alright, last one." I turn to a fresh page and write down the word. "love?"

"Madness." He answers and I look up at him, confused. I flip back to his old answer; love. I note this before looking up at him. He is hunched forward with an innocent smile on his face.

"Okay. . Well this will be all for-" I trail off when I look at him. He has his chin rested on the table and a strand of hair had fell in between his 'eyebrows'. He has a blank stare and I quickly get up.

His eyes are trained on me as I walk around the table and he sits up. I extend my hand and move the hair back. "Sorry," I mumble, "it was annoying me. . OCD." I lie and I know he sees through it.

A grin spreads across his lips and I'm instantly nervous. He quickly turns in the seat, kicking his leg out and knocking mine from under me. Gasping, I grab the first thing I could.

My hand landing on his shoulder, I fall on his lap rather then over which would have been the case. Slowly I look up, only for my nose to brush with another.

My mind becomes hazy as I realize the close proximity I had ended up in with my patient. I grip the shoulders of the straight jacket as he turns us in the chair and jerks forward. I quickly moves my hand on the table and I can't breath as he leans closer.

I couldn't help it. My eyes had shut without my permission and my hand had found it's way to the base of the collar. Slowly I open my eyes to meet blue staring right at me. His eyes are focused on me and when I finally realize what is happening as we get closer, I moved my head to the side and feel his lips graze my cheek. Slowly I slide my head down to his shoulder.

"I uh-" I begin and hear a low growl emit from his throat. Slowly, I pull back and clear my throat, brushing a strand of hair back. "That will be all for today."

I stared in shock. He was right there, so close. But part of me kept nagging that it was just another hallucination. Like Dr Quinzell. But everyone else was reacting to him, not just me. Or was that a hallucination too?

"I-" stuttering I fumble with my hands. His grin drops and it morphs into a scowl. I gulp. "I thought you were dead."

"Dead?" His reply was instant. Hesitantly I walked around the corner, slowly making my way to him like if I made the wrong move he would attack or run. Or disappear. I was so scared that when I made it to him he wouldn't be there anymore.

But if he was a hallucination. . Would I be able to touch him? Or would my hand go straight through as if he were a ghost. I never tested that theory with Dr Quinzell before.

His chuckle made me freeze. I stopped completely and it took me a moment to realize he was walking to me. Fast and annoyed.

I stumbled back, walking away in response. What if he touched me and I didn't feel anything? I don't want that. I don't want to realize he isn't really there.

I stopped, closing my eyes. A hand on my wrist pulled me out of it and I opened my eyes expecting to see Jackson or Louis. But it wasn't. It was him. Mr J.

"Dead?" He repeated, tugging my arm up. All I could do was stare in complete awe as he tugged me so close I could feel his breath fanning my face. My gaze landed on his hand, the smiling mouth on display and rings. I look back up at him and in his eyes. A dark raging grey storm.

I couldn't help it. I needed to see if it would work and I haven't done it in so long. I leaned forward and kissed him. Quick and brief but enough to know it was really him. He's alive. Everyone was wrong and I was right the whole entire time.

When I pulled away he still looked pissed, but it had softened. He grins and cups my face. "Oh Harl."

"Puddin'?" I whisper and his grip tightens, his grin falling. "Oh Harl, out of anyone I know I would of thought you to be the last to believe I'm dead."

"I-" he cuts off my squeak. He started walking and I stumbled back, holding onto his arm to keep me upright. "I thought you were smart Quinzell."


"Everyone what?" He growls and my gaze falters. I look up and blink, my eyes stinging. "Everyone kept saying it, I didn't believe it but I kept seeing things and-"

His dark stare and growl shut me up. My gaze flickered to his lips in the heat of the anger and I couldn't hold back. I needed to kiss him again. Feel his lips. Feel him.

So I did exactly what I wanted. Pressing my lips against his. Tightening my small grip kn his forearm. When he didn't react, I opened my eyes slowly. Enough to see he was staring at me. Emotionless. I couldn't tell what he wanted. But I saw he wasn't angry.

His hand dropped and then suddenly grabbed my hips. I gasp as he shoves me back and my lower back hits the counter hard enough it could leave a bruise. But before I could really comprehend this he was kissing me. Heated and hungry. I wrapped my arms around his neck, a smile growing on my lips the longer it lasted.

    I pulled away, not being able to contain the smile. A growl emitted from his lips. I laugh. "I love you."

His eyes caught with mine and my smile drops. I stare up at him innocently. Instead of saying it back or walking away he leaned in, kissing my jaw. I wasn't sure what this meant. But I allowed it.

      My eyes opening I freeze, seeing Damon slowly emerging from the corner of my eyes. I gripped the hair near the nape of J's neck. Slowly Jackson emerged from behind Damon and then Louis. When I met Louis eyes I looked away, closing mine. I felt a shot of betrayal. Realizing all of them were so concentrated on telling me Joker was dead.

A shattering bang caused me to jump but J didn't pull away. Instead he pulled out his gun, pointing it in the direction of the noise. I blink, my eyes training on Justin who lay sprawled on the ground with pots and pans around him. Louis and Damon quickly grabbed knives and J slowly stood up straight, chuckling slowly before turning. He raised a hand and wagged his finger, tutting them.

    "What do we have here?" He growled and I looked between him another boys. I followed closely as he made his way to them. From the counselor my eyes I saw Allison behind the counter.  She moved to get up burning shaken my head. She slowly nods and hides.

"Look, we just want to-" Jackson starts with his hands held up in surrender. But Damon quickly cut in. "Let Amber go."

     As soon as he said it everyone knew he was a complete idiot. Jackson closed his eyes and Louis cringed slightly. I glanced at Joker, his smile long forgotten as he glared at Jackson.

"Let her go?" He asked and I grab J's arm. "Come on Mr J, let's go."

     He didn't respond to me and held up his gun instead. Directing it at Louis head. "You see, I just got my stuff back and you have the nerve to display it as yours?"

"She isn't someone's stuff J." Louis cut in. J pointed the gun at him laughing. "I've seen you somewhere. . Larry? Louendo? Oh I know it's something to do with loo."

      "Just let her go J. She's ditsy and vexing." Louis tried to explain. I glared at him, a growing anger directed for him in the pit of my stomach. Joker laughed and my scowl fell. "Oh I know Loo, she's also crazy."

Joker laughed and stepped away, opening his arms. He stepped behind me. "Crazy, hilarious, genius-" he growled and grabbed my hips. "Creamy skinned. The perfect jester. The perfect queen."

       "Genius?" Damon asked with a laugh. I was in a daze, staring at him wide eyed. He explained. "Top in her class with a degree in psychology criminology."

"Isn't it her choice?" Louis broke in. Joker grinned, pointing the gun at him. "I gave her the choice bumbo. I always did."

       I blink in surprise. He always did. The choice to fall for him, the choice to stay with him, the choice to resume with a normal boring life or seek him out. I always had a chance to get out of it. But I chose to stand inbred chaos with him. Joker looked at me and I didn't skip a beat.

"I'll always pick you J." I answered. I didn't look at the others. Joker turned back to Damon, who's eyes were trained on me. Joker growled. "Anyone ever tell you not to ogle."

     A gun shot rang through the room and I stared in shock when Damon crumpled to the ground. Grabbing his shoulder. "Tell me Harl, ever touched you."

"Yes." I answered. But quickly elaborated. "Only my arm."

    "Good enough." He growled and I close my eyes as another gun shot fired. When I opened  my eyes J walked out of the way. Revealing Damon with a gunshot in his head. He raised his gun. "Who else."

He pointed it at Louis and Jackson. I was going to let it happen. Betrayed by what they told me. But when I realized, Jackson had told me he thought J was alive, he'd been telling me what everyone wouldn't. That J was alive.

      I moved quickly. Standing in front of the gun when it fired. I gasped as a burning pain shot through my shoulder. My hand quickly covered the wound and when I looked up at J his face was contorted into one of anger. He growled. "Harley."

"Let them go J. Who cares?" I asked and he lashed out. He swung his hand and back handed me. I fell to the ground and groaned. My hand moved to my cheek that now stung.

    "I care Harl." He growled and I couldn't see what he was doing. I looked and saw he had shoved Louis down. Pressing his foot over the hand with the knife. He growled with the gun raised to the man's head. But to my surprise he stepped away. "Never again Harl."

He stopped in front of me, holding out his hand. I stared at his hand in a slight shock. Everything was still a bit of a jumble. But he sighed in annoyance. Growling. "Harley."

      I took his hand and he tugged me up by my good arm. I fell into his arms with a wince. When I looked into his face I saw he had a deep frown, staring at my wound. He growled, shoving off his purple jacket. He threw it over me and I grabbed the ends pulling it around me. It was so warm.

I stared at him as he lead me out of the room. To the door. When he spoke I hung onto every words and didn't question. "Which ones haven't disrespected you."

      "Jackson and Justin." I answered quietly. Knowing his description of respect towards me was not touching me or flirting or staring the wrong way. He was possessive.

I barely heard him when we walked out into the hall. Only seeing him stop a henchmen. He growled something that I didn't comprehend. "Kill the Loo boy."

     I wasn't sure when we walked out of the asylum. Or how we got out. I forgot about the bullet wound and I was in shock. He was with me. The two of us together. We walked into the crisp air and he whispered in my ear. "I got the bear rug waiting by the fire with two cups of cream soda on the rocks."

I allowed him to lead me into the truck. He growled instructions as we got into the backseat. He pointed a gun at the driver, "look at her and I'll kill you."

      He turned to me, pulling of the jacket. I was surprised when he inspected my shot wound and that when he looked at it, I saw a look J his eyes I don't really remember ever seeing. Guilt and regret.

"The bullet went straight through, you aren't bleeding anymore." He stated as the car drove through the gates. Leaving Arkham behind us. I smiled. He grabbed a piece of cloth. I'm not sure from where but he covered the wound.

       Time went by slowly and I hadn't realized I feel asleep on his shoulder. He woke me up and I got up slowly. When I looked out the window I froze seeing what laid in front of us. Home.

He held out a hand to me and I took it. He lead me to the door and only then did I notice his eyes scanning my body. He whispered in my ear. "Welcome home."

      I opened the door and walked into the warm house. I barely comprehended Joker throwing his can in the holder. I turned to face him, a smile growing on my lips. "This is real?"

He grinned at me and took my hips in his hands. He tugged my pelvis against his own causing me to gasp. "Oh it's real baby."

        His hands landed on my shoulder and he slid his jacket from my arms. Resting his hands on my bare shoulder. I knew what he wanted and I wanted it too.

"Mr J." I mumble, my hands tugging at the belt of his pants. "J, I-"

      His lips were on mine, hot and demanding. Overwhelming and hot as I'm shoved against the wall.

As I pulled off the belt he tugged blindly at my cloths, seemingly refusing to remove his lips from my own. He walked me into the living room, we stepped onto the rug as my cloths fell into a puddle around my feet. He the tugged me to the rug covered ground with him.

-Third Person-

They continued to remove layer after layer of clothing until nothing separated us. This didn't take too long.

    Joker trailed kisses all over her body. Apologies, greed, desire. He traces adoration over her body with his tongue. Expressing everything he didn't dare say out loud with words, he found other ways. His fingers leaving marks on her hips and his mouth leaving trails of marks between her chest and down her stomach. He relished in the sound dog pleasure and pain mixed in one.

When they finally molded together the room became hot and trembling. Filled with growling, moaning, the name J tumbling from her lips. But he only growled into her neck. Showing him how he felt towards her.

         ~Amber's POV~

I lay on the fur rug, staring at the crackling fire. I'm in bliss. My leg placed over his torso, my hand and head on his chest. I'm not sure how long it's been like this. But I love it.

        I trace his tattoos as he lays with his eyes shut. I don't think he's asleep. He's easily woken up by movement. But I also think he was just tired. To lazy to stop my drawing. I kissed his chin. "I love you."

I then moved to get up but his hand caught my wrist. When I looked at his face his eyes were open lazily. "Where are you going?"

       I always relished when he talked without a teasing tone or laugh or growl. When he just talked normally, his voice deep but light. Don't get me wrong, I love how he talks either way. But when he talked like this. If made me feel like we were a normal couple at home after a long day at work. It was refreshing.

"I need to shower J." I grin at Jim and brush back a strand of his green hair. He sighed, eyes shutting. "Go."

      I grinned and got up stumbling slightly. I walked into the hall and grabbed his jacket off the floor and wrapped it around myself. When I spotted Rat Rat I picked him up and I then walked up stairs.

I slowed my steps as I walked through the hall. Writing that wasn't there before was everywhere. A vase smashed in the corner and a hole through the wall from a punch. I halted to a complete stop. On the wall near our room. Carved out from what was probably a knife, was one name and word; Evol Harley.

       A faint smile appeared on my lips as I left to our room. It was clean except there was no longer a mirror. I dropped J's jacket onto the bed and Rat Rat in a cage in the corner before I  walked into the bathroom.

The shower was amazing although it hurt the wound a little. I had started a fit of giggles, unable to contain my vibrant smile. When I stepped out I wrapped it up and pulled on a towel. As I walked out into the room I instantly spotted J -in his pants- with the tattoo gun near the bed. "J?"

      He turned to face me and grinned. He gestured to the bed and a small grin appeared on my lips. I did as he wished of me and when I reached the bed he told me to lay on my stomach. I did so and he removed the towel before climbing onto me.

I heard the tattoo gun start and winced when he started. When I asked what it was he never answered. Concentrated.


I was shoved against the wall again. I gasped as he kissed me hotly. When the door opened, a henchmen walking in J didn't answer him with words. Burns bullet.

        When the door opened again J growled. Pulling away to see Frost. I was happy that I was in a purple bralette and J's Arkham pants.

"What?" He growled and Frost kept his eyes on J. "Something's up at the fun house."


I walked into a room and waved at a clown with a chainsaw. I looked at my 'guard'. "He seems nice."

       I had to convince J to let me come. Promising I'll do what he told me. After a while he finally said yes, but only because there was no way there could be actual danger for me. All they know is that the clowns kept hearing contagious and disturbing laughter inside the fun house.

I stop when I heard the laughter. It was kind of creepy but I kind of recognized it. Like I've heard something like that before.

     I walked into the room and J stopped to look at me. I walked into the room and walked slowly towards the laughter. "A box?"

"Harley." Joker growled but I ignored him. Reaching the box I lifted the lid. Everyone tensed up when two things jumped out, pushing me to the ground. Laughter surrounded me and I joined in as slobbery tongues tickled me in a frenzy of doggy kisses.

       "Awe they're so cute!" I squeal and turn to face J. "Can we keep them!?"

"Of course doll." He grinned, eyes on the dangerous puppies. I grinned at him and scratched under ones ear. This earned me a repeated leg thump as he fell into my side.

      "Hy- hyenas!?" The chainsaw clown stuttered as I pet the two cuties. I corrected him. "Spotted hyenas actually. Right babies?"


      "What are we naming them?" I grin as we walk into our room. As the two hyenas fought. over a piece of stake.

Joker looked at the two. a frown on his lips before he answered. "Bud and Lou."

      "Oh I love it!" I grin as he pulled me into our room. I laugh as I'm dragged to the bed slowly and he has me climb onto his lap. He kisses me and I smile in it.

He head dropped do my shoulder and he growled. His eyes landing on the wound. I went to tell him it was okay, that it's just numb. But he cut me off with something I didn't expect.

       "I love you too."

"Sometimes you need to switch around the letters to catch the true meaning of someone's words." -Madly In Love, Evol

(Thought you guys would likes some Harley and Joker moments)

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