Here For The Party

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"Well, it's not like she knows where we are." I state as he stands behind me, glaring at the screen. Me and Camren aren't close but she's never really done anything to hurt me. Her and Jason were the only good friends I had even if we aren't close. I'm not sure I would like seeing Joker hurt her like I did when he hurt Mason. It's different.

       "Mm that is true." He states and stands up crossing his arm, a devilish grin spreads across his cheeks. "But that shouldn't stop us from having fun. She's still a liability."

He turns around with a swing of his right legs and strolls to the small bar in the back. I bite my lip and move onto my side. I cross my arms on the couch and rest my chin on it. He turns around with two drinks on the rocks.

       "She can barely pick up a grocery bag, I'm sure we're fine." I half lie -my accent slipping- with a roll of my eyes. He walks past the back of the couch and I quickly move so I'm on my bum.

"She was smart enough to know I have you." He states, placing the one cup on the table then sitting down. He places his arms on the arms and sits back like a king. He rocks his head to look at me. "I'm not dealing with smart bitches."

      I nod slowly, clicking my tongue. Camren is actually and nice girl. Not a bitch at all. But I know correcting him probably isn't a good idea. So I decide I will try to distract him. Maybe if I do enough he'll forget about it. I scan the room for a topic and notice the bear rug is missing. I remember the night events and glance sideways at him. "What happened to the rug?"

"I put it away, it's only for.." He trails off, looking me up and down. "Special occasions." He explains and I feel a chill run down my spine at the simple thought. A knock on the door interrupts us and I look to see Johnny standing at the door.

      "What?" Joker asks, dropping his head back. Johnny clears his throat and walks in, grabbing a stray chair and sitting on it backwards.

"I found information on that . . problem you texted me about." He tells him and I frown. Already? It's been about ten minutes.

     "And?" Joker raises an eyebrow and Johnny gestures to me.

"The girl was Quinzel's roommate, same address we sent the present to." Johnny explains and I bite my lip. Is it a bad thing I didn't tell Joker the address right away. Joker glances in my direction and I look away at my hands out of reflex. Is he mad?

     "Then what are we doing? Get the car ready." Joker smile and stands up. I look up instantly and stand up without thinking. "No!"

Joker stops and turns his head slowly to look at me. I instantly fall back on my bum and I notice Johnny freeze to, watching Joker carefully. Joker then smiles that twisted smile and I know I'm in trouble. 

    "Darling, come with me." Joker says, holding out his hand and walking to me. I stare at his hand with the ring and take his hand slowly. I don't think Joker would kill me. But I'm not stupid enough to not know he'll hurt me. I was lucky he hadn't been too angry finding out I know where Camren lives. But then I told him no.

Joker smiles when my small hand is in his larger one. He then pulls me up harshly so I ram into his body. I grab a fistful of his shirt and stare right ahead of me. I'm in level with his chest and neck. I can see the tattoos peaking through his red wine shirt. He leans down and whispers, no, growls in my ear. "That was a bad idea."

     I close my eyes momentarily as I hear him breath in slowly before pulling away. He tells Johnny the car will wait and I open my eyes slowly, looking through my hair and meeting Johnny's eyes. Johnny gives me a look of sympathy as Joker's hand slides to the small of my back and he leads me out. I look back at Johnny until he's out of sight. Joker pulls me out of my daze by growling in my ear. "Don't make me get rid of my best henchmen, Harl."

I nod and we walk up the steps. He leads me down the hall and I see the room. The one at the end of the hall beside Joker's. The room looks like it's obviously Jokers, like it should be. The grand room of the house; the nicest. But that's the room where he had put those two men in. It's what I think is his torture room. I had heard by one of the men that there is only one key and it's only to get out. Whoever walks in gets stuck inside unless they break down the or have the keys. 

     I tense up, knowing he'll put me in there. But what is he going to do? He wouldn't hurt me, would he? He has killed people because they hurt me, why would he go and do the same? He's crazy that's why. The door is getting closer and I see the scratched H and A scarred into it clearer. But when we reached it, Joker didn't open it a shove me inside and torture me. He turned to the left and opened his bedroom door and lead me inside.

He slams the door shut with a growl and I jump. I quickly turn my back away from me and stare with wide eyes as he points at me. "That was stupid Amber."

    "I! I'm sorry. It just slipped out! It won't-" I start as he starts stalking towards me but shut it when I see the look on his face. He's annoyed.

"You can't do those things with other there hon, ruins the reputation." He opens his arms in the playful way he usually does and I feel the back of my knees hit something. I look back to see the bed. My chin is suddenly grabbed and I gasp as Joker turns my head to face him and tilts it up. I hadn't even realize he broken the space between us. 

      "Look at me!" He growls and I look him in the eyes, setting my jaw. He doesn't smile or frown. He replicates the expression and stare back, not saying anything. We stared for who knows how long and I almost forgot the situation we were in. . I did forget. I was so lost in his eyes and I realize how fucked up of a situation I'm in. I'm insane. I'm so in love that for some reason I don't think I would run if he hurt me. As long as I got to look in those devilish light blue eyes. 

"What?" I ask, surprised by the awe in my voice. He seemed to notice this and a flicker of shock crossed his eyes. He tightened his grip, pressing his eyebrows together in confusion as he searched my own eyes for a moment. Without warning he shoves me down on the bed and walks away to the closet. I quickly turn to look and he growls. "Bend over the bed."

         I stare at him in confusion. Bend over the bed? When he looks back at me with a glare I quickly oblige. I place my feet on the floor and bend over on my stomach. I lay in confusion as he walks back and when he rips the back of my shirt with the obvious metal of a switchblade I squeak. I quickly look behind me but he shoves my face into the mattress. A tremble of fear runs down my spine and suddenly something hard hits my back and I gasp and curl my fingers around the blankets.

He hits my back again with the long thin object and when I look up, catching my reflection in the mirror, I know what it is. He hold up a whip before bringing it down on my back again. I jump, gasping in pain as he does it for the fifth time with his lips curled back. I see him pull his arm back and I tense up, closing my eyes and wait for the next blow. But it never came.

      I open my eyes slowly and look at the mirror. Joker is no longer there and the door is left open. Slowly I push myself up and wince. My whole body feels numb. From the sex, from the tattoos and now this. 

I slowly get up and I'm in shock. It was painful but so fast. It went by quickly and it hurt. But it finished as soon as it started. I feel like Joker does these things for long period of time. He likes to hear the screams and he teaches a lesson. But this was quick. No real time to hear me bag for him to stop it.

    I walk to the mirror across the room and turn around slowly. I place my hand behind me as best I can, wincing as my hand grazes where he had hit me. When I turn I stop and stare. There isn't blood or anything that would scar. Just five red marks that hurt painfully but look like what a slap leaves behind. Only one mark has the smallest dotting of blood. Why didn't he hurt me completely?

~Joker's POV~

     Kill her!        No!     Pretty pretty pretty pretty!             Such creamy skin

 Yes!                        Torture her.       Stab her!              HEE HEE HA!         Let's keep her

             Grab the vase and smash in her head!              Fuck her!           Throw her in the streets!

Ring around the rosy, a pocket full of-                  She's making us weak!    -posies-  HAHA!

      -Ashes, Ashes-            she feels so good around my-.       let's fucker her now!     love her!

She's making you weak J! Let's finish the job!        -we all fall down!     KILL HER!

I growl, slamming my fist into the glass mirror. The voices stop abruptly and ignore the shards sticking to my skin. The pain feels nice and it distracts me. I slam open the medicine cabinet and find nothing. I roll my eyes and storm out, my body radiating anger as I push back my hair. A henchmen walking up the steps quickly backs away as I walk past him.

       Are we playing with her again?           Ooh I wanna play!       Lets fuck her against the wall.

I stop abruptly at the door and close my eyes, curling my hands into fists.

   Are you going to kill her?         Torture her!          We should test out the new bat.

I shove open the door and Amberly jumps from across the room. She turns the face me and I stop for a moment as I take her in. Her silky white hair and skin, the tattoo's and eyes. So distracting. so.. I couldn't finish. I saw those eyes in the mirror and I had to leave. Those eyes are killing me. A demon, a siren, she's feeding me lust and attraction until I die. She's different and I don't know what she is making me think. I hate it. I hate her 

   "Would you live for me?"  She stare in awe and didn't hesitate. "Yes."

Why!? Why would you live for me? What are you doing to me? 

    She put poison in the prison food!        The bitch is a with!      Kill her!


    Her voice echoes through the room and I look up at her. I glare and she's staring at me in awe.

Naive.        Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty.     Beautiful!        Daddies little monster.

       "I'm all your's."

I growl and walk to her. She back up one step and I take a hold of the shirt collar and tug it away from her. Her hands clasp over her chest and she looks at her feet, eyes wide. I stretch it out arm by arm before I walk behind her. I wrap up the single bloody mark that goes from hip to hip. She relaxes and I pick up the bra from last night.

      Red and lacy.          Oh I do love lace.     What a pleasuring night.  

  "J! J! J!" She moans from beneath me.

    "Here." I growl and throw it at her, not looking at her. I don't know what I'll do if I see her chest. 

"Thank you." She replies and I look at her. The bra is on and she's looking at her hands. I stare at her face. "What is it?"

       "It's just. ." She hesitates and I frown, standing up and crossing my arms. "Spit it out."

"Do you have to hurt her?" She looks me in the eyes and I clench my jaw. Yes. . No one else get's to have you. Only me. No other ties you might just leave for. She's mine. Ours.

        I walk up to her and place a hand on her cheek. Rubbing the cheek bone she closes her eyes and I whine. Why is she so. . Good? She presses her cheek and I grin, pleased with the reaction. I then leave. No answer to her question because I don't want to see her give me that look. Disappointment.

Because mommy did?      I growl and yell for Johnny to have the car ready.    Do you want people to disrespect you? No.    I leave the house and slam the door shut behind me. She's mine.   She's ours.

         ~Camren POV~

I have an uneasy feeling as I climb out of my shower, the tap now off. I stare at the door and lock it before quickly drying my body. 

         I pull on my pajama pants and a shirt. I pull back my hair and pull on my robe before standing back ant taking everything in. I had looked through the notebook before going to the police station. I think Amberly actually believes she's in love. The Joker was manipulating her and maybe I can get her out of it. But how? She had good people in her life and she threw it away for a sociopath. She had me, Jason, and Elizabeth. 

I hear Sebastian meow loudly and I laugh, he must have knocked something over again. I open the door and stretch out my arms and yawning. I walk to the kitchen to get a drink but I stop when I glance at the mirror. Two men are in my living room and one is petting Sebastian. They both have masks on, one that resembles a creepy doll and the other a devil. 

     I freeze, slowly backing up. I'll get out quietly. Get to my neighbors or go to work. But as I turn around I'm met with a tall figure in my door away. A cane in hand and green hair slick back, he flips a coin and looks at me with an expression I didn't expect. He looks like he's in deep thought, mouth hanging as he thinks about something important. But then a smile grows as he makes eye contact with me and my heart sinks. The Joker.

"Hello Camy, we're here for the party."

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