Want Daddy To Save You?

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~1 Week Later~

   'I'm just gunna hurt'ch yuh. Really, really, bad.'

I gasp, my eyes flying open as a hand makes contact with my own. I grab the persons arm but they grab mine, making me look at them.

    Jason. I slowly let go and fall back, trying to calm myself. Himself, Camren and Elizabeth are sat quietly in the room. They've been here since they heard I was here. Also, Jason and Cam are kind of off work until everything calms and they feel safe to go back.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeth asks loudly and I wince from the noise. I look around us and we're in a hospital room. A monitor is attached to my arm and it's a little faster then it probably should be.

    "Where am I?" I whisper and when I close my eyes I see him. He's still mocking me as I lay in the chair. He's laughing but at the end he is just staring at me, expressionless. I always ask that same question when I don't know what to say.

"The hospital. Batman found you at Arkham. . You were tortured by the Joker." Cam tells me and I nod slowly. I close my eyes and his face flashes across them again, I groan. It hurt. It really did. but I never screamed and he didn't stop until my body was barely reacting. The last thing I remember was him staring down at me. The only thing I could remember was him. I wasn't even sure if I could remember what that therapy room looked like.

    "I'm an idiot." I moan and lay back. I keep my eyes open, not wanting to see him. But I don't think I regret it. Or do I? I mean, it's not like we made a plan. But I did help him out and he repaid me by putting me in a hospital.

"You had no control Am." Jason reassures me and I wanted to laugh at the irony. No, I did have control. But his henchmen were waiting for him, his goons. Would they have run in even if Joker didn't have a gun? They would have released him. Or would they kill the leader when he's tied up. I have no idea.

    He made me think he cares. Saying he would 'avenge' me and being kind when I was hurt. He seemed mad when he saw the bruises left behind by Mason. Yet he shot electricity through my brain. If I really think about it, he wasn't only manipulating me like I was thinking, he in a way seduced me. I guess I put it all on myself. But you can't blame me for being a little bit mad. I think I am.

"When do I get out again?" I moan and just on cue there is a knock on the door. The doctor smiles at me from the doorway. "Hello Ms Quinzel. We will be doing some tests and see if-"


"We should go out." Elizabeth suggests and I frown a little from my bed. Cam rolls her eyes and tries to make sure I'm comfortable. The doctor -although allowed me out- advised I stay inside and rest. 

     "Come on! It's been a week since the whole thing, I think Amber will be fine." She waved it off and I partially wished Jason was still here. Elizabeth can't seem to hide the fact that she's already forgotten the incident at the Asylum. I've learned that my best friend likes to put herself before others a lot of the time. She likes being the center of attention and that usually leads me to being in her shadow. 

"The doctor said-" Cam began and Elizabeth cut her off. "The doctor advised, meaning she can go out."

      I roll my eyes, massaging the side of my head. Go out and risk being in the hospital again or stay home and watch movies? I bite my lip and before I could decide, Elizabeth had thrown a dress on my lap.

"I don't care what you think Camren. Me and my best friend are going out. Right Amber?" I blink at her and I nod slowly. I really can't deal with her getting mad at me for not wanting to go out. Even if it's reasonable to stay indoors.

    Camren stalks off to her room and with a sigh I go to the bathroom. After pulling on the black dress I do my makeup and leave my hair in a curled mess. When I walk out she throws a pair of shoes at me and I pull them on without much thinking. 

I know it's not a good idea. I know I should just stay and not care what Elizabeth says. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions. But I'm too tired to fight. My adrenaline rush of confidence is gone. I'll probably end up sitting around and watching as Elizabeth dances and the loud music gives me a killer headache.

    We got in the car and Elizabeth decided it's a good idea to just find the first club we could. It's not like it would be hard, I do think it could be dangerous. But then again, I've brought a machine gun into my work and gave it to a psychotic clown. I'll also make sure to make myself unappealing, so no sexy dancing.

We ended up in front of a large club with a long line. Across the street is some homeless guy smoking some weed and I just saw a girl wearing barely anything get in a guys car after being given money. 

   "Are you sure about this place Beth?" I mumble and she nods. 

"Why not? It's obviously good, look at the line." She points and I nod. Exactly. Maybe we won't even get inside, that would be nice. 

   As Beth gets out of the car, I suddenly realize what exactly happened last time. I was raped the last time I went to the club and that was on the better side of town. This is the bad side, this is where the bad guys are. 

Just don't make eye contact. I think and slowly push open the door. If some big guy walks up to you just decline. If he starts leading the way get out as fast as I can.

    I slowly follow Beth inside, running a hand through my hair. After slamming the doors shut Beth locks the doors and we get in line. It only took an hour until we were at the front and I was already tired. I wanted to go back but knowing Elizabeth I'd probably end up walking home.

The guy didn't even check out ID's. He looked us over before letting us in, sending a wink Elizabeth's way. The music wasn't as loud as I thought J would be. Quieter then the other club we were at.

     When we were inside I felt I would puke. The whole room was filled with sweaty bodies. The tables were mostly empty and people were grinding and making out on seats. There's a few stripper poles and the bar is lit up. The place seemed important and I felt I shouldn't be here. It had a feeling to it, like people die every night.

"Beth? I don't know about this place." I tell her so she could hear me, by she ignored what I said. "What!? I can't hear you Am!"

        She grabs my arm and tugs me into the large room. She squishes me through bodies and I feel hands. One grabbing my hips and tugging me towards him, I push him off and try following Beth. Hands grabbed my ass and I felt I would have a panic attack. I held onto Elizabeth to help me through, closing my eyes.

I saw him. He was taunting me and laughing at me again. I could almost feel the pain of electricity again. He hadn't put numbing on so it had hurt right away.

     "I will have a whiskey sour and my friend here-" she began.

"No, I don't want a drink." I try telling her but she continues. "-Will have a dirty Shirley. Thanks."

       She pulls the money out from between her boob's and hands it to the guy with a wink. But when she turned to me, he flicked it. I wanted to laugh, I don't think Beth realizes that bartenders hate when girls do that. Because of our boob sweat.

"Do you want to wait for the drinks? I'm gonna dance. Thanks!" She smiles and squeeze her way into the dance floor. I sigh and take a seat at the bar.

      After being given the drinks, I sip on mine and look behind me. I can't spot Beth but I decide I would just sit around until she comes by. I purposely avoid looking at the booths. VIP basically.

Eventually Elizabeth came back after four songs with a guy trailing behind her. He has a hold on her waist, he has a jock feel to him and his hair is blonde and has a boyish grin. I frown.

      "Am! This is my friend Josh." She gestures to him and he smiles. He hold out his hands and I take notice he apparently thinks boob's are eyes.

"Hi," I say politely and shake his hand. Beth quickly grabs her drink and finished it quickly. She points at my drink. "Are you going to finish that?"

      "I-" I begin but she takes it anyways. "Thank you!"

I cringe, knowing Beth is a light weight. She is also my ride and I don't have a license. My frown only deepens when she asks for five shots. She had three and he had two. Straight vodka.

       "Beth!" I call as they begin to grind on the dance floor. I groan. "Beth!"

I get up from my seat and try making my way to her. But in the process, a guy had grabbed me and started grinding on me again.

~Johnny Frost POV~

        "Mr J?" I ask in confusion. My boss had just been talking to one of his partners. But now he's looking out to the dance floor.

"Are you-" I begin but he hold up a hand and I shut up. He slowly moves his head away and points at me. "You."

       "Yes?" I ask and he smiles.

"I want you to get some drinks for me and my guests." He smiles before looking out into the dance floor again. I follow his gaze and I freeze. "Get them."

       "Yes sir." I mumble and walk out. The Joker looks pissed, glaring at Amberly Quinzel and the man behind her.

People move out of the way as I walk through the crowd, knowing who I am.

         "I said get off of me." I hear Amberly say, weakly pushing the guy. But he doesn't hear her and she has her eyes shut tightly.

"Ms Quinzel." I make my presence known and she freezes, gripping the guys arms. I continue. "My boss would like to see you."

        "But I didn't do anything." She groans, opening her eyes. Recognition seems to wash over her. "Frosty?"

~Amberly's POV~

        I stared in almost shock and the guy behind me instantly let go of me. I looked back and saw he is a brunette with a choppy haircut and has dark eyes, his skin is tan. I look back at Johnny Frost; I take in the suit, the professional talk and the fact that he told me his boss wanted to see me. But the one thing I noticed most was a purple flash of memory. I remember him. From that night at Arkham. But I wasn't sure how.

"Boss?" I ask and suddenly he reached his hand out to grab the brunettes arm. Johnny gives him a look. "You too."

       "I! I didn't do anything wrong!" He rambles and Johnny ignores it, looking at me.

"I'm sorry Amber. If you listen to what he says you'll be fine." He tells me and I feel like I'm going to puke. "No, no, no. Please Johnny, not again." I almost whimpers and he gives me a look of sympathy.

      "Hey! What's going on?" Beth bumps into me and the other guy is gone. She looks Johnny up and down like a hormonal animal.

"My boss would like to see her." He tells her and she instantly wraps and arm around me, obviously drunk. "Well he'll have to see the two of us. Who is he?"

      Johnny looks between us, still holding onto the other guy. "The Joker."

My heart dropped. The Joker. I almost wanted to cry. What did he want? Was he going to kill me? Finish the job? 

       "Yes!" Elizabeth exclaims eagerly and my eyes widen. "What!?"

"He's one of the hottest guys out there Am!" She squeals and I give her a look. "He tortured me!"

      "You're being melodramatic. Lead the way cutie!" Elizabeth exclaims and I look at her in horror. What the hell is wrong with her!? The Joker is dangerous. Doesn't she understand that!?

Johnny turned and some of the crowd parted. Elizabeth tugged me along and I gave up fighting. I have an idiotic best friend who is ready to drag me into a room with a criminal who tortured me because she thinks he's attractive. I'm definitely pissed.

       "In here." Johnny states and shoves the guy inside. Elizabeth lets go and walks in slowly. I freeze and find it almost hard to breath. He was sat back in a chair with a silver jacket on. It was left open and he has on a red shirt that is buttoned open and exposing his tattoos.  Somehow he is handsomer then the last time I saw him and he had a cane in hand. And his eyes are on me. He isn't glaring but they are dark. His hand is rested on the cane and he ignores the guy inside when he holds out his hand. 

  "He doesn't shake hands. Sit down." Johnny orders and the guy and my best friend take a seat

     The way Joker looks at me makes me feel like a child about to be scolded by her parent. I look away and push my way through the beads and sit beside Elizabeth.

"H-hello Mr Joker." The guy stumbles over his words and I lick my dry lips. The Joker moves his gaze from me and from the way he sits, he looks like a king. His gaze lands on the guy. 

     "Hi!" Elizabeth squeaks nervously and he looks at her now. "I'm Elizabeth, I like your outfit." She tries to get on his good side. He suddenly leans forward on his cane and smiles.

"You trying to sweet talk me?" he grins and Elizabeth instinctively moves closer to me. The Joker looks at me and I instantly look at my hands. I can feel his gaze hardens and I look in time to see him stand. He swings his cane and walks around the table.

   "What are you doing in my club?" He growls and I want to curse myself. His club. 

"We- we were partying." Elizabeth says sloppily and I could instantly tell she was drunk. I instantly look at my hands when he stops in front of me.

    "And him?" I look at the corner of my eyes to see his cane pointed at the guy. He walks away and I take in a relived breath of air. "I- I was partying too."

"Boyfriend?" He asks and looks at me. I look down and shake my head. The Joker laughs and kneels in front of him. "I can't wait to show you my new toys!"

    He pats his cheek and stands up. Next thing I know, he swings the cane in the guys face and he falls to the ground. I gasp, covering my mouth as the Joker looks at me. but I stare at the man instead.

"You let this piece of a . . hunk of a man!" He opens his arms and a dancing way before pointing at me. "Touch you?"

    "No." I whisper.

"Look at me." The Joker growls and I close my eyes. He isn't flashing across my eyes anymore. He's with me.

    "Look at me!" Joker snaps and I instantly look up at him. I meet his blue eyes and a shiver runs down my spine. His hard gaze drops, but only a little bit.

"Did you want this handsome-" he gestures breathlessly. "Hunka hunka!" He runs a hand through his hair and I bit my lip. "To touch you?"

     "N- no." I say a little louder and he walks over him an to me. He crouches down, taking my chin in his hand. I gulp, trying not to shake in fear. 

"You want me to teach him a lesson?" He growls and I close my eyes. But his grip on my chin tightens and I open my eyes instantly He let's go and places a hand on either side of my cheek.

    "Do you want daddy to save you?" He growls and I suck in a deep breath of air. His smile widens as he begins to mumble the same words he said when we we first met. "Pretty, pretty pretty."

"Yes?" I whisper in almost a questions. He stands up and holds up a finger. "Careful."

    He turns to the man who is slowly getting up but hits him with the cane again. I'm in shock and as Elizabeth hides her face in my shoulder I can't look away from the madness as Joker hit's him repeatedly. But as he twitches with his last breath, i couldn't take it. "Stop!" He keeps going.

"I said stop!" I say louder and he turns to me. I gasp when I see the blood that had splattered on his face. He glares. "Stop?"

    "You're going to kill him." I whisper and he stalks towards me. He's about to say something but stops, growling and groaning as he stretched his neck and sends Johnny a look. Johnny gets up and drags the guy out.

Joker sits down and I lick my lips. "Mr J?"

     "Hmm?" He hums and I brush a strand of hair behind my ear. "What do you want?"

He doesn't answer me, simply looking out to the party. I play with my dress and Elizabeth whispers in my ear. "Do you want to get out of here?"

     I nod once and when she gets up I'm confused. She walks right up to Joker who looks up at her and growls. "What?"

"Do you want a good time?" She asks and climbs on her lap. He tilts his head and the sight of her on him made me want to puke. Another feeling washes over me when she runs a hand down his chest.

    "What is your name darling?" He asks with an all too sarcastic smile. Elizabeth hums in delight before purring her name again.

"Darling, sweeties. I've just lost a deal. I'm not in the mood." He growls and shoves her off. Elizabeth lands on the table and gasps. When Joker gets up I stiffens and he pulls me up by my wrist.

    "You." he growls and I swallow. "Ye-yes Mistah J?"

"Get out." He growls and shoves me back. i stumble into the beads and I have to grab onto them so I wont fall. Elizabeth gets up, wincing before she stumbles towards me. When he pulls out his gun, my eyes widen.

     I quickly grab Elizabeth's arm and pull her in the direction of the exit. At first she protests, trying to gets back to the Joker. But as soon as the first gun shot rang through the room, Elizabeth listened and followed me out.

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