Chapter 1

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"*sigh* How did you get caught?!" I yelled and slammed my fists on the table, everyone jumped and trembled in fear. "We're s-sorry boss, we tried but-." One of my minions tried to speak but i cut him off and laughed psychically. "You TRIED?! Thats not good enough, i need it done by tomorrow!!" I said and slammed his head on the table. "How hard is it to kill one person!?" I yelled, which made everyone in the room cower back in fear. "If you cant kill one person then your not going to make it in this industry, *sigh* I'll do it myself keep watch."I said and grabbed my bag, along with my over sized black hoodie. "Oooh~~ are we going to have some fun?"

Rose said, I smirked and started running out of the building and into the darkness of the night. "Why yes, yes we are." I stated and she laughed, its wonderful to have another personality. "So, what element shall we use this time?" Rose purred in my mind. "Well, you haven't chosen in a while, what do you think?" I asked Rose, there was a slight moment of silence before Rose spoke up. "I want to hear our target scream." Rose said and started laughing. "Fire it is then, i love having the power of the elements." I said and looked up to see a house then started to climb a tree, once i was high enough to reach the window. I opened the window and jumped in, i looked around and noticed i was in a bathroom.

I slowly walked over to the door and slowly opened it, i held out my hand and a little flame with tiny legs appeared. I motioned it out of the door. "Light the way." I whispered to the flame, the flame sparked and jumped out of my hand, leaving little burn marks where it stepped. I slowly followed the flame untill it came to a stop, we stopped in front of a brown door. I cautiously opened the door and looked around. My target was fast asleep and snoring slightly. I rested my palm on the floor, vines started to tie his hands and legs and covered his mouth. Once the vines were done i walked over to him and put both of my hands on his bed. "Let the smoke consume you, let the fire change you." I said and in an instant the bed went up in flames.

He opened his eyes and tryed to scream but his screams were muffled by the vines. I smirked and started humming while looking around the room. I saw something glisten in the moonlight, i walked over to the mysterious item. Once i was close enough i realized it was a sharp blade, i grabbed the blade's handle and stared at it in awe. It was a long sharp blade, about one foot long, and two inches wide. I put the knife on my belt and turned around to look at my victim. But to my disappointment, he had passed out from the pain. I sighed and rolled my eyes, the vines rapped around his neck and broke it. "Ughhh!! That was sooo not as fun as i thought it would be!" Rose said and started pouting, i walked out of the room and snapped my fingers.

The fire immediately stopped and the bed collapsed. I looked down the stairs and heard people talking. "I thought he lived alone (Y/N)?" Rose said, confusion in her voice. "He did." I answered and put my hand on the walls as poison vines formed around all of the exits. "What the fuck is this?!" A male voice said from down stairs, i went down stairs and hid behind the kitchen wall. They were arguing and trying to find out what was going on. "They're not human." Rose stated, i nodded my head in agreement and decided to test them if they weren't human they would be able to see one of my 'pets' and hear my voice. "I lost myself somewhere in the darkness, wont you join me?." I said as my 'pets' formed and stood in front of the strangers

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