18- There is Strength Together

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My schedule for the next two weeks is: eat, work, eat, tennis, get home, shower, sleep. I've been trying to write every chance I get, and barely got this chapter done. Gotta go run to tennis tryouts... I won my match last night, which secured my spot as a starter for the team... Hope you like this chapter, it's easily one of my favorites from Maelstrom

Please VOTE and COMMENT! ;)

Chapter Eighteen

~Thea's POV~

Loki greets me perfectly normally, if not slightly distantly, which relieves me, seeing as I'd been jumpy getting from the Asgardian portal to the prison, trying to imagine how loud he'd yell at me for writing him that letter.

"Loki, Thea and I come for your assistance," says Thor as he and I put on the golden bracelets and climb up into the cell. I'd privately wondered why we need to get up close and personal with Loki right now, considering I'm probably going to be grounded as much as a father can ground his daughter from imperial prison.

"What a surprise," says Loki dryly.

Thor ignores the sarcasm. I think he's probably ignoring a bunch of sarcasm between Loki and me. And Tony.

"More and more rondayven have been taken," says Thor, crossing his arms. "The Earth is panicking. I have tried to reason with the world leaders, but they still fret that I am untrustworthy. And now the Twenty-Five have decided to take drastic measures. But we do not know who the Twenty-Five are."

"I suppose you want me to tell you," says Loki.

"If you would be so kind."

Loki's eyes swivel over to me. I pretend to find the carved wall of the prison cell very fascinating. Thor had told me not to mention the incident at the Reagan National Airport. I don't blame him. Loki looks ticked off enough even if he doesn't show it.

"Very well," says Loki, "Would you like that alphabetically or geographically?"

"Alphabetically, dear brother," says Thor mildly.

I snort.

"Thea," says Thor, "Could you please write down the nations that Loki gives out to us? You can take it back to the others upon our return to earth."

"Can't hardly wait," I say, taking out the notebook I'd brought with me. I don't even know why I'm here, except to be a royal secretary.

"I suggest you write quickly," says Thor with a smile in his brother's direction.

"He's not going to go too fast-"

I shut up as Loki promptly rattles off apparently twenty-five names in roughly thirty seconds.

I stare. Thor chuckles. Loki raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"I got the United States," I say, sitting criss-crossed on the floor. I peer up at Loki and look at him through narrowed eyes. His smirk widens.

As Loki begins to talk slower, a guard walks up to the cell, his metal clanking. Thor holds up a finger and steps down from the transparent force field and speaks to the guard in a low voice. Loki and I remain silent. I study my fingers.

"I must leave you momentarily," says Thor, nodding to me, "Fandral wishes to speak to me about developments on tracking Fjodr and Neidra. I will return by the time you are finished."

"Uh," I say, "Should I come with you?"

"No, I hardly think that will be necessary," he replies. I swear, there's a faint smile on his lips.

"Ah..." I say faintly as Thor steps down and walks away with the guard, "Okay?"

"Where were we?" asks Loki, turning back to me.



"Right." I'm fairly certain I'm spelling it wrong. "Seychelles."

He shakes his head, "South Africa, South Korea-"

"What's it about all the 'Souths'?" I mutter.

"-Switzerland, Tanzania-"


"Tanzania, Thea."


"And I think you already got the United States," he says.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Is that twenty-five countries?"

"I don't know, I didn't count."

"Then count."

I roll my eyes at the opposite forcefield as I run my finger down the list of countries, which is written extremely messily.

"And don't roll your eyes."

"Can you see through my head or something?"

"No, but that forcefield is transparent."

Of course.

"Well, that's twenty-five terrified countries!" I say cheerfully, slapping the notebook shut and getting to my feet. I turn to walk through the forcefield. "I think I'll find Thor, we're supposed to go to Ardhigiza and-"

"Not so fast, young lady," Loki's voice behind me leaves approximately zero room for arguing.

Dragging my feet, I turn around. "Yeeees? Didn't I get all the countries?"

He nods towards the low mattress with bunched-up sheets near the corner of the cell. "Sit down."

I curl my lip and stomp over, trying not to huff as I walk past him to the bed. It's springy.

"You know, this is sort of squeaky," I say, hopping up and down on the mattress. "You should probably do something about thaaa..."

My words die on my lips as he looks down at me, his arms crossed, his green eyes narrowed. In the light, his scar shines like a formidable silver lightning streak.

"I should probably just shut up now, huh?" I mutter, looking down.

He sighs. Then, he sits down next to me on the mattress, which creaks again. "Thea, you told me that you thought I'd be different, and that you were disappointed when I wasn't. Why is that?"

"I don't know," I say. I inspect my nails. They're really cracked.

"Then think harder."

I sigh too. "Because...I don't know. Maybe because I thought you understood me better, and that you knew how I was feeling."

"And how do you feel?"
I shrug, "Before I went to Ardhigiza, I was..."

"Miserable? Lonely? Bored?"

"All of those," I say honestly. "I'm just...there's so much going on. The gems and the spies and school and...and you being here and me never seeing you. Sometimes, I feel like I don't even belong on Earth. And I don't always know who to trust, or what I should do with myself."

He doesn't say anything, just lets me talk.

"I guess...I guess sometimes I'm just lost and that nobody can help me get...get found."

Wow, I sound stupid. Pouring out my feelings has never been my forte.

There's a few moments of silence. Then, Loki says, "I know that you feel confused and overwhelmed. You've been saddled with an enormous weight on your shoulders within only two years, and you've beared it admirably. It is true, there is strength in others. There is strength in family and strength in friendship. There is strength together. But when you feel lost, you can't rely on others to help find you. When you feel lost, that's when it's time to go find yourself."

 I look up at him. His green eyes are wam.

"You tried to run from it all by going with Videl to Ardhigiza, and if it were any other time, I wouldn't have minded quite as much. I suppose you felt betrayed when I expressed my anger towards you, that you thought I would be the one to understand boredom and frustration and loneliness. Am I right?"

I nod.

"And you're right. I am able to understand more than anyone your boredom and frustration and loneliness. But Thea, my darling girl," He raises my chin with his finger and says quietly, "I also understand more than anyone the terrible feeling of losing you. The feeling of holding you as I watched you take a last breath. I know more than anyone the tortures and the pain that you've been subject to time and time again."

He points to the scar on my cheek. I wince slightly.

"I know more than anyone the helplessness of watching you succumb to your own grief. So though I may seem harsh, it is because I do know more than anyone the pain that has flooded through you, through your body and your soul, and I alone have seen you die. Do not," His eyes harden a little, "Do not force me to have to live that moment again."

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I didn't think about it that way."

"I know you didn't. Choices are about perspective, Thea, and the sooner you learn that, the easier the choices will be to make."

I lean against his shoulder. His hair is soft on my neck. "What am I going to do?"

"First, you are going to be very grateful that I am here and can only punish you with words." He says it teasingly.

"I wouldn't care as long as you got out of here," I mumble. I do not say it teasingly.

"Believe me, Thea, I want to be out of this infernal prison as much as you want me to be. And I believe I will be with you again before much longer."

I look up at him. "Really?"

"Yes, because when Thor needs me the most, the times will have turned dark. And the skies have already dimmed." He taps the notebook, "Be careful with this. It is part of a secret that runs through your veins and it should be protected as such."

There's a pause, then I remember something. "I figured out how to change my appearance."

He smiles, "Is that so?"

"It comes in pretty handy."

His smile turns knowing. "Should I be afraid to ask how?"

I tell him about my revenge plan with Jack and Dara and Sidney. I'm halfway expecting him to scold me for using magic so trivially. Instead, by the time I describe Fantine and Esmeralda fighting with each other instead of with me, he's laughing. I can't remember the last time he's laughed.

"Turning them against each other instead of turning them on you, good girl, you're learning."

"You're not mad?" I smile.

"Why should I be? I did far worse when I was first using that trick."

"It's not perfect," I say humbly, "It won't last forever, and it's sort of shaky if someone touches me."

"It will strengthen with time. But Thea, remember. Magic has its positives and its negatives. Be careful, especially since you're experimenting on your own." He looks over at me and raises an eyebrow, "Am I to assume by your story that you and Jack are getting along again?"

Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush.

"You're blushing, kitten."

"Psh, no I'm not, it's hot in here. I'm sweaty."

"Good try, Thea."

"Fine, we're friends again."


"Yes friends." When he gives me a knowing look, I add hastily, "I'm not kidding, we're just friends!"

"Yes, but I think the important question here is whether or not you want to be friends."

"I mean sure, it comes in handy if we get along. It would have made getting attacked at the airport a lot more difficult –oh damn."

He gives me a look.

"Sorry..." I say, mentally hitting myself over and over for my slip of tongue, "No cursing, right?"

"First of all," says Loki, his eyebrows arched, "You have an intelligent enough vocabulary from which I'm sure you can pull better words."


"Second," His tone turns more dangerous, "And more to the point, please dear, do specify what exactly you mean by getting attacked at the airport."

"Well," I say with a nervous laugh, "It depends on what you mean specifically by attacked, you know, that word can be used–"


"I got attacked by one of Neidra's spies in the bathroom at the airport, but I was totally fine, I knocked her out, you should be proud of me, it was awesome, okay not awesome but... Although she did sort of take my blood."

"Thea!" He sounds half exasperated, half worried.

"I couldn't help it!"

"Are you hurt?"

I hold up my hand, which Kyle had bandaged as soon as we walked into Stark Tower. "It's fine now."

"Well I'm glad you're all right, but now Neidra—"

"Now she'll want the compass even more, I know. Thor's trying to get it from Ardhigiza today. I'm going with him."


"I need to talk to Videl."

"About what?"

"Uh, that's classified." When he starts to say something, I add, "Nothing Neidra or compass or anything related. It's personal."

"Might I guess it has something to do with Angelique?"

"You can guess," I say, mentally wondering to what extent Loki's brainpower goes and wishing I'd inherited more of it.

He shakes his head, "So you are going to attempt to be a counselor for Videl? You do love taking on the impossible, Thea."

"Well it's not impossible, not like living on the moon or something" I think about what I just said, "Yeah, no, you're right, it's impossible."

"I'm often right," says Loki as I lean against his shoulder again, "But you have the tendency to think otherwise. Or do incredibly idiotic things."

"I miss you," I say quietly, "And I love you."

He chuckles, "Now how do you expect me to be mad at you when you say that?"

"That's the point," I reply.

Loki puts his arm around me and kisses the side of my head, "I love you too, Miss Mischief."


Emmaline's right. Angelique isn't normal.

When the newly named Mrs. Calen lets me into the apartment, I spot Angelique on the living room floor, her college papers scattered everywhere, her sweater thrown over the couch, her hair pulled up in the messiest hairstyle I've ever seen. The concern is that everything's not neat. Angelique is extremely tidy, just like her boyfriend-or I assume he's her boyfriend still.

Angelique also has her earbuds in, and doesn't notice my fabulous entrance that involves stopping stock-still in the doorway and looking at her extremely nervously, like looking at a puppy that got broken. Emmaline wastes no time in taking me by the arm and pulling us out of the living room into the kitchen. Lucy appears from the bedroom and follows us, settling down on her doggy bed in front of the pizza oven.

Emmaline closes the door quietly behind her. It's obvious that Kyle's been out a lot lately by all the dirty dishes and containers of leftovers. I feel a little bad for Emmaline; it must be hard to stay away from her newly married husband.

"Okay," says Emmaline, clasping her hands together. She's speaking in a hush, as if Angelique could possibly hear her from the living room, "So I've got this idea why Angelique's upset...I really don't know though, and I definitely don't want to jump to conclusions, but..." She hesitates.

I glance up from where I've been checking out the back of the stove, trying to see what's been cooking lately. Not much, from the looks of it.

"So what is it?" I ask. Man, Ky needs to get back here.

"I think Angelique's pregnant."

I bang my head on the hood of the stove. "WHAT?!"

"Sh!" says Emmaline anxiously, glancing towards the living room.

"How?" I whisper, "I mean, I know how, I had health class in seventh grade, but really?"

Emmaline twists her fingers together, "I'm not sure. She just seems off and emotional and Videl hasn't been around, I...that's just not like Angelique to act like this."

"But pregnant?" I ask in disbelief. I'm trying to imagine Angelique as a mother at twenty years old. And dear heaven, Videl as a father? It's not like he's a bad caretaker to Victoire, and sure, he took care of me last winter, but being a father is something totally else, I mean, just look at where it's ended Loki up.

Emmaline shakes her head, "I'm not sure, remember? I just wanted to give you a sort of heads-up. So whatever she tells us, let's act with poise and dignity and be there for her. We're all women here, we need to be supportive."

"Right, of course we do," I say, privately thanking Emmaline for referring to me as a woman. I don't wake up every month like I should be in a scene for Saw for nothing.

"All right," says Emmaline, twisting her fingers again, "Let's go then."

We troop back to the living room, where I finally get Angelique's attention by plopping right down in front of her.

"Oh, gosh, hi Thea," says Angelique, hurriedly taking out her earbuds and throwing them aside. "How was Asgard? Did you get to see Loki?"

"Yeah, I saw him," I say.

"How is he?"

Angelique's dodging. I recognize the symptoms.

"He's fine," I say, waving it aside. Emmaline sits next to me, cross-legged and I add very determinedly, "So, Angelique...what's up?"

Angelique looks up at Emmaline and me. Poor thing. She's cornered.

Then, she just starts going.

"It started a few months ago. I love Videl, you know that, right?" She looks concerned. Emmaline and I nod our quick agreement, and she continues, "But...but, then I started thinking about this." She holds up the bronze cross necklace she always wears around her neck.

"What about it?" I ask, wondering if a cross necklace can have to do with pregnancy.

I might be confused, but Emmaline sure doesn't. Understanding is dawning in her blue eyes, and she nods.

"It's...Thea...you know, that one night in Chicago? When it was snowy, and it was right after Caomh drugged me or whatever? And you got out and..." She trails off.

"Yeah, I remember," I say. How could I possibly not, I'd seen more of Videl that night than I've ever wanted to see in my life.

Angelique bites her lip and looks at the ground. "We've had sex quite a few times afterwards. Every time I told myself it was wrong, I couldn't help it. I felt like I was a part of him, that he belonged with me and I belonged with him, that we completed each other."

"Do you not feel that way anymore?" asks Emmaline, her brow furrowed.

"Yes!" says Angelique, "Yes I do, I do, and that's the problem. I love him. I want him to...I don't want him to be unhappy, or feel like I don't think he's wonderful and beautiful or right for me."

Wonderful and beautiful are pushing it when describing Videl, but I don't comment.

Angelique sighs and begins to run through her hair with her fingers. Her voice is thickening, "But...I have my faith, and I have what my faith tells me to do. And I always told myself when I was a little girl, and then when I was Thea's age, and all through high school, that I would wait until marriage. And I was on the right track until I met Videl. But now...now I wonder..." She sniffs, a tear on her cheek, and then whispers, "I wonder if he'll love me or want me if..."

"If you say no," finishes Emmaline gently.

Angelique nods.

Emmaline glances at me. I shrug. I know Videl the second-best in this room, and I can easily see how Angelique feels the way she does. Videl might be sweet and loving, but he's also rather touchy.

"And," Angelique adds, swiping her cheek, "I sometimes wish I hadn't done it, because I know that God tells us to wait. But then I did, and I don't regret it, and then I begin to question my own faith."

"Angelique," says Emmaline, reaching forward to take her hand, "You can just be as faithful even if you make small mistakes. You had a beautiful feeling with Videl, and you took it. God doesn't blame you for things like that. You felt love, and that's something anyone wishes she could feel. Yes, I waited until marriage, but I don't judge you, or blame you. You have your choices, and I have mine, but your faith isn't set in stone by those individual decisions."

I find this conversation slightly uncomfortable. I've still been struggling with my faith since my mother died. I look down at my fingers.

As if reading my mind, Emmaline takes my hand with her free one, "Faith is everywhere, and anyone can find it, even if they look just a little bit."

"I know," says a still-crying Angelique, "But you have Kyle, he'd never push you or make you feel bad, and Jack wouldn't in a million years."

I keep back the squeak threatening to come out of my mouth.

"If you think that Videl would push you," says Emmaline, "Then that love isn't real."

"But I can't lose him," sobs Angelique, "I love him so much."

I feel awful for her. I've only had heartbreak when I've never even been in a relationship, but I guess being heartbroken in a relationship is worse because you have so much else to carry in your heart with the hurt.

"I'm not an expert," I say, "But Videl really, really loves you. He cares about everything you do. You could probably talk to him about journalism and theses for hours without boring him while I'd be asleep in ten minutes. He nearly killed me when you got yourself taken by Loki instead of me. I might not be right," I glance at Emmaline, who nods encouragingly, "But I really think that Videl cares about your faith enough to step away and not push. Keep up with him much longer, and he'll be going with you to church too. You changed him, and he loves you, and it would take a heck of a lot to change that. And I agree, if Videl won't accept you for what you want, then you need to think about if you want to stay with him."

Angelique nods, tears still streaming down her face. I lean over to the coffee table and hand her some tissues.

"And you're a woman and have the right to choose if you don't want to have sex with a man, and if you don't want to and he has a problem with that, then all the more power to you and he can go choke on a centipede," I add, remembering Kyle's words from the museum. It seems like so long ago.

"Thea is absolutely right," says Emmaline, squeezing Angelique's shoulder. "You've got to hold your head up and keep right on going, and keep your dignity with you."

"I bet he's so confused," moans Angelique, "I told him to leave me alone, have you heard from him?"

Emmaline looks at me, her eyebrows raised.

"No," I say, going for honesty "But I'm going to Ardhigiza right after this, when Thor gets back, so I will then. Do you want me to ask him anything or tell him anything?" I privately really do not want to have this particular conversation with Videl, but hey, girls have to stick together. "You do, after all, have the benefit of having the daughter of the God of Mischief at your disposal."

"N-no thanks, I s-should probably talk to him myself," says Angelique. "B-But what if he's mad at me and doesn't want to talk?"

"He's probably not mad," I say, "He's probably just confused and hurt, and wants an explanation, but he's giving you your space, which is what you wanted."

"And that's a good sign," says Emmaline.

"B-but," says Angelique, "I don't know how to start."

"Start with honesty," advises Emmaline, "Tell him how you're feeling and what about your relationship you want to change. And make sure that you're listening for if he's listening. Any warning sign should be an even bigger sign about him. Discussions like these are part of having a serious relationship, and if you really want to be with him or even spend the rest of your life with him."

Angelique nods. Then smiles. Then starts to cry again.

Emmaline gives me an it's okay expression. I pat Angelique on the arm and lean against her, rubbing her back. Being the comforter instead of the one crying is nice. It makes me feel like I'm doing something worthwhile.

Finally, Angelique begins to calm down. She takes a deep breath and smiles at Emmaline and me. "Th-thank you, both of you."

Emmaline hands her another tissue. "That's what we're here for. All of this testosterone around us, we've got to band together. Gotta be strong for each other.  And," She wiggles her eyebrows stands, nodding towards the kitchen, "Don't tell Kyle, but I got some Pillsbury cookie dough."

"Oh heck yes," I say, likewise standing and pulling Angelique to her feet. "I don't even care that it's going to spoil my dinner."

"Psh, cookies or dinner, is that really a competition?" asks Emmaline.

"Thea," says Angelique as we follow Emmaline into the kitchen. She's still sniffing, and her nose is still beet-red, "Would you please tell Videl tonight that I want to talk to him? Whenever he c-can, I know that he's really busy."

"He's never too busy for you, Angelique," I say.

Ten minutes later, the cookies are prepped and ready to get put in the oven, whenever it gets heated. Emmaline, Angelique, and I are leaning against the counter, talking, when we hear the front door of the apartment open.

"Babe, it's me!" calls Kyle.

The three of us exchanged fake-panicked looks, eyes darting to the bag of of Pillsbury dough.

"Aw, you're so sweet, babe!" I yell back as Emmaline hides the dough bag behind her back.

Two seconds later, Kyle pokes his head in the kitchen, sees me, and narrows his eyes at me. "Ew, who the hell invited Thea?"

"That would be me," says Emmaline.

Kyle walks into the kitchen, carrying (of course) a grocery bag. He sees Angelique, apparently notices that she's been crying, but doesn't say anything, just kisses her cheek. "How are two of my favorite girls?"

"You forgot one," I say, crossing my arms.

"You were uninvited, and who said I liked you?" asks Kyle.

"How could you not?"

"She's got a point," says Emmaline, still concealing the cookie dough.

Kyle rolls his eyes and tickles my side briefly. I kick his shin as he adds, "I have to leave in an hour or so, that's when I'm heading to the airport and dropping Thea at Stark's place. But I thought I would make some spaghetti and-what is that?"

"What's what?" asks Emmaline innocently as Kyle's eyes travel to where she's still trying to hide the traitorous Pillsbury bag.

Kyle, a smirk on his face, backs her up against the counter and kisses her hard. Angelique and I exchange looks, and I gag.

"Ky..." giggles Emmaline.

"If I ever giggle if Ja-I mean anyone kisses me," I whisper to Angelique, "You have permission to slap me."

Angelique smiles. She's watching Emmaline and Kyle, probably wondering if she and Videl will ever have a relationship like them.

Kyle runs his hands down Emmaline's arms and then wraps his fingers around the cookie dough bag.

"And if I'm ever tricked like that," I add, still to Angelique, "You have permission to tell Videl to throw me off a cliff. Again."

"And what is this?" asks Kyle, holding up the cookie dough.

Emmaline bats her eyelashes, "You know, you've been gone so often, and I'm so bad with the cooking, I thought I'd have a treat while I anxiously awaited your victorious return."

"Nice try, Emmy," grins Kyle, smacking her small behind with the bag. Emmaline blushes and hits his arm.

"Dis-cough-gusting," I cough into my hand.

Kyle turns his smirk over to me, which can only be a bad thing, "By the way, missy, Jack wants to talk to you. I can only imagine what it's about."

"Ooooh," smiles Emmaline, winking at me.

"Oh yeah," I say with a wave of my hand, mentally jumping up and down in excitement, "We've got this Simulations project to do."

"I thought Simulations doesn't give projects," grins Angelique.

"Angelique!" I groan as Kyle throws his head back and laughs.

Heyyyyyyyyyy, hope you liked it, please vote and comment!

Have a great day!


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