{'Chill Day'}

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"I can't believe this is happening....why us..?" I asked myself. What did we do to deserve this?! None of this would have happened if I KNEW HOW TO FIGHT. Or to at least strike correctly.

My brother walked over to where I was, and patted my back gently, trying not to irritate my mood even more. "It's not your fault. I know for a fact you aren't the mafia." Nightmare sat down next to me, his arm still wrapped up in bleeding bandages.

"Yes it is...you know that. But yeah...I'm not the Mafia. I just keep doing the wrong thing. Like I'm just a dumb protagonist or something." Dream scowled. Nightmare giggled slightly. "Well, who knows? Maybe you are." He explained.

There was no freedom in my life. Everything needed to be in order or else everything would fall apart. My people need me...but I'm to much of a loser to get up and do something. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND DO YOU?!" I slammed the table in sudden anger.

The loud bang shocked everyone in the room. Not only Nightmare. I didn't know I had that kind of anger...was it his aura..? Hate scoffed as he brought out a glass of wine. "Take a chill pill would you. Not everything is your fault. We're all to blame."

Nightmare threw a nearby book at him, causing Hate to flinch and glare straight after. "Fuck you." Hate fumed. Nightmare only smirked and kept his calm. He really knew how to deal with negativity didn't he.

"Let's be honest here. No one deserves to die, yet many have. We just need to keep each other safe." Ink announced. Blue did the agreeing sign language aggressively, while I just smiled weakly. What was the point. I felt a constant throb in my 'soul' as I thought about the past.

Someone actually cared about me...not for my aura, just for m e .

And now he's gone.

Blue brought out his cop badge. "Let's see here...I have the right to investigate. So I'll interrogate who I think could be suspicious before the end of the night." Blue explained. I liked that idea, we just needed someone to blame....

"Nightmare? Could you come with me?" Blue asked. Nightmare stared at him with a 'bruh' expression but then sighed. "K." He said as he brushed past me. "Be careful.." I whispered. I still didn't fully trust Blue, even when he's been my friend for over 10 years.

Once Nightmare had left, I went to go and talk with Lust, he wasn't really speaking much anymore. "Hey...." I said. Lust looked up at me. He was washing the dishes, looking tired as ever, we all couldn't sleep at night anymore. It was just the pang of fear that kept us awake.

"This is all just so stupid." Lust declared. Lust was always quite the unnecessary negative person, I've always questioned that. "If you could just kill me this would all be over." He continued. I didn't get what he meant, but I hated the idea of him gone.

"No way! That's ridiculous! You're so important to the team! And I don't think that everything will stop once your gone." I spat back. Lust smiled at me happily. "You'd be surprised how much better it would be with me gone."

I was going to answer, but I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around quickly. Plus I had to look down a bit cause weLL...they were a little tinier. "Blue..? You're done already?" I questioned. He nodded. "I figured that Nightmare probably wasn't the one."

"So I'm here to interrogate you now." Blue smiled at me. Well that seemed endearing.

"Oh uhh, sUre why nOt." I said resisting the urge to be nervous, probably failing with the amount of voice cracks I was getting in every sentence. "You're so slowww—leT's gOo—!" Blue's chaotic energy popped up and dragged me into the interrogation room.



Well sudden mood for this. Might as well make this a gift for ApatheticNatureiskey cause she really likes this book for some reason.

This book will now have slow updates due to my motivation on this idea dropping, so yeaaah:3

seE u later after a lOnG tiiiiMe—

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