Chapter 25: Fight

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Chapter 25: Fight

Taehyung woke up at 2 am because his phone kept ringing. He removes Jungkook's arm from his waist to grab his phone on top of the drawer. He sat down on the bed to see who was calling him but the calls already ended before he even answer them.

He just notice the notification on his messages.

To. Unknown

Go to Yongma Land, it's an abandoned amusement park.
Don't call or ask for help from the police and your mate if you don't want something to happen to your dear mother.

Taehyung immediately grabbed his coat running out of the house. He was so eager to see if his mom was fine.

"I'm here! Where's my mom?!" Taehyung yelled out feeling uneasiness surrounding the area.

He can feel a lot of wolves, mostly rogues in the amusement park. The place was creepy which kinda frightened him but he was willing to do everything to save his mother.

"Well, well, well, you are here. It's nice to meet you again, Luna."

Taehyung was sure he heard that voice before. He looked up and saw the familiar face on the rooftop.

"You?!" Taehyung mumbled staring at him.

"It seems like you remember me, anyway, I didn't introduce myself to you last time we met. I'm Ju Hanju." He introduced and smiled at Taehyung.

"Where's my mom? What did you do to her?!" Taehyung yelled and his hands were balled in a fist.

"Ah, you're no fun, you should ask me first what I like and what is my intention you know." Hanju pouted to tease him.

"I know my mom ruined your family, I don't care about you." Taehyung simply replied while gritting his teeth.

"You're right tho, but apparently, I got interested in your mate. He's handsome and hot, don't you think he's perfect for me?" Hanju snickered.

"Perfect my ass, unfortunately, he's into me. He's too loyal to me, he doesn't want someone else besides me. You're not his type even though you try to flirt with him." Taehyung smirked.

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty attractive, most of the people I met were interested in me." Hanju confidently grinned.

"Yes, I'm so sure, you're right, you're attractive but your name isn't Taehyung." Taehyung retorted with a sneer plastered on his face.

"You're ruining the fun, go and save your mother in the Vikings. If you didn't save her in 15 minutes, the bomb will explode." Hanju snickered.

He flicked his finger and suddenly, Taehyung heard a claw clasping to the ground and the wolves roars. He looked at his surroundings and he was right, wolves and rogues were ready to attack him. He was holding the dagger tightly for his defense.

"Attack!" Hanju started.

Taehyung ran away to make sure he can go near to his mom. He flinched when a beta wolf came in front of him and roared warningly. However, Taehyung threw his dagger to the wolf's face which the wolf caught with his mouth. The wolf swayed his head to hit Taehyung but Taehyung was fast enough to jump and kicked the wolf's head.

Taehyung do the backflip and grabbed his dagger. He turned around sensing the wolf will attack him from his back, he stabbed the wolf to the nose, and the wolf wince in pain. Taehyung kicked the wolf away from him. He stood up to continue to run again.

"Pretty interesting" Hanju grinned while watching Taehyung through the whole time.

"Hyung, Jungkook, where are you two going?" Jimin asked confusedly.

"Just stay here, make sure to lock the door, and don't let someone in. Jin and Namjoon will come here to pick you up later." Yoongi simply said pecking Jimin's forehead.

"What? What do you mean?" Jimin asked once again.

"Just do what I say, we're leaving now." Yoongi said and closed the door.

Jimin was about to ask once more but he was too late.

"Are you sure we're going to the right place?" Yoongi asked assuring.

"That's what Taehyung wrote, I'm sure he went there alone." Jungkook replied while driving the car.

Taehyung was hissing in pain after the alpha wolf scratched his legs. He was limping while trying to run, he was so near to the Vikings. He can't hide because he was sure his scent was already spread. He was lucky to kill the alpha wolf earlier, yet, he still had a lot of wolves and rogues to kill.

He was stopped for a moment when the Vikings started to move.

"Oh no" Taehyung groans because of another problem.

"This is getting fun" Hanju chuckled when the time was decreasing.

Abruptly, they heard the trees were falling down breaking some rides.

"He's here" Taehyung grinned panting heavily.

He paid no mind to that enemy, he was so sure that Jungkook will solve them. He was looking for the control of the Vikings to stop it.

"What was that?" Hanju inquired confusedly because of the sudden commotion.

"It was his mate sir"

"That bastard omega" Hanju muttered gritting his teeth.

"Sir, it's better to leave now!"

The assistant said while grabbing Hanju's arm.

"What are you talking about? This is the part fun." Hanju said yanking off his assistant's hands from his arm.

"Sir, why did you didn't tell me about that Yoongi?"

"Yoongi? Who's tha---"

Hanju's eyes widened, and he stood up to see clearly Yoongi.

"No way, why he's here?" Hanju mumbled nervously.

They both flinch when they heard another explosion and the amusement park was now covered in fire. They saw how calm Yoongi was while walking around the amusement park. They knew he was the one who caused the explosion. While Jungkook was in a wolf form, biting the rogues and wolves recklessly.

"Let's go, sir, before he sees us, it's not safe to stay here."

"Fucking asshole, kill that woman." Hanju grumbled.

He ran away with his assistant behind to make sure they will able to escape.

"Mom" Taehyung uttered and saw his mom was tied to the seat.

He removes the tape on her mouth.

"Taehyung, son, please leave this place, this is a trap." Eunha stated.

"I know mom, I will save you, we will get out from here." Taehyung replied removing the rope on her.

"No, you have to leave, they will hunt you. They will fetch you, Taehyung!" Eunha warned.

"Mom! I told you I will save you, you will come with m---"

"Taehyung! Listen! Even though you will save me here, they will still fetch you no matter what! Hanju won't stop until he saw my corpse! It's better if I die so the curse will end too! I love you Taehyung, let me do the right thing. So please, at least this time, listen to me!!!"

Eunha gasped when Hanju's men stabbed an injection on Taehyung's neck. That man just smirked and carried Taehyung like a sack of rice.

"No! Let him go! Taehyung woke up! Let my son go!!!" Eunha yelled.

She wants to help Taehyung but her hand was still tied.

"Rest in peace" That man uttered and jumped from the Vikings.

The bomb underneath the Vikings exploded while Taehyung got caught.


Min Yoongi / Suga

•Half Alpha/Half unknown creature
•His eye's colors have their own different meanings.
Red - Danger
Orange - His Alpha's eye color
Green - Calm
Blue - Happiness
Purple - Outrage or the color of his another creature's eyes
Black - Normal
•He can easily kill his enemy by his stare
•He can create fire depends on his mood
•Very skilled and trained
•can kill hundreds or thousands with the strength/power of his half creature
•He was feared because of his aura and he was known because of his specialty
Weakness - ??/Unknown

Jeon Jungkook / JK
•The strongest Alpha
•Reckless when he is in rage
•His wolf power was no joke
•He has strong stamina
•Barely get tired during the fight
•Trained very well
•will surely can kill everyone if his mate was hurt
•Too strong that even the human form can't control his wolf
Weakness - Undefined

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