ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 7

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Y/n POV :

I opened my eyes and checked my surroundings. I was in my room and my head was pounding really hard.

I somehow managed to reach for my phone and looked at the time, it was morning. Tae must've dropped me home, such a gentleman.

I must be having a hangover right now and I guess I need someone to take care of me, I dial Hobi's number and he picks the phone quite fast.

"Heyy Hobi, I need you to help me, I'm having a hangover here" I inform.

I cut off the phone and wait for him to come, I know he would take a little time so I adjusted my pillow and laid on the bed.

It's always Hobi who takes care of me when I have hangovers, he is my favourite but Namjoon and Jin are also really amazing brothers.

Taehyung POV :

I got a call and picked it up as soon as I saw the caller id, it was Y/n.

"Heyy Hobi, I need you to help me, I'm having a hangover here" she said in raspy voice and cut the phone before I could say anything, she mistook my number as Hobi's.

Well, I had nothing better to do so I took my car and drove to Y/n's house.

After 15 Minutes

I parked my car and I already texted the hyungs so that they don't get scared seeing me here.

I saw a maid heading towards Y/n's room with soup in hand so I walked to her and took the soup from her, she went back on my instructions.

I headed towards Y/n's room wondering how she would react, I opened the door to Y/n's room and walked towards her.

She was facing this side but her eyes were closed, I tapped her shoulder causing her to open her beautiful eyes.

She immediately jumped seeing me, an obvious reaction making me laugh at her cuteness.

"Tae what are you doing here?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"Apparently you called me thinking you called Hobi hyung, I came because I was concerned" I answered with a grin.

"Really sweet of you Mr Kim Taehyung" she said sarcastically.

"Now have this and I will bring medicines for you, you should've listened to me when I told you to drink less" I said.

"Stop blaming me, you suggested to go to a bar, asshole" she said dramatically.

"Heyyy, I am here to take care of you and you call me an asshole, I am going, I even thought of feeding you but now have this yourself" I played along.

"Don't be overdramatic, come on here and feed me the soup" she said and folded her arms.

"Commanding me I see" I said with a grin.

"Yes Mister" she said so I smiled and took the soup in my hand. Thank you god for giving me such an amazing opportunity.

I fed her the soup carefully and she smiled at me all that time, I swear I can kill thousands for this smile.

After feeding her the soup I gave her the medicine, she swallowed it and looked at me appreciatively. "Thank you Taehyung, for helping me here" she thanked.

"No problem darling, now take care okay? I'll handle your work for today, you stay home" I winked.

"Thanks Tae" she repeated.

"Stop saying thanks, no sorry and no thank you in friendship" I said and pinched her nose.

"Right" she sounded disappointed, one side of me was sad at this reaction and the other side was happy to know she loves me.

Wait, oh shit !! I had to go to the location Namjoon hyung sent me, the location where Kai is, I am so careless sometimes honestly.

I went to the gun storage in Y/n's house and took all the necessary guns and headed straight to the location hyung sent me.

After 20 Minutes

It looked like an abandoned building, huh still using the old era's base, how the hell is he safe from my grasp?

I took my favourite gun in my hand and barged in, I was not gonna be scared of a mere stupid gangster.

There was literally no one there, trying to sabotage me I guess, before the person behind me could stab me I turned around and shot him.

I was being attacked by four men together, pathetic I must say, I shot them all and when I looked at the dead bodies I saw that I hit all headshots, my shooting was getting better.

Finally after some stupid minions came our main stupid ass villain, Kai with an assault rifle in his hands.

I had absolute no fear so I took my gun and didn't even give him time to speak, I shot one of his legs causing him to scream.

I walked towards him and kicked the rifle away. I shot another one of his legs making him scream again, god that was so satisfactory.

I shot both of his arms next making him fall on the ground unconscious. After that I carried his unconscious ass with me to our chamber.

I texted all the three hyungs and the Blackpink girls that I had a surprise for them and told them to meet me at BTS torture chamber.

After Some Time

Namjoon POV :

I wondered what the surprise was, he called the Blackpink girls too, maybe he had finally proposed to Y/n but for that he would have called all of BTS members and at a much better place to announce that.

Wait, is it what I think it is? The only other thing can be he caught Kai and was bringing him here.

I smirked internally because the location I provided him was right, Taehyung managed to make it there before Kai could've changed bases.

I see Taehyung enter the chamber stealing all of our attentions and he seemed to be dragging someone, that was none other than that filthy bastard Kai.

Hobi POV :

I was so proud of Taehyung, I looked at Namjoon who was already smirking at Taehyung, so it was both of their actions.

I could finally take my revenge on him trying to kidnap my little sister right in front of me and even escaping.

That was a huge shameful night for me which I could never forget, a stupid failure which filled me with anger, by torturing this filthy man I would be freed from that anger.

Jin POV :

I looked at Kai and then Taehyung, I shot him a appreciative look because he had done the job real quick and clean.

I looked at the Blackpink girls who were looking at Taehyung and Kai with confusion, guess they didn't know why Kai or they are here.

All of three of us decided to leave the explaining part on Taehyung. We all absolutely despised explaining something.

Y/n looked like she didn't give a fuck about the man Taehyung just laid on the electronic chair. She was gazing at Taehyung's face and when I looked at him he was taking glances at Y/n and then winked.

I needed my girlfriend because I felt single standing there, Jiah baby I am going to coming to your house soon.

To be continued...

I revealed Jin's gf for this series and yes Namjoon and Hobi also have girlfriends, no one is single here like us 😅

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