Part 15(JEALOUS?)

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Hello guys hope kids won't watch this it contains mature scenes.18+

Tae:Uhmm excuse me can you please tell me who you are and why are you in my mansion? .I just saved you Cause I won't let my enemies harm innocents.

Y/n:(shocked tears rolling from eyes)What are you telling Tae?you are the one who brought me here!

Tae:Excuse me miss I don't like girls and I don't bring girls to my mansion.I just saved you.

Y/n:Woah this is so cool you're the one who brought me here forcefully and when you're bored of me you're telling you don't know who I am?I was right Mr. Taehyung I should have never trusted a Mafia who brings girls for his pleasure.I hate you so much.

Tae:I don't know why but when she told that she hates me my anger levels went high.I pinned her to the wall.
Don't you dare saying that again or else you'll face the consequences.

Y/n:(laughing) Hahahaha do you think I'm scared of you?listen carefully I fucking hate hate hate you sooo much Kim taehyung!

Tae:(as she said those words my anger reached its peak levels)I dragged her and threw her on the bed.She was struggling .

Y/n:Leave me you bas*tard.

Tae:I got angry and I took hand cuffs from the drawer and cuffed her hand to bed.You have asked for danger now face it .I started kissing her roughly.I tore one of her sleeve.I started giving hickey to her.But suddenly I felt she wasn't moving.When I saw her face she was crying and trying to take breaths.But she is not able to.Hey! what happened to you? (her eyes started closing) tears flowing from my eyes without my concern.Without wasting a minute I did cpr(mouth to mouth ).

Jk:I should meet hyung once .(Goes into the room gets schocked) hyung?what are you doing to her?why did you handcuff her?(I went near y/n and broke the handcuffs)
y/n?y/n? look I am here.

Tae:Yaah go get a doctor she isn't able to breath.

Jk:ok hyung

Tae:Please open your eyes!(continues cpr)

Y/n:( coughs and breaths suddenly)

Tae:(mind stirring)wh-wha-what is this why do I feel like I've did something like this before?y-y-y/n? aaaah my head is hurting and everything went blank.

Y/n:After a few minutes I opened my eyes.My eyes were literally searching for him.When I went down the bed I saw Tae lying on the floor unconscious.T-tae wake up Tae!

Jk:Y/n?how are you feeling now?

Y/n:(immediately goes near jk and grabs his hand) Jk see something happened to Tae he isn't waking up please do something.

Jk:Don't worry I brought doctor with me.Doctor please check him.

Doctor:(Checks him)Uhmm its not serious I think he got his memories back.Just don't stress him he'll be fine.

jk:OK doctor

Y/n:Jk he'll be fine right?

Jk:Yep.Wanna eat something?

Y/n:Uhmm no I don't have an appetite.Ill be with Tae.

Jk:No you should eat something you're weak now .
I'll get some japchae.


Jk:No buts.

Y/n:OK as you wish.


Tae:I woke up feeling pain in my head I remembered y/n.I should apologize to her I stood up immediately from bed and went out of the room searching y/n.Then I saw jk and y/n laughing together happily.Doesn't she like me ?what is she doing with jk?

Jk:Oh y/n you're eating like a small kid (he wiped corner of her mouth with his napkin).

Tae:Wtf(burning in jealousy)

A/n:Haha I happy seeing him jealous for her.


Y/n:T-tae!are you awake?(goes to him and checks him everywhere ) are you hurt anywhere?

Tae:(Yanks y/n hands )I am fine looks like you're so happy?

Y/n:What are you speaking Tae?


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