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At Morning:

Tae:I woke up and saw my baby sleeping like an angel.I didn't want to wake her so I took a bath and wore a suit cause today I have an important meeting.

Y/n:I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Tae speaking in a phone call looking so handsome in a suit. "Mine" this words came without my will from my mouth.Then he told me about meeting pecked my forehead and left.He appointmented a caretaker to take care of me.Then I went to take bath .


I ate my breakfast took medicines and drifted into sleep.


On call

Receptioninst(short-Rece):Hello sir.


Rece:Sir your new secretary has been appointed .

Tae:Ok send her to my cabin.

Rece:Ok sir.

So-hee pov:Woah however I got a secretary job that too as Mr.Kim's secretary. I'm gonna make him mine then his money and everything will also be mine.(saying these in her mind she enters the cabin).

Tae:Don't you know to knock before coming in miss?

So-hee:Tf how can a man be this handsome?(I was literally lost in him until he banged the desk)s-sorry sir.I won't repeat it next time.

Tae:Hmm now be careful and do everything correctly.Set my meeting schedule.

So-hee:Yes sir.(Then I got a dirty plan into my brain).S-sir may I bring orange juice for you?


So-hee:Ok sir I'll be right back.I went to medical shop and bought a pack of Viagara just to make him mine and mixed it in the orange juice and gave it to him.

Tae:Lets go it's time for meeting.I stood up but everything started getting blurry.Suddenly I started feeling so hot.

So-hee:I saw the Viagara working on him.I went near him and started tracing my fingers from his chest to down.(😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😒)

Tae:That new secretary came towards me and started sliding her hand down I caught her hand before going (you know😏).Then I just pushed her and went towards my car and told my driver to drop me at home.

Y/n:I woke up due to closing sound of door and saw Tae coming inside.T-Tae? he looks like he has taken some drugs!
.I got down from the bed and went towards him.T-tae are you ok?

Tae:You smell so good baby.(Sniffing her neck).

Y/n:T-tae you are not in your senses leave me.

Tae:Not now babygirl.With that I pulled her closer by her waist and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear.Then I took off my shirt cause it's to hot.Then I opened a button of her shirt.

Y/n:Tae please listen to me leave me you're not in your senses.(sweating)

Tae:Then she started wiggling and pushing me which made hard for me to remove her shirt button so I caught both of her hands back of her waist and I opened one more button of her shirt exposing her milky white skin which looked like a white chocolate.I started sucking her neck and made some hickeys on her neck.Then I released her hands.

Y/n:Tears were rolling in my eyes he caught me completely not allowing me to move.And he left me after few mins then i tried pushing him.(panting)

Tae:She started pushing me again.Then my hands travelled to her waist again and caught them in a firm grip.I removed the tug of her white shirt.My hands roaming all over her body.Then my hands travelled from her navel to her back slowly and unclipped her bra.It fell down immediately.

A/n:(It was stapless you know😏)

Y/n:P-please Tae.(like a whisper)

Tae:When I looked into her eyes it was like someone stabbed my heart a million times.Her eyes were red and puffy cause of crying.Which brought me back to my senses.I saw that she was getting dizzy she clutched my bare biceps and her eyes were closed.Im calling her but she is not able to hear her grip on my bicepsgot loosened and when she was about to loose balance and fall down I
caught her before she falls.

Y/n: ........................

Tae:I turned her only to see that she fell unconscious again.Just cause of me.I carried her towards our bed and gently laid her on it.I pecked her forehead and went outside of the room Cause she was turning me on .(you know😏).I went to guest room but nothing was helping me.I just slept on my bed.

Y/n:I woke up due to headache and found myself on the bed.I started panicking ,sweating and crying thinking about yesterday's incident.Actually I'm scared of doing it c-cause my step father once gave me as a rent for a bar for an hour.There a man h-he tried to (u know).So that Im scared of it.Tae reminds me some things he did with me which scares me.But Tae wasn't in his senses yesterday. BTW where is Tae? I got down of bed and went to guest room searching for him.There I saw him laying down on bed.I went near him T-tae?

Tae:I am feeling weird from yesterday I don't feel good.I heard Y/n's voice and opened my eyes.Y/nn......... was the last words I spoke and I blacked out.

Y/n:Tae what happened to you ? why are your cheeks all red?I checked his forehead which was burning with fever.I immediately called doctor.

After Checkup:

Y/n:What happened doctor?Is he allright

Doctor:Actually he has been given a heavy dose of Viagara.He is not in his senses.Ill ask you a question please don't feel and tell me the truth.Did you had an Intercourse yesterday?

Y/n:(Face became red tomato)N-no do-ctor.

Doctor:Looks so weird how did he control that large amount of dose?there is something special in him.Maybe his love and respect for you made him like this.But whatever he have a slight fever give these medicines to him.He will be fine in 2 hours.

Y/n:Thankyou doctor.


Rece:Hello!boss how may I help you?

Y/n:I'm Mrs.Kim.(In mind:Ik I lied but ill become soon.)

Rece:Y-yes mam.

Y/n:I immediately need the footage of Mr.Kims cabin at today morning.

Rece:But mam we can't believe you.Do you have any proof?cause boss didn't inform us.

Y/n:Can't you see that im calling you from his phone?isn't this enough?

Rece:O-ok mam I will send the footage to you immediately sorry for the inconvenience.

Y/n:Cuts the call.

Rece sends the footage to y/n.

Y/n:Oh this bi*ch spiked Tae's drink!wrong move bi*ch.Now see what I'll do to you.(calling rece).

Rece:Yes mam!

Y/n:I want that lady as his secretary don't you dare remove her from my company.

Rece:Yes mam.


Tae:I opened my eyes and saw y/n sitting beside me and sleeping.I caressed her hair .

Y/n:Tae are you awake?do you feel any pain any where?


Y/n:Let me call the doctor.(Takes phone)

Tae:There's no need bae I know the cause.


Tae:It's cause I hurted you.Im so sorry babe.

Y/n:I know it's not your fault.

Tae:But how?

Y/n:That's not important for now.I want a small thing will you give it to me?then I'll forgive you.

Tae:Whats that?

Y/n:Tomorrow I'll go to your company in place of you.

Tae:But why?


Tae:Okay but don't do something silly hmm?

Y/n:Thankyou. (In mind:Now you'll know your standards bloody secretary. )

A/n: Please don't think anything cause idk what I wrote.Hope you'll enjoy bye I'm sleepy.

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