Don't Commit??

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Jk- The loser has to confess to his crush
Gyu- Done.


All of the girls and boys were finally in front of a bungalow, it was not as luxurious but even so, it was really beautiful, and the scenic beauty around the house was worth a watch after the tiring   1-hour ride...

Gyu & Ryujin- I could watch this whole day...

They both exclaimed together watching the magnificent view in front of them, both of them looked at each other, Ryujin feeling shy toward a guy for the first time in her life while Beomgyu feeling bold toward a girl for the first time, Gyu winked while staring Ryujin making her blush hard, seeing this all the others felt like they were third wheels so they quietly left them alone to enjoy their moment...

Rose- I wish I also had a boyfriend...

She said pouting sadly as all the girls internally agreed to it while Kai and Yuna just looked at each other and blushed.

Jimin- Don't worry you can always come to me for the things that couples do...

He said smirking while winking and eyeing Rose which made her as red as a tomato...

Jisoo- Why not a relationship instead of friends with benefits?

She asked the question which was wandering in all of the girl's heads, hearing this Joon, Yoongi, and Hobi looked at the four boys getting uncomfortable at the mention of this specific topic.

Jin- We don't commit.

He said coldly before walking past them to the kitchen followed by the other three boys while the girls looked at the remaining boys hoping to know about the topic which made the boys change their attitude...

RM- Please don't mind them they hate it when someone suggests them to be in a relationship...

He said his eyes still on the way the boys left, but his sentence left a significant impact on the 4 girls standing in front of him, it somewhat made them feel sad, shrugging their shoulders they once again looked towards the place where the other 3 boys were standing but found nothing but emptiness...

Jennie- Woahh where are they??

She asked the other girls while pointing to the place where the boys were once standing.

Momo- In the kitchen most probably let's go and check...

Her statement made them all nod in agreement and all of them also went towards the kitchen...

Yuna- Oppa ---

Yuna was about to say Oppa what are you guys doing but her sentence was cut short by Chaeyoung. Her hand was covering Yuna's mouth stopping her from speaking any further which made Yuna look at her unnie with a questioning look on her face to which Chaeyoung just pointed in front as an answer...

It was probably the most beautiful and precious site girls had ever seen, all the boys were sitting on the floor resting their backs on the wall with closed eyes just feeling grateful for each other's presence...

Jihyo quietly went to Rm before gently brushing his hair making him open his eyes...

Jihyo- Let's go and order something to eat...

She said softly making him nod before slowly getting up and getting out of the kitchen followed by Jihyo, while all the other girls took a seat on the stools admiring the boys...

V- I might melt under your sexy stare sweetheart...

He said before opening his eyes and looking straight into Jennie's eyes making her look away and blush in embarrassment.

Jennie- Yo-you okay??

She asked changing the topic which might embarrass her more...

V- Yeahh

He said and left the kitchen followed by Jennie who intended on getting some more information out of the man...

Lisa- He is soo cute awww...

Jk- I am not cute, I am Hot...

He said making Lisa look at Jk in shock only to find him smirking at her...

Lisa-Ho-How d-do you know I was talking about you??

She asked completely shocked...

Jk- Babe I know you...

He said before getting up and dragging Lisa along with him out of the kitchen to hear some more compliments...

Jisoo- Why is Oppa even here??

She asks still wondering what is her brother doing in India away from Korea that too for some Mafia...

Jin- Seriously??

He asks suddenly startling Jisoo, his tone somewhat angry...

Jisoo- Gosh, you scared me, what seriously??

She asked her hand resting on her chest trying to calm her stupid heart...

Jin- I thought you would stare at me like Jennie or say cute things like Lisa but here you are... who is he anyway? why do you care about him? even if you do you should care more about me...

He blasted before storming out of the kitchen, his outburst made Jisoo feel weird, she felt her heart beating like crazy...

Jisoo- What??

She ask confused and follow Jin to maybe explain that he is her brother, she herself was confused but she just had that urge to explain herself to Jin...

Rose- Why you don't want to date anyone??

She asks Jimin who looked like he was sleeping, her tone was clearly sad she was still stuck on the statement by Jin, why would he not date anyone?? this question was still lingering in her mind...

Jimin- You are that curious huh??

Rose- Y-you a-are awake I thought you were sleeping??

She asked flustered...

Jimin- Well you think too much honey, anyway my offer for you is still open...

He said while smirking and winking at her making her red...

Rose- No-no this is not right, if you want me you need to date me and ONLY ME...

She said looking at Jimin who looked deep in his thoughts, sighing Rose also leaves the kitchen maybe she is expecting too much from him after all she was just another girl he kidnapped...

Jimin- Ahhh why date??

He asked frustrated as he also followed her out...

Author's Note

Sooooooooooooo guys this is it for this chapter do you like it?? Please comment your views and vote for me...

Anyway I tried to update as fast as I could so I hope you all are happy AND as one of my fellow readers requested I added special moments for all of the main ships so please share your views..

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