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Taehyung asked his piercing eyes never leaving Jennie's face making her blush so hard that anyone could notice it. Jennie just quietly nodded her head to avoid Taehyung's gaze and snatched the gun from him to join the other girls who had already started practicing to give them some privacy to flirt as much as they want.


Suga- That's not how you do it, how many times do I have to tell you to front kick and then punch not punch and front kick, is it that hard??

Nayeon- I am trying okay, we have been practicing since 3:30 AM with only breakfast and lunch break of 10 minutes, it's 7 in the evening can't you be a little considerate??

Tae- I understand you but you need to understand that we just have a week and if you cannot endure this routine then I guess you should reconsider your decision to stay.

Taehyung's words did hurt girls after all they were trying their best and that was a difficult move to learn moreover yoongi and yeonjun just explained it to them once, they are not professionals to get it in one go but they were determined to take revenge for their loved ones and once they are done with the revenge they might as well use these moves on the boys.

Jennie- Tae I understand you guys are under the pressure to train us but you need to look at the situation from our point of view, many of us are still new to professional fighting, so let's not waste time fighting over small things and yoongi oppa just demonstrate it once more we will try our best to understand.

Lia- Honestly seeing Jennie unnie trying to solve a conflict instead of fueling it is so cool, like unnie you nice keep going!!!

Soobin- Yeah lia enough of hyping up noona now focus on practicing the kick.

Yoongi and Yeonjun demonstrated the kick and punch once more this time much more precise and in easy language for girls to understand.

Nayeon- You should have explained like this in the first place anyway, I got it let me try.

She said happily before getting into position ready to attack on yoongi who was holding the kit acting as a target for her like the other boys. Nayeon did the move this time with much more accuracy making yoongi feel proud and relieved at the same point.

J-hope- How's her hitting force? Is it good enough to hurt someone pretty bad?

Yoongi- It is okay but as you know when someone is trained how to fight professionally the first thing they are taught is how to get beaten so they still need to work on increasing their strength to hurt professionals.

Jimin- Yeah but the technique is good enough so I think we should move on to the next lesson which is some key points to win.

Namjoon- Okay so everyone have a seat this one is all about knowledge. Okay let's start Soobin.

Soobin- Ne hyung, first we will start with some knowledge test, so tell me if you want to knock out someone where will you attack??

Ryujin- Our face is one of the most sensitive parts of our body so if we want to knock someone out a strong punch on the jaw, temple, or nose should be fine.

Taehyung- Bingo, now girls remember it is important for self-defense repeat after me Jaw, Temple, nose.

Girls- Jaw, Temple, Nose.

Soobin- Okay so we won't be practicing it cause our faces are precious to us but remember if a situation occurs when you do not have any weapon and you need to take down your enemy then use all of your strength and give them a good punch on??

Girls- Jaw, Temple, Nose.

Soobin- Good, now moving on, where you should attack to cause the most harm??

Jisoo- The best places to hit someone are the most sensitive parts of the body, including the eyes, ears, nose, armpit, and groin. But there are also many other spots where thick bones don't protect the body's super-sensitive nerves and organs. Hitting someone at the base of the skull can cause spinal cord injuries. A successful kidney shot will deal a great amount of initial and lingering pain to a person's back and abdominal area, there are many honestly.

Jin- Here comes the knowledge of a medical student, correct a sharp fingertip punch to the armpit can deaden a person's arm and leave them vulnerable to other attacks. So now as it is mentioned let us teach them a fingertip punch.

Lisa- Ohh trust me I am the best when it comes to fingertip punch.

Jungkook- Okay let's see if that's true or not, demonstrate it on that dummy.

Lisa got into position and then demonstrated the punch which made the arm of the dummy to fall off, while all the girls just clapped.

Jungkook- Perfect, just perfect the technique, the posture, the force everything is good enough to take down a person with years of experience, girls refer to it.

Jennie- No need we know all the basic punches used for self-defense we learned then from Lisa and Ryujin when a guy was stalking Chaeryoung and tried to--

Chaeryoung- Unnie that is fine, so anyway I think we should not waste time on this and move on.

Jimin- I think we should take a dinner break now and then all the girls will practice specific things discussed in the morning okay??

Everyone (except Taehyun)- Ne.

While all the girls and boys were getting ready to eat, Taehyun's mind was stuck on Jennie's line, "Chaeryoung had a stalker, it must have been hard for her, when was it? what did he do to her? it was definitely before they started working for us, but then again why would she stop unnie from telling us, did he try to--, that bitch I need to know who that was" His train of thoughts hauled when Chaeryoung called him out.

Chae- Taehyun come what are you waiting for??

Taehyun- Yeah I am coming.










Author's Note,

This is it for this chapter, hope you like it.
And guys I have a request, I observed that many of you are not sharing your opinions on the chapter so I would like you guys to please share your opinions and thoughts in the comments section.
Vote for the chapter, and I know this one is a bit short but the next part will be out within a few days so I hope you will look forward to it.

Now memes,

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