Chapter - 11 Project

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I was sitting in my class. The professor enter in a class with a boy and he was the...... Boy I meet in mall. He looked at me and Smirked.

??; My name is Lee know. And please don't interfere in my business until you wanna de in your grave.

He said in cold tone. That give me chills Down my spin.

Professor; you can sit beside yn. Yn please raise your hand.

I raised my hand. He came and sit beside me.

Time Skip after class end's
Today professor give us project. My project partner is Lee know. Well he tried to talk to me but I ignored him.
it was lunch time now. I was keeping my books in my locker. but I feel someone presence behind me. I closed the locker. And look at my back. Lee know was standing there.

Yn; what do you want?

Lee know; professor give us project and u are my partner remember?

Yn; So? *I Said boringly*

Lee know; So can I come to house for project.

Yn; n-

Lee know; preety please *he said with puppy eyes*

He is kinda cute. WAIT I just called him cute argh.

Yn; okay let me ask my brother.

I texted Jin oppa.

in texts
Yn; hi opppa

Jin; what happened princess you should be in your class right?

Yn; oppa today professor didn't come.
Between I want to ask you something?

Jin; ask what do you want to ask?

Yn; Can I invite my project partner to our mansion We have to do project.

Jin; ok you can. But it is girl or boy?

Yn; boy. Please don't say no.

Jin; okay okay you can invite him at our mansion.

Texts end.

Yn; okay you can come. Give me your Number I will send you address.

We both exchange our numbers. I was going to cafeteria. But Lee know was following me. He is so fucking annoying.

Yn; now what?

Lee know; I am just going to cafeteria. *He said with a innocent smile*

I get my lunch. And sit on a empty table. This guy again come and sit Beside me.

Yn; can you sit Somewhere else? This is my table.

Lee know; I don't see your name here tho.

it's worthless to talk with this guy. I started eating my lunch. After eating my lunch. Lee know dragged me out of School.

Yn; where are you dragging me?

Lee know; we are going to your house on my bike.

I can't win to this stubborn boy so I sat on and he drove his bike to my mansion. We reached the mansion. We started walking inside. I open the main door. What We saw made me and Lee know Shocked....

~~To be Continued~~

Words - 466

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