♡ Chapter 4 ⁠♡

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Jennie's POV

*I looked up and saw y/n and I am not suprised because I know this little girl was going to follow me she can't stay in one place can't she. Aishh this girl*

Y/n : unnie come on we need to fight them
Jennie : yaah y/n they are not some regular school brats they are more than, they have guns y/n you run from here and call our brother's for help
Y/n : aishhh unnie I know how to fight now come on we need to beat some asses

Author POV

Jennie and y/n : come on boys!!

*They both started fighting and made a team. Both of them were passing each other weapons and fighting together like they have been doing this together since ages*

Jennie POV

*I was seeing how y/n was fighting it was like she has been through these situations before. She was very calm and composed*

Y/n : Jennie unnie watch out!! *she yelled at me and before I could think she pushed me and the man cut her arm with a knife, did she just saved me??*
Jennie : y/n!!
Y/n : I'm ok unnie it's just a scratch
Jennie : just wait a minute I will call jin oppa
Jennie : he-hello oppa
Jin oppa : hello what's wrong Jennie?? Is everything alright??
Jennie : oppa track this phone and come fast y/n
Jin oppa : helloo
Jennie : oh God y/n my phone is dead
Y/n : it's ok y/n they will come


*We were all in the living room discussing about some mafia work when suddenly my phone started ringing I saw the caller ID and it was Jennie. Huh??she would be at the shopping mall why she calling me right now?! I hope everything is right *sigh*. And when I picked up the call I heard Jennie she was breathing heavily. I started panicking and immediately said Jhope to track the call and then Jennie said something about y/n. I was very angry and I was full on shouting on Jhope to track the location. We all went to the car and started driving to the location which was the mall. At the entrance we saw Jisoo, Rose and Lisa waiting so we went to them*

Rm : where are y/n and Jennie??
Jisoo : we don't know we are also trying to find them ughhh

*We all went and started finding them when I got a call*

Suga : I found them they are in the basement of the mall
Jimin : ok we are coming

*When I went there I saw Jennie , y/n and some bodies. I ran towards them
Jennie : oppa y/n is bleeding
Jin's mind : it was the first time in my life seeing Jennie panicking for someone else. She's was always the calm one*

*I quickly carried y/n in bridal style and went towards our car. She had fainted before we entered the car. We all went in her room and laid her down on the bed and started treating her wounds*

Jin : how did it happen??
Jennie : ac-actual-actually op-oppa
Suga : spill it Jennie......*she started explaining everything that happened in the mall*
Jimin : what the hell Jennie!! Why would you do that?? You both couldn't have died
Jennie : I know and I am sorry..*she said and started to tear up I felt bad for her but what she did was wrong*
Jin : I am disappointed in you jennie
Jennie : I am sorry oppa..*she said to me*
Jin : let's discuss this matter afterwards let y/n rest and you all also take rest

Jennie POV

*We all had our dinner just now and no one uttered a single word we all just ate and came into our rooms it was a gloomy atmosphere without y/n and now I am here tossing and turning around my bed. I couldn't sleep so I decided to go into y/n's room when I went there I saw Jisoo unnie, Rose , Lisa and yn talking with each other...*

Jennie : is it a sister's night without me??
Lisa : unnie!! come on
Jennie : how are you feeling cupcake??
Y/n : I am fine unnie come and join us
Jennie : okk.....*I said and kicked Lisa out of the bed*
Lisa : ahhh waee unnie!!

Author POV

Rose : let's watch a movie
Jisoo : sure come on everyone

*All of the girl's laid on the bed and started watching the movie. All of them wanted this day to come. They all wanted to spend time with their sister's. They all were cuddling and watching the movie together and commenting on the look's of the hero which every girl does. After the movie they all slept but Jennie couldn't so she went to the balcony for some fresh air when she felt a presence behind her, she turned and saw y/n standing behind her with a smile on her face*

Y/n : what's wrong unnie??
Jennie : I am sorry for everything I had done before. Y/n actually I don't trust people easily that's why I behaved so rudely with you before but now you are my little and cute sister right cupcake??
Y/n : of course unnie and it's ok
Jennie : so would you mind
Y/n : what?? *she said tilting her head but she knew that Jennie was asking for but she decided to tease her a bit*
Y/n : of course unnie come on

Next Morning
Author POV

Jin : jungkook call all the girl's for breakfast
Jungkook : ok hyung

*Jungkook went to find all the girl's but he found nothing in any of blackpink's room and he started panicking so he ran into y/n room and saw a very cute sight*

Jungkook : awww

*Jungkook ran downstairs and started calling all his hyungs*

Jimin : what's wrong kook??

*Jungkook then guided all of them to y/n's room and then they saw all their sister's cuddling together. They'll were very happy and they vowed to protect all their sister's at any cost*

Jin : come on now get up all of you
Suga : yahhhh wake up
Taehyung : they all are such a sleepyheads hyung
Jungkook : aishh wake up your donkeys
All the girl's : yahhh you are a donkey *they all said in unison the boys looked at each other and burst out laughing hahaha*
Jin : ok ok now wake up and get ready for your delicious breakfast

*They all were eating and laughing at the table but y/n couldn't eat as she had a scratch on her arm and she had bandage wrapped around the hand. She was trying to eat when suddenly*

??? : here let me feed you

*She looked towards the source and saw Jhope with a spoon in his hand. She opened her mouth and he feed her the food. All the girl's were watching the scene with happiness while all the rest of the boys were watching the scene with jealousy in their eyes*

Y/n : thank you oppa!!
J-hope : no problem princess

*Y/n was very happy that her new family has accepted her but she was still sad as one of them was yet to accept her which was Taehyung or so she thought*


*After breakfast I reached school and went towards red velvet unnies and then I started talking with them about all the things that happened in the past few day*

Y/n : I don't know why but today I was getting a gut feeling that something is going to happen I don't know if it is good or bad but I am sure that something big is going to happen today

Time Skip to Lunch Time

*Here I am sitting with the red velvet unnie and we were talking about our some of the childhood memories and we were all embarassing each other*

Irene : and guys do you remember when we were kids Wendy poured some water on the stairs so that y/n could fall and she went up to call y/n and then she started running down to call us to see how y/n will fall but instead. She herself fell down because of the water trap she laid for y/n hahaha
Y/n : I know right Wendy unnie was so dumb at that time
Seulgi : what do mean by that time she has always been dumb
Joy : hahaha ya u are right....

Wendy : and then when once joy liked a guy so she said seulgi to go and ask his number so what did seulgi do huh??
Yeri : ohh I remember it seulgi was like she went to him and said "you see that girl over there she said me to tell you that you look like a pig" and in return joy unnie winked at the boy
Y/n : hahahahaha
Seulgi : but that was actually very funny though
Joy : ya right *she said sarcastically and scoffed*
Y/n's mind : and again we all brust out of laughing at the pouting face of joy unnie

*We're all talking when suddenly my phone started ringing and when I looked at the caller ID it was an unknown number and when I picked up someone from the other line spoke*

??? : hello my little devil. How are you?? *I started shaking and tears started coming ou of my eyes. My unnies looked at me in concern but I just ignored them*
Y/n : is it you JJ??
??? : Yes it's me darling
Y/n : wh-where ar-are yo-you??
??? : We are at the airport wouldn't you come to pick up us darling??
Y/n : WAIT of course I will come. I am coming in just 10 minutes OK??
??? : We are waiting darling!!

*With that I ran away from the cafeteria and grabbed my bike keys and started going towards the airport. Oh God I can't believe I am going to meet them after almost 2 year's*

BTS and Blackpink POV

*We were all eating when y/n yelled something*

Y/n : WHAT?? Wait of course I will come.I am coming in just 10 minutes OK??

*What is she talking about and who is going to come and just like that she ran out of the cafeteria*


*I reached the airport and started searching from there and suddenly*

??? : Hello my little devil

*I turned around and froze there they were some of the most important people in my life without them I will be nothing today. I ran towards them and hugged the life out of them*


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