Book 2 - Chapter 42: Caught

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Ignore the mistakes

A whiny pregnant fiance wasn't good at all. He was annoying yet Jungkook can't argue with him because his fiance will definitely throw whatever he saw.

It's Taehyung's 7 month being pregnant and his mood swings were annoying. He was slowly getting used to it but sometimes it's hard to control.

However, he had to handle Taehyung, he was the one who makes Taehyung pregnant so it was his fault. And he was sure Taehyung will beat him up if he complain.

"Jungkook ah, will you let me suck you?" Taehyung whines, standing in front of Jungkook's desk.

They were in Jungkook's office, Taehyung was asking the same question when they woke up, eat, leave their house, in their car, and now, in the company. He doesn't know how to calm down Taehyung's hormones.

"Why the heck are you horny this early in the morning? You keep asking the same thing." Jungkook inquired sighing.

He was sitting in his swivel chair while massaging his nape. He flinched when Taehyung pushed his chair and knelt down in front of him.

"I'm not horny, I'm needy, you didn't fulfill my needs." Taehyung whined.

"It's because you're pregnant." Jungkook retorted while looking at him.

"At least let me suck you." Taehyung huffed while his finger dangling on Jungkook's zipper.

The younger boy sighed in defeat and nodded his head. Taehyung eyes beaming in excitement.

"But make it faster, someone might catch us." Jungkook warned him.

The blue-haired nodded his head, he unzips Jungkook's pants and pulled down his boxer. He strokes Jungkook's balls, and the younger boy arched his head and shut his eyes. He let out a groan while clenching his fingers on the arm holder.

The older boy's tongue swirled around Jungkook's length. He slightly bobbed his head when he choked due to the big size of Jungkook's. He can feel in his mouth that Jungkook's length was starting to become big. He flattened his tongue and licked Jungkook's ball down to his tip.

The black-haired boy squirmed and he tugged Taehyung's bangs to see his face. Taehyung bobbed his head while holding onto Jungkook's thigh. Jungkook gasped and he moaned.

"I'm close~" Jungkook moaned in his deep voice.

He squirted his cum in Taehyung's mouth. The older boy pulled away with popped sound. He looked at Taehyung while panting heavily, Taehyung was seductive while licking his lips and winked.

"You're the death of me." Jungkook pants and pulled up his zipper.

The door has opened causing Jungkook to flinch. Seirin came inside with files again in her hands.

"Sir, these are the files for requirements." Seirin said as she set down the files on Jungkook's table.

"Thank you, you can leave." Jungkook retorted anxiously.

"Sir, are you okay? You're sweaty." Seirin inquired worriedly.

"I'm fine, just I'm hot." Jungkook replied and unbuttoned the three buttons of his shirt.

"Yeah, your hot, sir." Seirin uttered under her breath and bit her bottom lip.

"Huh?" Jungkook inquired wanting to know if he heard something.

"I just--"

Seirin was cut off when she saw the pregnant boy standing up.

His belly was on Jungkook's face. Jungkook gulped while Seirin's eyes widened. The younger boy curses under his breath, Taehyung turns around and smiled at Seirin.

"Why do you stop?" Taehyung asked while caressing his tummy.

"Uh, ahm, It seems I interrupt something, I should go." Seirin retorted clearing her throat.

"Yeah, go and leave, you really interrupt us." Taehyung mocked and sits on Jungkook's lap.

"I-I'm sorry." Seirin stuttered and bowed her head.

Taehyung just peppered soft kisses on Jungkook's jaw and neck. Seirin awkwardly left Jungkook's office.

When Taehyung sensed that Seirin has left, he looked behind him and smirked.

"Why did you stand up? She caught us." Jungkook said still shocked.

"I don't care, she interrupted us." Taehyung grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Tae." Jungkook sighed.

"Is that because she's sexy? And I'm getting fat now?" Taehyung inquired, gritting his teeth and threatening tears built in his eyes.

"What? Of course not, she's my secretary, it's embarrassing if someone caught us, it should've been our privacy." Jungkook reasoned and cupped his cheeks.

"Good, because I know, whether I'm fat or not, I'm still handsome." Taehyung smiled and flipped his hair.

"Of course, you're truly ethereal." Jungkook smiled and pecked the tip of his nose.

The pregnant boy chuckled, he snuggled on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Jungkookie." Taehyung muttered.

"Hm?" Jungkook hums in response.

"Can we do it again?" Taehyung teased, giggling.

"Taehyung." Jungkook sighed frustratedly.

He looked at Jungkook and pecked his lips.

"Just kidding.....daddy." Taehyung teased and winked.

He nuzzled on Jungkook's shoulder once again.

"Believe me, next time, I'll fuck you arduous and wild, I'll make sure to give you a sore throat and you won't able to walk in a month." Jungkook uttered, caressing Taehyung's back.

"Can't wait, daddy, I'll prepare my taebooty." Taehyung chuckled sending a vibration through Jungkook's body.

"Be ready for dozen, babies." Jungkook teased, whispering on Taehyung's left ear and kissing his earlobe.

"Okay." Taehyung simply answered

Taehyung and Jungkook laughed at each other while talking about horny topics.


The younger boy was humming a song, Taehyung was sleeping on his lap and they were inside the car. They're going back to their house. He softly caressed Taehyung's back and his tummy. The pregnant tightened his grips around Jungkook's waist and nuzzled him.

"Sir, we've arrived." The driver said and opened the door car for Jungkook.

Jungkook hums, he carefully carried Taehyung like a bridal style and he left the car.

"Park the car." Jungkook ordered as he walked away.

The driver nodded, bowed, and he parks Jungkook's car. He walks inside his house and saw his hyungs were eating.

"Good evening, Jungkook ah!" Jin welcomed and waved his hands.

"Good evening, hyung." Jungkook greeted back.

"Come on, join us." Jin said.

"Later hyung, I'll bring Taehyung upstairs." Jungkook replied.

"Okay, come fast before Jimin eat all of the food." Jin uttered.

The black-haired laughed while Jimin gritted his teeth.


The younger boy went upstairs, he brought Taehyung to their room. He softly laid him on the bed, he was about to pull away but Taehyung clasped his blazer tightly.

"Don't leave." Taehyung mumbled sleepily.

"I'll just eat and I cuddle with you." Jungkook retorted.

"Please." Taehyung mumbled.

Jungkook sighed, how can't he say no to him?

"Fine." Jungkook muttered.

He laid down beside Taehyung, Taehyung's hand formed a fist while holding Jungkook's blazer. He ignored his growling stomach.

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