Chapter 19: Arrest

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Chapter 19: Arrest

The silver-haired boy has been unconscious for three days, but the doctor said he was fine and that he was slowly recovering from his injuries.

"Jungkook, Taehyung's food is ready, come get it!" Jin yelled to the kitchen.

"Coming!" Jungkook yelled from his room, and he dashed downstairs.

Even though Taehyung was not awake, Jungkook continued to bring him food in the hopes that he would awaken.

The black-haired boy walked upstairs with the tray of food on the fridge. His heart fluttered when he entered the room and saw Taehyung sitting on the bed, reading comic books.

"Finally, you wake up." Jungkook said

He put the tray on the bed.

"Did I sleep for a long time?" Taehyung inquired as he put the comics away.

"Three days." Jungkook replied.

"I should've fucked 20 girls in those days." Taehyung snickered while crossing his arms.

"Even if you've already been hurt, you somehow pervert." Jungkook chuckled and takes a seat next to him.

"That's me." Taehyung giggled

"Are you sure you're not going to ask me?" Jungkook inquired.

Taehyung smiled softly when he looked at him.

"Ask you about what?" Taehyung retorted inquiring.

"It's about what you've seen and heard." Jungkook replied.

"Maybe it's because you've already lied to me and I'm not sure I can't trust you. I don't believe you're going to tell me the truth." Taehyung sipped the soup as he spoke.

Jungkook sighed and he held the older boy's left hand.

"Ask me anything, I promise, I'll be honest with you." Jungkook said

He stares through Taehyung's eyes.

"Who are you? What are you? Why does this happen to me? To my family? Why did you do that? Why you didn't think about the consequences? Why are you doing this?" Taehyung asked while looking at Jungkook's eyes with his teary eyes.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, the Mafia Boss of Bangtan, my hyungs were part of my clan. I'm mafia when I'm 16, it's been 8 years now. I'm the one who killed his son, I didn't expect that this will happened. I just know that I already took revenge for what his son did to you. I'm sorry for what happened to your parents, It's my fault." Jungkook stated honestly.

"Jimin hyung? Is he part of the group? He's working for you, right?" Taehyung asked biting his bottom lip to suppress his tears.

"Yes, he is one of my group." Jungkook retorted.

"I didn't expect that I'm surrounded by liar people. I'm so stupid." Taehyung said laughing bitterly.

"Taehyung, hyung hides it from you because he was sure that you'll hate him. He doesn't want you to get involved with him." Jungkook explained.

"And now I'm involved with you. I have no one, my parents died because of you and your bullshit. I don't know how to start again, Jungkook. I'm with no one now Jungkook, you took my happiness away." Taehyung grumbled.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung." Jungkook sighed sadly.

"Whatever the case might be, it has already happened. My life is getting worse and I can't go back to the day when I shouldn't have crossed paths with you. My life would have been happy and perfect if I hadn't met you." Taehyung uttered with a cracked tone.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook simply apologized.

"Y-you call me hyung, I'm older than you, show respect to me, understood." Taehyung muttered.

"Okay, hyung." Jungkook replied and smiled softly.

"You didn't answer my last question, why are you doing this?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Because I like you, I told you about my feelings and I know you're not ready so I respect you about that. I can wait if I have a chance for you." Jungkook replied genuinely.

Taehyung smiled back and he eats the food, not bothering to answer him. Jungkook stands up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked confusedly.

"I'll just go downstairs, hyungs and I need to talk about something, I'll be back here." Jungkook responded.

"Okay." Taehyung smiled.

He ruffled the silver-haired boy's hair and he went out of the room. Taehyung's smile disappear, and his hands balled into a fist while clenching his jaw.

"I'll take my revenge, you killed my parents, it was your fault, Jungkook." Taehyung uttered solemnly.

He stands up on the bed, he checks the cabinet and drawer, he was finding for his phone. He saw his phone in the drawer beside the bed and grabbed it. He locked the door and called someone.

"Hello, I know where's the most popular mafia, I have an idea where's their hideout." Taehyung started while sitting on the bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Jeon Jungkook, he killed a student at University. And lastly, the Bangtan is the reason for my parent's death." Taehyung replied with a serious face.

"That's definitely good news, just keep on your location and we'll come there."

"Okay, come as soon as possible, they might escape, but please, don't hurt Park Jimin." Taehyung added.

"We'll do what you say, and we will arrive as soon as possible."

"Good." Taehyung turns off the call.

He looked through the window, the police will arrive soon.


"Did he forgive you?" Jimin asked while sitting on the chair in the dining room.

"I don't think so, but he seems fine." Jungkook responded sighing.


Jin's sentence stopped when the door of the house was opened revealing police with a shield and guns pointing at them.

"Jeon Jungkook, we have a warrant of arrest for you. Come with us in peace, Jeon!" The police warned.

"Wuh-what's happening?" Hoseok uttered while standing in the living room.

"How did they know?" Namjoon asked, standing beside Hoseok.

Suddenly, Taehyung comes out of the room and went downstairs, walking near the police.

"Taehyung." Jin mumbled standing in the kitchen.

"All of you, put your hands on your back!" The police ordered.

They put their hands on their back, and the chief signaled to the police to handcuff their hands. The police slowly went to them and cuffed their hands. Jimin glared at Taehyung who looks at him with emotionless eyes.

"Bring them inside the car." The chief uttered.

The police dragged them out, and Jimin accidentally bumped his shoulder against Taehyung. They put them inside the van.

"I've never expected that the person we saved also be the person who will betray us." Jin sighed and snickered bitterly.

"What a bad choice for saving him." Yoongi sighed and leaned his back on the backseat.

Jungkook suddenly felt his heart get stabbed by multiple times.

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