Chapter 6: Odd

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Chapter 6: Odd

When lunchtime came, the best friends, Jimin and Taehyung we're on their way to the cafeteria. The blonde-haired boy was just calm looking at his book while the silver-haired boy was winking and flirting with the students they were passing by.

Not gonna lie, they look so handsome in their outfit. If they aren't a student, they can seriously end their model careers.

While walking inside the cafeteria, Taehyung saw the familiar black-haired boy in the cafeteria, talking with a beautiful and sexy girl besides him. But why did he feel something wrong with his stomach? Does he feel jealous?

Nope, He's is straight, he's straighter than bamboo, straighter than your fingers.

He smirked when an idea came into his mind. He left Jimin, who had already found their place, and moved closer to Jungkook joking around with the girl.

"Hey, Jeon!"

The black-haired boy looked at Taehyung after hearing his name, but he was punched in the jaw.

The girl beside Jungkook was surprised by what she saw.

"What the hell are you doing, Taehyung?" Jungkook asked confused yet mad.

The silver-haired boy won't be lying, the younger looks hot when he's mad.

"What's the matter with my boyfriend? Boyfie, are you mad?" Taehyung inquired teasingly smirking.

He rested his hands on top of Jungkook's shoulder, playfully playing with his collar.

"Kim, aren't you straight? Oh, I see, your envious baby. You don't have to be jealous because she's just a good friend of mine, I'm all yours." The black-haired boy teased back.

"The hell, I'm just kidding you. You ruined the fun."  Taehyung said rolling his eyes.

He was about to leave but Jungkook held his waist as he tried to step backward.

"Really? I kind of like the way you teased me, I felt like I'm yours." Jungkook uttered staring at the silver-haired boy.

"Keep your mouth shut! Don't be so confident about yourself!" Taehyung grumbled pushing the boy away from him.

He attempts to yank Jungkook's hands away, but the younger wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist and pulls him closer.

Their face was approximately close to each other. The older yelped and fisting against Jungkook's shoulder.

He can feel Jungkook's warm breath on his lips. When Jungkook touched his lips, he can't help but whimper and the younger's thumb pulled down Taehyung's bottom lip as he looked at the silver-haired boy.

"Your lips tempt and invite me to kiss you, but they also want me to claim you as mine. Baby, do you think it's good?" Jungkook inquired.

His lips ghosted over Taehyung's right cheek, almost to his eyes.

"Let go of me, jerk! I-I told you I'm straight!" He retorted clenching his teeth. 

"What do you mean by straight? Straight getting an F?" Jungkook inquired, smirking.

Taehyung slammed his forehead against Jungkook's causing the black-haired boy to pull back and groans in agony.

"Fuck you!" He yelled, grumbling.

He walked away after kicking Jungkook in the chest.

"I'll fuck you soon!" Jungkook yelled back hissing in pain.

The silver-haired boy grumbled, sitting down on the bench in front of Jimin.

"Are you blushing?" The blonde-haired boy asked when he saw how red Taehyung's face was.

"Wuh-what? O-of course not!" Taehyung lied and ate his food.

"Are you okay? Why are you so red? Do you feel unwell?" Jimin asked worriedly and put his hand on Taehyung's forehead.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just hungry, that's it." Taehyung sighed to lessen his hyung worries.

Jimin sighed and just eat his meal. Taehyung, on the other hand, had an odd sensation.

As he looked up, he saw Jungkook looking at him with his arms crossed. Taehyung gagged and coughed after Jungkook winked at him, and he looked down.


Jimin had to leave Taehyung because he had to do 'something'.

Taehyung was just walking on the road with a lollipop in his mouth.

"Hey, boyfie!" Jungkook grinned and patted the older on his back.

The silver-haired boy glanced at him and rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here? You should've flirted with her a little more." Taehyung asked, pulling out the lollipop from his mouth.

"I'm not that flirty, boyfie, I'm loyal to you." Jungkook smirked.

"Loyal my ass." Taehyung mumbled as he was about to put the lollipop in his mouth but Jungkook took the lollipop and put it in his mouth.

"It tastes good, just like your lips." The younger snickered winking at him.

"That's mine!" The silver-haired boy exclaimed.

He flinched when Jungkook suddenly pecked his lips.

"It isn't as good as my lollipop." The younger teased chuckling.  

"I hate you." He tsked and continued to walk.

But he saw the black-haired boy run in front of him and turned around.

"I love you too!" Jungkook screamed and made a heart with his hands.

Taehyung simply stared at him, a soft smile on his face as he found Jungkook both attractive and adorable.

Yet, he crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, acting as if he doesn't like it. The younger waits for him as he walks again. He put his hand once again on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Did you smile? I saw it!" He giggled.

"I didn't." Taehyung lied.

"Oh, maybe I got it wrong, next time, I'll make you laugh." Jungkook chuckled pecking the older one on his cheek.

"Next time, I'm going to punch your ugly face and force you to shut up." Taehyung grumbled.

They continued to yell and taunt each other, unconcerned about the strange looks they received from the crowd.

At Taehyung's home

They arrived at Taehyung's house, and they weren't expecting to see Taehyung's parents outside.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a handsome boyfriend, Taehyungie?" Mrs. Kim inquired, her gaze falling on Jungkook.

He was about to answer her but the bastard speak first.

"He didn't want to say because he was afraid you'd reject us." Jungkook explained innocently lying and bowed his head.

The silver-haired boy didn't hesitate to hit the back of Jungkook's knee.

"We don't want him to be single, we want him to have a boyfriend. I hope you understand that he is hard-headed most of the time." Mr. Kim smiled and patted Jungkook on the shoulder

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim, don't worry, I love him and will look after him. I understand his mindset." Jungkook teased loving to annoy the boy beside him.

"Don't make everything fast." Mr. Kim smirked and winked at him.

"Aish honey, I'd like to have a grandchild, look, they're both handsome, and I have a feeling they'll have handsome or beautiful children." Mrs. Kim expressed her thoughts and pouted.

"Ma," Taehyung exclaimed disgustedly.

"Why? Let's face it, we're getting old. Give us at least one grandchild." Mrs. Kim said, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Kim, we'll do our best." Jungkook replied innocently.

"I'll be patient." Mrs. Kim giggled and imitated her husband's wink.

Taehyung sighed and entered the house, ignoring their chuckles.

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