Battle Task 3: Results

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As night four came to a close, the magical projection displayed the guild rankings for all to see. Tonight, however, only Thulok and Pimret stood on the balcony of the palace overlooking the excited and cheering crowd, for Evina had locked herself in her room, still ashamed of how the Fun House had gone wrong.

Nine guild remain in the competition and we Gamemakers are all excited for how well they're each doing. They have not only impressed the crowd, but us as well! We our honored to have each of them here, especially with the recent light of events on certain challenges going wrong and the Gamemakers take full responsibility for it.

Guild Valkyrie and Silent Phoenix was one of the main battles that became a crowd favorite and for a while, even we didn't know how that one would end. In the end, Guild Valkyrie managed to pull ahead and win more points, but it was a close battle and both of them did such a great job. Certainly two crowd favorites here!

Crimson Shadow and Miria was a surprise match to we Gamemakers! Nevertheless, the crowd wanted to see the match and that's what happened. We were all shocked, including the crowd, when Crimson Shadow managed to defeat Miria! What a surprise and you both have done such a good job!

Dragon Claw and Iscariot Sin was one of the most long battles we have had yet today. Both of them just simply didn't want to give up and neither wanted to lose. In the end, however, Iscariot Sin defeated Dragon Claw, but those Dragon's didn't go down quietly! We are highly impressed with their performance.

Black Shadow verses Black Dragon - darkness all around. It was one tough fight and in the end, both guilds pulled out a tie. Most everyone is shocked since Black Dragon has been a top guild for years and Black Shadow is new this year - they're putting up a fight!

Knight's Watch was allowed to take a break due to their rank in first place last challenge and the wonderful job they have been doing.

We are impressed with all guilds, so congratulations!

Little did the guilds, the crowd, or even the Gamemakers know, that three days from now, everything would end. Not just the Magi Games, but even the Republic itself. 

0.0 Anyone guess what that means? D: 

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