Guild 10: Ivory Crow

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This guild was made by music1or1books. The guild seal is below. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games. 

Guild Name: Ivory Crow, usually shortened to just "The Crows"

What Planet is the Guild From: The Crows are from a rather dim and small planet named Kuhlal. Despite its small size, Kuhlal has a wide reputation of being a planet that any respectable person would not want to visit. Sunlight on Kuhlal is scarce because of the constant fog that hangs over the sky, but the inhabitants prefer the dark. It has only one city called Glavsk, which is a sprawling collection of overcrowded housing and unsavory crime. Glavsk is surrounded to the north by a roaring ocean which destroys all boats and a mountain range to the south that nobody has lived to scale, so the city is the only known habitable land on the planet. Kuhlal is a home to all people and races and is in the outer planets of the Republic.

What is your Guild like: The Crows are a network of people who work in Glavsk to keep the city under control. They have all grown up on Kuhlal and see it as home, but have chosen to turn away from the crime of their planet and instead work to keep a balance of good to offset the evil. Many of the members are ex-thieves, con-artists, or criminals who are trying to make up for their pasts. They are a loose guild who are spread throughout the city but still feel a great loyalty to the other members.

Guild History: The Crows have existed on Kuhlal as long as anybody can remember - which is a very long time considering the eldest member is more than two hundred years old. Nobody can say exactly who or what founded it, so the guild is simply an established part of the city.

Guild Master: The current master of the Crows is an illusionist named Lilova Petrova and she is 44 years old. She is a gray elf with short, black hair and winding tattoos down her arms. She joined the Crows at a very young age when her parents tried to sell her to a con-artist because of her magic, but she escaped and joined the guild. Ever since then Lilova has been training and working to find other creatures with magic and keep them safe from having their powers abused. She is a hard-worker and quickly rose through the ranks, and has been the master of the guild for more than 10 years.

Number of members: 81, although they are spread throughout the city so they don't seem as large. To join, a Magi has to stop any criminal activity and prove they are trying to spread good. The guild is very open to new members, and they value trust over talent.


Thulok: "I commend you for keeping Kuhlal under control - at least as much as that wretched place can be. Watch yourselves though - don't let your criminal history cause you to act out of line."

Evina: "I think it's wonderful what you're doing and how you're protecting that dreary place all on your own!"

Pimret: "Hey, Lilova! Sounds like your magic is perfect for pranking people! Why don't you and I speak privately sometime, eh?" 


Aderri: "I doubt you'll need much help, but try to keep out of trouble while your in Kythan."



Name: Lesev "Les" Dmitrievich (le-sev di-mi-tre-vik)

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Night Elf

Appearance: Since Les is a night elf, he has the traditional purple color and red eyes along with medium-length, wavy black hair. He is fairly tall, very slender, and often described as an imposing figure. He has sharp facial features and a piercing glare that is usually misinterpreted as menacing, although he is one of the least evil night elves in the guild.

Personality: Despite his appearance and race, Les is a very considerate person and will put the needs of others before himself. He is still very young for an elf, but often is more thoughtful and less reckless than those with more experience in life than him. He is a man of few words, so when he does speak it is always important. Les is incredibly observant and likes to know everything that is going on around him at all times. The combination of his striking appearance and calculating personality cause people to naturally respect him and see him as one of the best leaders in the guild, even though few would care to admit it.

Backstory: Les spent the first ten years of his life growing up in Glavsk with both of his parents, who were hired mercenaries for the various crime rings in the city. When he was ten years old and his parents were off on one of their "jobs," a friend of his dad appeared at the door of his home and told him that his parents had been killed by a rival gang. The man said that he has come to take Les to work for the Heresies, one of the most dangerous gangs in Kuhlal, and that they would take care of him in exchange for his work. As a child with no other choice, Les agreed and immediately began to train to follow in his parent's footsteps and become a mercenary of the Heresies. His Magic allowed him to be unusually talented at his job, and, because he was rather disposable, the gang sent him on some of their most dangerous missions. Les went on his first assassination when he was twelve years old. He'd known nothing else but crime and cruelty for his entire life, so he was a natural-born killer and continued to be an assassin for eight more years until he was twenty. Les prefers not to talk about his past, but even without knowing all of the details any member of the Crows knows he is one of the most dangerous members of the guild.

How did they join the guild: Les is one of the few members of the guild who was not initially welcome as a member. He found the Crows - or rather, they found him - when it was decided he was too much of a danger to Glavsk and a member of the guild was sent out to find and kill him. He'd recently gotten into an argument with the head of the Heresies and was looking for a way out, so when Les realized someone was stalking him he decided to let them. On the night when he was supposed to be killed, Les was prepared with a proposition. He offered his loyalty and services to the Crows and in exchange they would allow him to join. His assassin, Rehan, took Les to Lilova and she accepted, despite the outcry of many guild members. She quickly took him as her lead deputy, or second in command, and since then Les has worked hard to prove his loyalty to her.

Magic: Speed magic - Warrior Sage Magi. Les has the ability to enhance his speed and therefore reflexes. For example, he can catch arrows mid-air even if they are shot at a short range and can run fast enough to be gone before a person even turns around. Quick reflexes take little Mathanos for him but he will be very tired if in an extensive fight. He can only run at his top speed for a minute before becoming too tired and needing to slow down.

Friends: Les's dearest acquaintance in the guild is Lilova, and the two are very close because of how much time they spend together. He usually knows what she is thinking before she even says it, and can even be a step ahead of her in terms of keeping control of the guild. Despite rumors that Lilova only chose him as a deputy because she found him attractive, Les and Lilova have a strictly professional relationship.

Besides Lilova, his closest friend in the guild is Rehan, who was actually the person originally sent to assassinate Les. Rehan was forced to be the one to assimilate Les into the Crows, and ever since then the two have been close friends. Lilova and Rehan are the only members who Les regularly talks to because he generally enjoys seclusion or at least separation from others.

Enemies: Because of his past and his rocky entry into the guild, many members of the guild who have never worked with Les could be considered his enemy. Countless members would be happy with him dead, the most prominent of which would be Alren Balcer. Alren believes that Les does not deserve to be second in command and has been resentful of him ever since Les joined six years ago.

Strengths: Although they are just a product of his magic, Les' quick reflexes make him incredibly good in combat. He is almost always cool and collected so he is very good at making decisions under pressure. Les rarely makes rash decisions and instead thinks through all of the possible scenarios for every situation. He is fiercely loyal to the guild and willing to do anything to protect it and it's members.

Weaknesses: Despite his many efforts to change, Les still experiences inclinations towards being evil or cruel and can be near sinister when angered. His talent for what he does can make him overly confident or prideful, so he has a hard time listening to others whenever he thinks he is right. He dislikes learning new things and prefers doing things in a way that is familiar. Because he is a night elf, he hates the sunlight and cannot bear to be in it for extended periods of time, which isn't a problem on Kuhlal but could easily be one anywhere else.

Passions: Les never found time to create any passions, so he currently devotes himself to the guild and serving Lilova. He wouldn't quite consider it a "passion," but he does enjoy making things aesthetically pleasing and clean.

Dislikes: Les dislikes talkative or impulsive people simply because they are so different from him. He also dislikes people who don't listen to him and is known to show off sometimes to command respect.

Fears: Contrary to many people's fear of the dark, Les is actually afraid of sunlight and even light in general. He is afraid of appearing weak and will go out of his way to make sure he always seems invincible. Les is also afraid of big animals like elephants or whales.

Goal in Life: His goal in life is to one day become the master of the guild, although he is currently content serving Lilova and would hate for anything to happen to her. He would never do anything to Lilova to become master, but if anybody else were to be master he would want it to be him.

Everyday Life: Les gets very little sleep and when he does he tries to sleep during the day - a habit of his that Lilova hates. He spends his nights assigning tasks to others or going on more dangerous missions himself. He is almost always doing work for the Crows and has little free time, which he doesn't mind.



Name: Rehan Elalynn (ree-han el-la-lin)

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Rehan has dark skin and almost black eyes with very short, curly black hair. He has a very stocky and strong build and is an average height. He shows very little emotion, but has kind eyes so very few who meet him get a negative impression. He is neither handsome nor ugly, and instead is fairly average to look at.

Personality: Rehan is a very stoic and passive figure. He dislikes attention and will never go out of his way to show off or impress people. He is very focused and determined, making him the perfect person to complete tasks or missions and he can always be trusted to carry out a promise. Rehan is not charismatic or elegant with his words, but his general neutrality towards situations and overall work-ethic makes many in the guild like him. Because of his backstory, he usually finds the good in people and is accepting

Backstory: Both of Rehan's parents were members of the Crows, so he grew up secluded from the usual crime of Kuhlal and instead was surrounded by the more-honorable members of the guild. He officially joined the guild at a very young age, and since then has been focused on completing any missions that he is given with efficiency and effectiveness. When he was eighteen, he went on a mission to rescue an air mage from being forced into becoming a 'performer' for one of the more corrupt bars in the city, and immediately he fell in love with her beauty and grace. After two years of a tumultuous relationship, he and the air mage, or Claudie, were married and work as a nearly invincible team, although they rarely agree to work together out of fear it will threaten their relationship. Six years ago, Rehan was sent to assassinate Les and instead brought the elf to meet Lilova, sparking one of the greatest scandals in the guild.

How did they join the guild: Rehan officially joined the guild at 10 years old when he had begun to be able to control his magic and has been an influential member as he grew up.

Magic: Invisibility magic - Shadow Sage Magi. Rehan has the ability to hide or disappear completely into shadows. Complete invisibility, where he cannot be seen or felt at all, takes much more Mathanos than simply hiding, which is where he can still be seen but it is harder for a passerby to notice him. With lots of training, he has recently been able to hide other people in the shadows with him, but it takes lots of Mathanos and he can barely keep it for more than a minute.

Friends: Rehan's best friend is his wife, Claudie. When he first saw her, he fell in love, but she hated him in the beginning so their relationship took lots of work on Rehan's part. Now, the two make a perfect team if they agree, but they still refuse to complete missions for the guild together because they tend to disagree on tactics and don't want to endanger their relationship.

Rehan has many other friends in the Crows because of his calm and non-abrasive personality and is liked by most. Although both of his parents are still active members of the guild, the family is not very close and they rarely talk so he would barely consider them acquaintances.

Enemies: Rehan has no obvious enemies in the guild, but he has created many outside of the Crows because of all of his work in the city.

Strengths: Rehan is determined and a hard-worker so he always get things done on time and well. He is very good at keeping people calm and can act as a mediator between two parties to keep the peace. Along with his magic, Rehan is naturally a very physically strong person and is good in hand-to-hand combat simply because of brute strength.

Weaknesses: Although he is strong, Rehan has slow reflexes and can be beaten if his combatant recognizes this and uses it to their advantage. He likes to play it safe and rarely takes risks, which is usually helpful but has been known to cause issues for him. His determination can make him narrow-minded and cause him to lose track of any other things going on in his life, so he cannot handle many different tasks at once.

Passions: Rehan goes through many short-lived passions, the latest of which is maps and cartography, specifically of Kuhlal because so little is known of the planet. He also likes complete and detailed plans or outlines of anything, from a mission to a design of an animatronic. He loves to design and build small gadgets, although he rarely gets a chance to.

Dislikes: Rehan dislikes people who are lazy and don't put their complete effort into things, which is part of the reason why he likes Les so much. He also doesn't like the color yellow, but even he can't give a good explanation to why.

Fears: Rehan's greatest fear is that he will always be a follower and never create something himself. Additionally, he is afraid of speaking in front of large groups and tends to stumble on his words.

Goal in Life: Rehan's secret goal in life is to become less involved in the guild and set up his own shop in Glavsk. He loves designing and building trinkets and would like to be able to sell them, however he knows that his dream is far-fetched. His hope is that one day when he is older he can slowly do less work in the Crows and be able to live out his goal.

Everyday Life: Rehan and Claudie own their own home that is separate from any housing that the Crows offer, so he wakes up in the morning and will walk to the headquarters of the guild where Lilova, Les, and other important members live. There he will get any new tasks to complete and after breakfast he spends the rest of the day around Glavsk to get all of his work done. Rehan is one of the most trusted members so all of his missions are of extreme importance and secrecy, but he always tries to make it home to eat dinner with Claudie.



Name: Claudie Elalynn

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Appearance: Claudie is an average height woman, but her slender build and often impractically high shoes make her appear much taller. Her face is ovular, her eyes almond-shaped, and her hair black like the night sky. She has a very pretty face with a charming smile that she often uses to her advantage.

Personality: Claudie is known by many for her eccentric flair and intimidating confidence. She doesn't mind standing out because she had always grown up with attention for her beauty and magic, so now she is used to having all eyes on her. Claudie can be very manipulative and uses her appearance to make sure she always gets her way. She is stubborn and outspoken, a combination that can cause those who disagree with her to find her very abrasive. She has great difficulty thinking of others and as a result can be self-centered or greedy.

Backstory: Claudie never knew her father and her mother was absent throughout most of her childhood, because instead of being at their home her mom was often found at a nearby bar. Claudie was forced to raise herself and her sister and quickly developed a very strong-willed personality to help them survive. She became a pickpocket and began to use her magic as early as eight years old to distract people while she stole from them. However, when she was twelve years old, a man noticed her reaching into his coat pocket and grabbed her by the arm. He threatened to kill her for trying to steal from him, but when he noticed that she was a Magi he decided she might be useful to him and instead forced her to perform in the bar that he managed. She tried many times to escape, but everytime the man managed to track her down and drag her back to the stage. Claudie didn't mind showing off her magic, in fact she loved the attention, but she hated the idea of somebody else telling her what to do and so she rebelled at any opportunity she had. Additionally, she wasn't allowed to leave to find her sister, who had been left at home on the day she was taken. By the time the Crows came to free her, she looked everywhere to find out what happened to her sister but never was able to.

How did they join the guild: When she was sixteen years old, Rehan was sent on the mission after being told an air mage was being held against her will to perform. When she was leaving the stage to go to her room on the second floor of the bar, he grabbed her from the shadows and brought her outside. Naturally, Claudie fought and struggled against him, but her unofficial magic training was no power to his brute strength, and she feared the worst. However, when outside, he explained who he was and how the Crows were trying to help her, and she reluctantly agreed to join. She was still angry at the way he had taken her because it brought back memories from when she was initially kidnapped and continued to hold a grudge against Rehan, until he finally won her over and they were married shortly after.

Magic: Wind Magic - Air Mage Magi. Claudie can control small breezes or create overpowering gales using her air magic. When a performer, she could do simple tricks like causing things or herself to fly up, and now she can do those using little Mathanos. An example of something that would exhaust her even now is knocking down walls of buildings with a strong wind, and even though she can destroy entire stone buildings she can only do it once and immediately needs to rest.

Friends: Claudie is a very social person and has many close friends within the guild. She does consider her husband Rehan to be her best friend, and she tells him virtually everything that goes on in her life.

Enemies: Because of her outspoken personality, Claudie also has many enemies within the guild. She and Les often get in arguments, but attempt to tolerate each other when around Rehan because their bickering bothers him. Outside of the guild, it is said that the bar manager has threatened to kill her if he ever saw her again, but it has been fourteen years since she joined the Crows and the two have never crossed paths.

Strengths: Claudie's manipulative personality makes her very persuasive, so she can make almost anybody do anything for her. Also, she is very adaptable and can come up with new plans or ideas at a moments notice. Her confidence is also a strength because she never hesitates to do what she knows she has to do, and she is willing to push her boundaries because she knows she can.

Weaknesses: Claudie is self-centered and usually thinks of herself more than others, which is a constant issue when working with other members of the guild. Her confident and self-assured nature also leads to her making rash decisions without considering all of the possibilities or options. Additionally, because she never received formal training, Claudie's control over her magic is still not as good as it could have been and she is less controlled than the other Magi her age.

Passions: One of Claudie's passions is shoes, and she is always buying the newest or most outrageous shoes she can find. Similar to Les, she also cares a lot about the aesthetics of things and enjoys making sure that everything is clean and orderly.

Dislikes: Claudie dislikes the quiet and always wants to be doing something. She also dislikes grapefruit; it is her least favorite type of fruit and she refuses to eat it.

Fears: As odd as it sounds, Claudie is afraid of surprises, and anything from someone coming up from behind her to an unplanned event gives her anxiety. She is claustrophobic and cannot be in small spaces where there is no wind to blow. Also, she is afraid of spiders and always calls for Rehan to take them out of their house when she finds one.

Goal in Life: Claudie's secret desire in life is to start a family with Rehan and she'd love to be a mother. Few would guess that such a selfish person would want to have children, but Claudie loves kids and she dreams to have a real family, which she never has had before. The primary reason that she has yet to achieve her dream is because Rehan is hesitant to raise kids in such a dangerous city like Glavsk.

Everyday Life: Claudie wakes up when Rehan has already left and she does any chores or errands of her own before receiving tasks from the guild. The tasks she is sent on are usually important and have to do with socializing or collecting information to make sure that Glavsk is running accordingly. She and Rehan both get home late, but when possible they eat dinner and spend time together after the day of work.



Name: Roza Passante (ros-a puh-sante)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Fairy

Appearance: Roza is a fairy with matching dark purple wings and hair, which almost appear black in the dark streets of Kuhlal. Her skin is fair and her looks fairly average. She is short with a small, delicate-appearing frame, although she's proven to be much more tough than she appears.

Personality: Roza is a very hard person to read, and you can never tell if she's genuine or trying to control you. She is very intelligent and is always watching the people around her to find out their strengths and weaknesses and use them to her advantage. She has a very scheming personality, but recently has been trying to use it for good instead of crime. Roza tends to be quieter simply because she would rather observe than speak, and her silent nature helps her do many things in secret. Her past has led her to have a nearly stone-cold heart to the point where even she isn't sure if she can feel many emotions anymore.

Backstory: Roza is the daughter of the leader of the Passantes, one of the leading gangs on Kuhlal. The Passantes specialize in underground smuggling, bribery of officials, and keeping people quiet by force. The only other gang in Glavsk to rival their sinister nature is the Heresies themselves. With no siblings, she has spent her entire life being trained to take over the family business once her father passed away, and she's been on a fair share of late night robberies and assassinations. She's lived a rather solitary life with no close friends and only her older cousins to keep her company.

How did they join the guild: Roza joined the Crows by finding them and forcing them to let her join, and she is the newest member of the guild. She left the Passantes after a large argument with her father debating whether he would leave the gang to her or her uncle, Bruen. After she refused to kill the children of a family who had betrayed them, her dad threatened to hand over the power to Bruen, and in turn she threatened to join the Crows and spend the rest of her life destroying him and his business. They never reached a resolution and so she walked out of their home and into the main headquarters of the Crows. Lilova saw the power and usefulness in Roza and immediately let her join, although the scandal that followed was nearly as big as when Les had tried to join the gang. Many in the guild, including Rehan and Claudie, argued that Roza could not be trusted and trust is one of the most important things to the guild. Her appearance in the games is a strategic move by Lilova to test Roza's loyalty and to show how the Crows are more powerful than even the worse organized crime on Kuhlal.

Magic: Iron Magic - Metal Mage Magi. Roza can bend and twist iron metal at her will and can sense wherever it is near her. Larger pieces of iron are harder to move and the further away it is the more Mathanos it takes for her to summon it. She can bring iron up from twenty feet below the ground but no further than that.

Friends: Roza does not have friends and the only people who have been kind to her in the guild are Lilova and Les, although he only tolerates her because of Lilova.

Enemies: Everyone else she considers an enemy. Particular enemies would be her father and uncle in the Passantes along with Rehan and Claudie within the guild.

Strengths: One of Roza's strengths is a keen eye and she never misses a detail of what happens around her. Another would be her intelligence as she is a good problem solver and has a terrifyingly accurate memory. She also is naturally disciplined and has no problem listening to orders and following through, as much as she hates to do so.

Weaknesses: Roza has a hard time getting along with other people because she's never had to make people like her, instead they usually feared her. Her quiet nature can be a flaw, too, because she can be too afraid to talk to strangers or speak up if she knows an answer. When fighting, she tends to rely too much on her magic and can tire herself out quickly.

Passions: One of Roza's passions is music, and although she was never allowed to learn an instrument she loves to listen to the rare musical or ballad in Glavsk. She is also passionate about baked goods - eating them, not baking them.

Dislikes: Roza dislikes large crowds of people and especially hates it when people she doesn't know touch her. She doesn't like people who are loud and domineering.

Fears: Roza is afraid of heights and prefers to stay near the ground. Additionally, she fears that she is incapable of basic human emotions like love or even empathy because of how hardened her heart is to tragedy. She also is afraid of bears, which is an impractical fear in the city of Glavsk.

Goal in Life: Her goal in life is to become a leader of some guild or organization. She had always thought she would inherit her family's business, and once she realized she might not she immediately sought something new. Her current goal is to become the master of the Crows, although she isn't sure how feasible it is at the moment.

Everyday Life: Roza is currently training to be an active member of the guild and is slowly being assimilated into it. Her training is mostly conducted by Lilova, but when she is too busy Les will take over. She is currently working on making her magic better and learning to apply it to the work she will be doing for the Crows.



Name: Alren Balcer (al-ran bal-sair)

Age: 86

Gender: Male

Race: Forest Elf

Appearance: Alren is a forest elf with black hair, wide shoulders, and lightly tanned skin. He has scars that cover his face in intricate designs, and has offered no explanation as to why they are there. He is very tall and strong with an intimidating gaze that doesn't hide his brutal nature.

Personality: Alren is described by most as an "unpleasant and terrifying" person to be around. He was presumably raised with other forest elves and tends to be more barbaric and uncivilized than the natives of Glavsk, if that were possible. However, despite his upbringing, there is a hidden part of Alren that cares about the people around him and is actually more self-sacrificing than any would expect.

Backstory: Alren's backstory is a mystery to all in the guild, mainly because they are all too afraid to ask. They do know that he isn't from Kuhlal but another planet and he spent the first twenty six years of his life being raised by other Forest Elves there. Nobody knows exactly why or how he ended up in Glavsk, but for twenty more years he was involved in miscellaneous crime that trained him to be even more cunning and cruel.

How did they join the guild: When he was forty-six, he left his life of crime to join the guild under even more mysterious circumstances. Rumors say he was overwhelmed by debt and needed an escape while others say he killed the woman he loved and decided to change for the better. Whatever the truth, his training and talent allowed for him to be one of the most influential members of the guild, if not the most feared.

Magic: Blue flame magic - Fire Mage Magi. Alren can conjure blue flames, the hottest part of the fire, and control them at his will. His magic allows him to be unaffected by heat and he is almost always flickering a flame across his hand just to remind people of what he could do. He can keep fires burning without igniting what is around them, but it takes more Mathanos to control them like that.

Friends: Alren has no friends and doesn't want any, either. He isn't rude to the people of the guild, only prefers not to interact with them, although that doesn't mean he wouldn't fight for any of them. He and most members have a mutual respect and loyalty towards each other.

Enemies: Alren's main enemy is Les, because Les took his spot as Lilova's deputy. Alren wouldn't consider himself jealous of Les, but he does believe that Les stole something very important to him - power.

Strengths: Alren's intimidating personality makes other people afraid of him and respect him. He does enjoy helping others and is always looking out for the common good, although sometimes he does so in secret. His age and experience makes him one of the better Magi in the guild in terms of ability to control and effectively use Mathanos.

Weaknesses: Alren is very stubborn and has a hard time listening to the opinions of others. He is easily frustrated with people and can become overly angry very quickly. He has a hard time controlling his strength and has a tendency to break things - including people - when he doesn't mean to.

Passions: Alren loves nature because he was raised in the forest, and the lack of it in Glavsk is something that has always bothered him. He is also passionate about the Crows and loves the guild as much as any of the other members.

Dislikes: Alren dislikes luxury or pompous lifestyles and would rather sleep outside on the floor than on a fine mattress. He absolutely hates people who are lazy, immature, or reckless.

Fears: Alren is afraid of failure and sometimes tries too hard just so he can avoid it. He fears the ocean, partially because it is the opposite of his fire magic and partially just because he can't swim. He is also afraid of growing too attached to someone, because he's had issues in the past and would rather be alone than go through pain.

Goal in Life: His goal in life is to become a widely-known warrior, and this is partly the reason that he allowed Lilova to send him to the Magi games.

Everyday Life: Alren lives alone in his own apartment because he doesn't want to be near the other guild members at all times. He wakes up early, collects any new missions or tasks, and immediately gets to work on them. He is usually sent to intimidate people and send threats from the guild to citizens of Glavsk who might be overstepping their boundaries.

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