Guild 16: Spirits of the Hidden

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This guild was made by FantasyTeller12. The guild seal is above. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games. 

Guild Name: Spirts of the Hidden. The guild got its name by the Way the people who lived they're acted. Most races that lived there have been banished and Forbidenned to return to there birth planet due to some Horrid Reasons they can't take back.

Guild Seal:

Planet: Planet Anope Is a Mysterious planet. there is only one pond that sits in the middle of the planet the rest is plain ground with small houses and farms (Where the humans Live) there are three floating islands surrounding the pond that is connected with a magical Light, which allows certain Races to pass through them at a time. The guild lies in the middle of the Circle which is taller than the others. The first island is housed to the orcs of the planet. The second island is housed to any type of Elf. And the last island is housed to the Fairys. The planet is fairly small compared to most planets which make travelers miss it due to bad eyesight ( XD ) The planet is VERY far from Tythan Which made it miss the last magi Games sadly,

What my guild is like: Its sorta bunched up. We have multiple personalities since every race here has been through some sort of bad trouble. so I'll have to put them on the reckless side. They aren't afraid to Kill or hunt you done in fact just to make you tell them sorry. They have been on many trails, and so many death trails to were everyone on the planet tends to keep quiet. Some even ran away from their plane due to a massive crime they have made. I know this planet may sound scary but the Guild master has been trying to fix that up. Although the past crime history, We still all love each other and want our planet to be safe.

Guild History: This was founded by Lady Sam. She wanted to make a planet where every race could meet that has had a bad past and start a new and better one. She teamed up with her Four friends an orc, Fairy, Elf, And her lover... A human mage. They worked for over 57 years just to complete the task. lady sam was very sick during so the process was slowed. When they finished Lady Sam had died and the other 4 split apart. Leaving the planet untouched. Later on another lady... Lady Zamora found the planet and gathered the most mages and races she could find... And they started a guild, A guild where all the troubled races could meet and finally be free, And start a new life.

Guild master:


Her name is Crystal. She is a Dragon Mage, Which means in her language a Fire mage, but she can also Control dragons. When she was young she got mad at another guild member at her old planet and sent her dragons at him, Soon injuring him, later on, the man died which lead the planet to banish her. She arrived at this Planet trying to overcome her anger issues and start a new life. She is now the new guild master, Which took years to accomplish but she finally did it after proving the old guild master she was worthy and she has been guild master ever since She is now 37 and wants to start a family after these magi games. (She is human)

Number of Members: Our guild has over 100 members and all have to go through a test to join if they aren't worthy they are sent back to the mainland to live a regular life.

Other: The guild seal represents the 3 islands floating around the Guild. it represents life among all races and brings peace to all. The islands are full of life and everyone gets along except there are still little fights and battles around on each island the planet is fine.


Thulok: "I admire your tenacity for wanting a better life, but I do not trust past criminals. I'll be watching you, Spirits of the Hidden."

Evina: "Don't listen to him! Tholuk can be grumpy at times. I think you have done a wonderful job for yourselves! Good luck in the games!"

Pimret: "An orc, a fairy, and elf, and a human walk into a bar... And start a guild! Ha!" ***Thulok hits him on the head because Pimret isn't funny. Evina just sighs***


Aderri: "Welcome to the Magi Games, Spirits of the Hidden. Since it is your first, I hope to help guide you along your way!"

Character One

Name:Mogak ( Moor-Gat )

Age: 357- Orc Years (Human years- 45)

gender: Female

Race: Orc

appearance: The She orc, Has Long Silky White hair. she has skull jewelry and A skull headpiece, Which represents crown since she is the banished princess of her planet. She has only a leather jacket on which has a spell to cover her chest area And is VERY hard to move. She also has the save her bottom half resembles a Swim Suit piece that is also protected by magic. She has a long "cape" as she would love to call it flowing down her back, with blue flames Flowing from the end. And her eyes are blue, But when angered her eyes turn into a bloody red, Which means 'run!'

personality: She is a fierce warrior who will do anything for her loved ones and isn't afraid of death... Well I mean who can blame her? She is immortal. She is a little rough when it comes to arguments, But is really sweet and friendly. She might seem a little scary when you two first meet but later one, you will love her!

They hate anyone who is willing to Run away if faced with danger then saving their friends and family if it meant dying. Plus her big pet peeve is showing Off. She can't stand that!

she doesn't have many friends unless you count her fellow brothers and sisters in the guild, She loves being by herself, Which can lead to depression, So when a friend does come, She is grateful for having them (She doesn't know how to make friends Sadly)

backHistoryShe is the banished Princess of Syria. Which is the place where all lost souls go after death! you can say she did some pretty nasty things which made her parents turn on her, Kicking her out... Forever. after being banished she traveled to planet and planet searching for a place to live and a place where people would accept her. When she finally landed on Anope, She instantly loved it. Everyone there understood her And accepted her. When she joined the guild, She met new people, And this is where she left off.

How they Joined: Never the less, She asked, She was put through tests.

TestOne: How good of a strategy person are you? bad, good, or okay....? TestTwo: Can you escape B. TestThree: Which Weapon is the best? TestFour: Fighting the guild master

She beat all of them, except Test Four, Which sadly everyone in the guild has failed to do. She stayed at the bottom, Slowly making her way to the top, and now she is standing right next to the guild master 2nd strongest in the guild, and most trustworthy. Come to her, She will help.

magic: Mogak uses Fire magic, Which isn't red, Buts it's blue, it's a little higher in the ranks within the fire magic category. she also learned a little healing magic through her travels.

-Blue Fire-Fire-Little wizard, but mostly Mage-

when Mogak Uses her magic, it looks like water, feels like water, But when used against her enemy's it burns the skin, Not like regular fire, But like Lava, it will eat away the flesh, Muscel, and even sometimes bone. When her eyes change color, Her power also changes color, It turns into a golden type of fire. Which is even higher than The blue fire. It will infect the skin, Which will either result in cutting off the part it hit Or let the arm stay like that and wait until the person gets paralyzed until treatment.

friends: all of her friends are in the guild, even some newcomers are her friends, it was hard at first when she first came, but she soon showed likeness towards the guild.

Mol: he helped her through the process of the test, Which she greatly appreciates, And now she gets to work with him during the Magi games since they are both a team, She loves that he is super funny, kind and most of all a gentlemen. Maybe she is even growing a slight crush, but no time for romance!

Azarinthe bestest friend I could ever ask for. She was like the sister I never had, Sure we got in fights, but we cried together, Laughed together, and fought each other. She is funny, and a little stubborn at times, But I love her to death. *if that's possible* 

enemies: Anyone how is willing to fight her, and try to kill her or her family. Thye usually meet when they try to attack the planet.

Strengths: Good with long distance magic, good a thinking and solving problems, her stubbornness helps her get out of situations and problems easier.

weaknesses: her pride gets in the way most of the time, She can't fight with her fist so close, fighting is bad for her, And she can't touch anything with Gold. it weird, But its a curse she was given at a young age.

dislikes: Again, Anyone with too much pride like herself, Any family members, or anyone who reminds her of her past

Passions: to protect the planet, and even spread the word around that her planet is REAL, not fake. She also wants to bring peace between all guilds, even the evil ones most like her planet. And her birth planet.

fears: She fears if she starts to trust and love someone again, She will get her heart broken to pieces just like her family had broken hers... She is also scared of most men, Due to the fact that they are the ones who banished her most of the time or kept her prisoner.

everyday life; she works alongside the guild master, And they both go around training newcomers and getting all the guild settled. She loves to take her afternoon break time to walk around the pond and explore new parts of the planet she has never explored nor seen before.

Character 2

name: Kleera (Sounds the say its spelled)

Age: elf years- 763 Human Years- 37

Appearance: Kleerahad long Blue hair, She loves to keep it in a Braid. she has emerald green eyes and a magical substance that flows from 3 strands of her hair. she is an Earth mage, she has a staff that had 3 magical earth gems, which gives her almost all the power she needs to keep herself alive. She has a necklace that is a water shell, which represents her Brother, a water spirit. All her clothes are Green and brown, Which helps her easily sneak around and blend in with the forest.

Personality: let's say, She hates people. Not in the way she would kill you on spot, but she won't tolerate with anyone unless she fully trusts them, In that case, very rare... she is pretty stubborn, And Won't take No for an Answer. She is sly and cunning, making it impossible to find her when in a close up Fight. she has friends, Not a lot but she has them. She is the same with her friends, She will talk, not a lot though. Sometimes they will even have to force her to talk, Making it even harder for her to even Kepp friends.

backHistory: Kleera was born on Earth, she loved the woods as a child, But would often run away. She loved to steal things, and barely ever got caught. She Played with the wrong people, and she was put up with a dangerous task. She thought this woman was just a regular human, but she guessed wrong, stealing the magical gem stored in the woman's wand, The woman instantly died, not knowing what to do she ran, She ran until one day, She was caught by the Magical law enforcement. She was taken away from her parents and homeland And brought to a slave camp, Where she was told to do random things, Finally escaping the camp, She learned magic and used it for evil, wanting revenge on everyone who ruined her life. she loved power, using it to her advantage, defeating anyone in her path. Years later, She couldn't do that anymore, losing her Ways, They out thought her, Ruining her plan. She was thrown onto planet Anope, where she learned new skills and she became more powerful, although she made friends... She might backstab you any moment, just for the fun of it ;)

How they joined the guild: Being thrown onto Planet Anope, was hard for her, Not knowing anyone she made her way through the task and finally getting excepted. Most people looked down on her since her fighting skills were poor. She trained in her free time, getting stronger and stronger until one day the guild master took a liking to her, asking her to join her at the top. Agreeing, ever since she has stayed loyal to planet Anope.

Magic: Kleera is an Earth Mage. She got her power on earth, and she has been using it ever since. Her magic comes out of Focus. she can use it/Control it with her hands or with her staff. Each Crystal on her staff represents a type of Earth Magic, Healing, Friendly, And destruction Earth magic. 

-earth Magic-Mage-

her magic is like normal Earth magic, but it categorized as 3 different types of Earth magic. Healing, friendly and destruction Earth magic. Each has a different meaning like healing Earth magic, heals planets, and can also turn plants into Different types of healing medicins. Friendly means she can talk to animals and grow all sorts of plants. And destruction earth magic I like her combat MAgic, it is a type of magic that is so strong that it can and will kill you or harm you very badly. 

Friends: Not many, But Most are from the guild like most of the guild members due to their dark history, Which makes it hard for people to become friends with them, but most of her friends came her friends during battles, and them saving her. 

Enemies: She has a lot, Mostly the people she stole from. But her main enemy is a guy named Max, she stole the Healing crystal for herself, making him angry, both have been going back and worth Kleera winning every time, But that won't stop him, He has been making his way to the top, Just to bring down Kleera once and for all. 

Strengths: Her stubbornness helps her with persuading people on giving into things, Which she loves, She also loves to use her charm, which makes men fall for her and do what she pleases, And she is also good at hiding, and sneaky fighting skills, Which makes her one of the top fighters on Earth and many other planets. 

Weaknesses: Her pride gets in the way of her work, which means she gets too into it, and sometimes forgets what she's doing. she can't really do hand on hand fighting since she isn't the strongest. And she isn't the fastest runner when it comes to getting away from a massive fright or something big. 

Passions: When Kleera isn't using her magic for power, She loves to draw, and sketch out ideas and plans. She loves to draw plants and loves making journeys about different Plants and animals For fun. 

Dislikes: She Hates Bunnies, I know that isn't really important, But she is literally scared of them, they come near her she freaks out and runs away. She also isn't a fan of Men, Ever since she used to get betrayed by most of her friends, That were all men, She started to not trust them so often. 

Fears: Losing the ones she cares about, Bunnies (Of course), and men. She does have a caring heart, so losing the people she really cares about her makes her lose it, And the men and bunnies, You already know about. 

Goal: She want's to make as many allies, Maybe just maybe take over the world, But she also wants to help people like her have a better life than they already have. 

Everyday Life: She goes around to every island on the planet and checks upon the people living there. She loves to pick flowers with the children, and help other children train so when they are old enough they can join the guild and past the test given to them. 

Character 3

Name: Meleus (Mel-us)

Age: 27

appearance: He has brown hair, A dark brown eye, His other eye is a half purple half red eye. Its a curse that was given to him when he was young. He has a regular human hunter outfit, But with a purple cap, that glows when danger is near, but only he can see the glowing due to his curse. He can use his powers to Concur Different Weapons that are covered in Fire, He also has fire magic, that is why the other half of his eye is red, Also part of the curse. he can't see from the multi-colored eye sadly.

personality: he loves quite places, Which means he can be a little rude when it comes to group work or teaming up, Part of being stubborn makes it worse. he can, (Sometimes) be nice, and If he really likes you he can be a little flirty at times, And at the wrong times. he is actually quite understanding. He is sly and is light on his feet, making it hard to catch him. He knows how to get his way, And is bossy when it is needed, But he can sometimes be TOO bossy. He has only one friend, and that is a brother, Well not a real brother but sorta friend, or better- Bro. They tell each other all sorts of stuff, and he is really nice and out-going towards him.

BackHistoryWhen he was little, he was thrown into all sorts of trouble, Going around stealing stuff, and sometimes even killing certain people. He loved to practice different spells on people that he hated, Which would leave him in pain, seeing that he actually killed them. he was thrown into different jails, Him escaping each one until he finally landed on this planet. He wanted to do the same thing, Steal and kill on this planet but once he made a friend and found out the people are exactly like him, he stayed and decided to join the guild. not think he would stay, he really did. He loved all the people there and he finally started to change.

How they Joined the Guild: Like most guild members he did the test he was given, The first test, He failed but he actually managed to beat the guild master, he used his skills and learned her weaknesses. That's why the guild wanted him, not because he beat the Guild master, it was because he can analyze his opponent's pros and Cons, Which is good in Big battles.

Magic: Meleus is a warrior Fire mage, born with a different type of fire magic, He can transfer magic into his weapons covering them in fire and making them stronger.

-Fire- Warrior magic- Mage-

His magic is just like every other fire mage out there. He can control fire threw his hands, but he can also transfer magic into different weapons. he mostly uses his Bow, Or  "fire" bow. He also loves putting Fire on rocks, Just like weapons he can put fire on different objects.when he adds fire to objects it makes the weapon/Object stronger which is great in battle.

Friends: Not much care about him, although he is easy to approach most people find him a little too weird for their liking, So let us say he doesn't have friends. and he really never wants them, he says he has to be more 'Friendly' towards them then he already is when he doesn't have friends.

Enemies: A guy named Max, Just like this other girl, (BTW he isn't good at names)  he had met max during a battle, and they teamed up, Meleus soon betrayed him, Stealing a magical fire orb and he absorbed it himself, All Max has to do is kill him to get it back, they have both been fighting since, never stopping, And probably even past death.

Strengths: he is very good at long distance fighting, his fire bow helps him a lot, and it gives him a better advantage in battles, he is also good at using other people's weaknesses as a skill, he is very good at watching them, then out playing them in their own battle. He is also very stubborn like most people in the guild, and can easily annoy people into doing things for him, which to him he thinks he is cunning, but he is mostly just stubborn.

Weaknesses: he can be a little too mean, which leads to more brutal fights and arguments. His pride gets in the way of the most task he is givenand sometimes gets him in trouble also. He isn't good with just regular fire since he can't control it with his hands that well, which leads to explosions and other incidents.

Passions: he wants to grow up and have a family, he knows he is this big bad guy and all, but he hates the fact that he might not have a normal life like most people, so he wants to at least start a family, and maybe become somewhat normal, and he wants to get his new planet Anope more freedoms then most planets since this planet is not known through the universe.

Dislikes: he Doesn't like water, it's not a weakness, or it sorta is since he can't swim, but it just doesn't fit him since he is a fire mage and not a water mage. He also doesn't like love, although he wants a family, right now isn't the time for one, or so he says. He does get feelings towards girls, but who doesn't?

Character 4

Name: Glee

Age: 43

Appearance: She has blond hair, and her red skin tone is sorta fading which leaves it a light pink. her horns are pretty big, And she put armor on the bottom so nobody could take them off. She has different styles of war paint on her face and around her body. She wears armor like a regular human but one shoulder has this big piece of metal and the other is bare. 

personality: She's a devil, Like literally. She won't stand for annoying people or people who think good of themselves too much, and when they do, She goes crazy. She's a little harsh towards new people, but once you get to know her, she can be funny, sweet, demanding, and a little bossy... But in a good way.

Backstory: she was born with a devil dad and a human Mom. Half breeding for humans and devils are rare, so when the Planet found out, Her family was kicked out, Her father killed glee's Mom due to thins... Glee soon ran away, missing her mother and hating anyone who despised her. Moving from planet to planet due to her race, she finally landed on planet Anope... after 15 years of traveling. She loved the planet and its people since they accepted her. So she wanted to pay them back... She joined the guild. Passing all test in the process earning full respect from the guild. 

How they Joined: She didn't join at first, but she loved the idea of a little challenge so she did the test, and surprisingly passed all of them. Gaining respect from all of the guilds. Even when she was new, they treated her like they knew her ever since they were young. 

Magic: She doesn't have anything special... She has fire and death magic that she can control with her hands. One hand can control Fire the other can control Death... And together that's a different story. her magic turns into a light green color, Which makes death even more painful. Which gives her the upper hand. 

-Death and Fire-Mage-Demon- 

when she combines them, it will make every spell she knows even more powerful and makes it hurt even more. Although she doesn't get into a lot of fights since she is half demon but still. her fire magic burns people and can set things on fire, and her death magic can kill people, harm them, and torture them in any way possible. 

friends: Not a lot, some of the girls in the Guild who are also Half demon, Since they understand her. And even some of the boys... But most just let her do her own thing and they don't think twice since Glee is so High up in the ranks. 

enemies: she has A LOT> Like her father... Her brother, the demon king and queen... So other people from different planets that found her too Hideous to be on the planet. So anyone who hates her race is most likely her enemy. 

Strengths: She is good at dissing people off... Isn't the best but she can get out of arguments faster doing that. She is good at hand in hand fighting, and she is a bit loud, which is good for fighting to warn people and townspeople. 

weaknesses: bad thoughts people give her, She hates that she is half demon, But she also loves it. she can be a bit too mean, Which leads to Bigger and more brutal arguments when it was a small one. And she is part demon, Which makes people scared of her... And leads to her being lonely most of the times. 

Passions: she wants people to accept half-breeds. Like a half demon, Half animal, half creature... Anything that is born with mixed races. she want's people to stop calling them hideous and all sorts of things. 

Dislikes: She doesn't like snakes, or venom because she can die if she has that.she has fear of high places, and Isn't a fan of balls or dresses... So anything fancy. 

Character 5

name: Crystal

Age: 43

Appearance: She has long red hair, and she wears a long firey, red dress that goes to her ankles. she has a dragon tattoo on her lower back, which means she can control Dragons. Her hair has a fire on the bottom tips, and when angry her hair can turn into Fire. other than that she is like a regular human. 

personality: She can be very nice, helpful and overall sweet, but get on her bad side, she can be mean, brutal and unforgivable. She goes through mixed emotions, so I suggest leaving her when she does because you never know what will happen. 

How She Joined: she was banished from her island because she killed a man. She found this planet... And became good friends with the guild master. Soon taking the test and then finally joining. Making her way to the top. When the old guild master stepped down... She became the new one, and everyone loved her.

Backstory: She was the princess of her own planet. She soon got carried away and killed one of her men, Making the people mad. Her parents had nothing else to do accept banish her. So she was banished. she soon found planet Anope, and that is she journeyed into becoming the new guild master. 

Magic: She is just a regular fire Mage. She can control fire, use it, and make things with it. She can also control Dragons. she can command them into doing things and all sorts of things, which gives her a good advantage since she can be in the sky looking out. 


She can take in a dragon tongue, which she only knows, and command dragons since she found out she was the new queen of dragons, and for fire, she can shoot it from her hands, feet, nose name it, she probably can. 

friends: almost everyone is her friend, but her real friend his her sister Mary, they have talked together ever since she was banished, She always tells her things that are happening and stuff. They love each other, sisters forever mary would say.

Enemies: her parents... she knows they loved her, but wouldn't they stand up for me? No. Of course not, they wanted to please their people then keep their daughter because we are FAMILY! 

Strengths: She can fly using her dragons for help, and can watch from the top and make sure people stay alive. she can easily ask for help since she is the guild master, and she can defuse a argument that is pretty heated. 

weaknesses: She can get into being guild master, and can sometimes come off Bossy. Her joyfulness makes people worried about joining our guild and sometimes makes us an easy target. Plus she is ALWAYS LATE! 

Passions: She wants to become a great guild master to new people, she wants to show people that our planet is actually strong and not gloomy how most people see it. She wants to show the world what planet Anope is capable of. 

Dislikes: she hates Liers, Anyone who is willing to lie to her is instantly on her dislike list. She also hates thieves, although, on this planet people used to be theives, She hates the ones that haven't yet changed their habits. 

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