Guild 4: Iscariot Sin

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This guild was made by D-Willy45 . The guild seal is below. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games. 

Name:Iscariot Sin. Taken from the lore of a far away planet, Iscariot betrayed their God and then later committed suicide. This ties in with some of the work they are most famous for.

Planet: Infernum. It is a very dark planet, being on the edge of the republic. There is one ocean and one massive lake, as well as a few smaller bodies of water here and there. There is one land mass with the large lake in the middle. Otherwise it's all water. (besides a few small islands) The planet has few natural resources compared to other planets but they import food and other goods from different planets for their prized Crocodil. (a drug) The center of trade is the city of Alexandria, (this is where the guild is as well) where it is always dark and foggy. There are a very diverse list of races, from the mountain elves in the east to the Sirens and Mer-folk in the great sea, to the humans in the south, the list goes on. Funny enough all of them would tell you the same thing, Infernum is not an ideal place to live.

What is my guild like: "the six Commandments of the guild are these. (1) The guild maker's word is law, mutiny is unexceptable. (2) There will be no rivalries within the guild, we are all a family. (3) there will be no psychopathic or homicidal behavior. (4) When sent to a mission, the leader of the group speaks for the master, his word is the masters word. (5) Your allegiance first goes to the guild, then yourself, then the client. (6) Unless ordered to, you will not undergo in illegal affairs." Iscariot Sin is generally viewed as mysterious and dark because of their multiple dealings with the drug cartel and the blood that has been spilled because by their hands. They are infamous for fighting with the intention to kill and doing it with any means necessary. Teeth, claws, and any form or using the environment is a legit way to win for them. Everyone tranes in hand to hand combat and with a variety of weapons. Despite their reputation they are very kind to the common people, giving food, clothes and money to the homeless. They also do a lot of escort missions for whoever they deem worthy. Contrary to popular belief only one squad deals solely in execution missions, the Nightmare squad.

Guild history: Iscariot Sin was started one-hundred years ago by their current master. They were started to combat the massive cartel inside the city.

Master: Erza is a fairy queen who was kicked off her throne by her brother. She barely survived with the help of a few close friends. Infernum was the first planet she came across and despised the illegal dealings within Alexandria. She is at the ripe age of one-hundred thirty-five, so the chances of her passing away is slim.

Numbers in the guild: The numbers can change but they are starting to gain traction. They have around a hundred members in all but it is probably a little more than that. The guild doesn't care about your skill as much as they care about your character. All you need to do to join is pass a background check.


Thulok: "I don't like your guild and I think you're going to be far too troublesome for these games. I will be closely watching you, Iscariot Sin."

Evina: "Nonsense! Don't listen to that old grump at all! I love your guild commandments and I think you're going far in the games! Welcome!"

Pimret: "Nightmare squad, eh? Sounds like a... nightmare! Ha!" ***Thulok and Evina both shoot him a harsh look since he isn't that funny***


Aderri: "If you can keep yourselves out of trouble, then we shall have no problems, Iscariot Sin."



Name: Conan Striker

Age: 21

Gender: male

Race: Argonne

Appearance: Conan has black hair and green eyes that are constantly in vertical slits. He is medium height and toned. He has fangs are a little longer than the average person but nothing spectacular. His pale skin always brings a fear factor wherever he goes. When he turns into his likanthrop form he can unhinge his jaw and fold out two lange fangs from the roof of his mouth. He also grows patches of scales all over his body.

Personality: Conan is very observant, most of the time cross legged in a corner trying to figure everyone out. A little bit of blood never bothers him especially if it is to finish a mission. He can come off as brash or cruel but he understands the hierarchy and respects it. He has a couple tightly knit friends but his appearance and his work usually detours people away from him.

Backstory: Argones are native to Infernum and are a product of selective breeding between many races. He is one of the only Argones alive because of how new they are. Conan spent a good part of his childhood on a ship floating through the galaxy, being studied and running through tests. When he was finally dropped off at Infernum, he followed the majority of his kin to the streets. It wasn't long before he ended up on the wrong side of the Iscariot Sin's blade. He was spared along with a couple others and has since earned the trust of Erza, the guild master. He is also the only person that was chosen to participate that is from the Nightmare squad.

Magic: He has tree growth magic - plant mage. He can grow trees from the ground and control their roots and whatnot. Needless to say this costs a lot of energy.

Friends: His friend list doesn't extend too far outside the five that participate in the game but he does have two that are also in the Nightmare squad. Samantha, who is mostly serious but won't argue with having a little fun. And Kyle, who is always looking for something to do. He is constantly fidgeting with something or bumping his leg up and down.

Enemies: He has far too many enemies to list them all here, but the two he would call his nemesisses are Princeps and Pallidi. Pallidi is another Argonne and was a fellow gang member before Conan left. Princeps and Conan met during a mission. Conan was ordered to take out a slave caravan where Princeps was held. Princeps joined Iscariot Sin for a short time and even worked beside Conan. Then Princeps, for no apparent reason left the guild, he also convinced a girl, Conan's girlfriend at the time, to come with him.

Strengths: Conan tends to keep calm in intense situations or during a fight. He is an expert fighter, whether it is choke holds, weapons or hand to hand. He is obedient to whoever is put in charge and can usually separate his feelings for them as a person from them as a leader.

Weakness: Conan's magical ability is lacking so he usually refrains from using magic in a fight. He can be a little heartless at times especially when it comes to the enemy which makes him widely hated. When he turns into his lycanthrope form, his eyesight gets distinctly worse.

Passions: Conan loves nothing more than fighting, observing, and his family. There is a lot to think about in life and Conan tries to solve as much about himself as possible.

Dislikes: Nothing gets him going quite like betrayal. Too many people have gone against their word for him to spare any more of his patience on backstabbers. If you couldn't already tell his family means a lot to him; mess with them means you mess with him.

Fears: Conan is not impervious to fear. Everyday the thought of his time of experimentation runs wildly through his mind. He often thinks of his life on the streets and what he was before Iscariot Sin. The thought of what could've happened to him never fails to interrupt his thoughts in a big way. He just about died that day when he met Iscariot Sin, but Erza's kindness spared him. If he were to be kicked out of the guild it would surely be the end.

Goals: Conan wishes to be free of his past and just live like a normal person. He just wants to settle down with a wife and children and forget about all the drama in his life. This wouldn't mean leaving the guild of course. To achieve this he needs to eliminate his two rivals, Princeps and Pallidi, at least that is what he thinks.

His day: Conan usually wakes up early in the morning so he can stretch and meditate before anybody else wakes up. He then gets breakfast with everyone else before training with Thorson, another competitor in these games. Afterwards he works out then takes a shower. From then to supper is never consistent. After that he eats supper and meditates again, except this time with Sylva, yet another competitor. He then goes to bed. Like most people his schedule can change depending on what he has going on that day but this is a normal day for him. 



Name: Braith Kato

Age: 21

Gender: female

Race: Human

Appearance: Braith has pasty white skin with brown eyes, which are slightly squinted. She is around 5'9" and muscular. She usually wears a content yet serious expression. Her straight black hair reaches down to her shoulders though she usually has it up. She usually wears jeans and a tank top, with her left arm and hand fully bandaged. (her right arm is mechanical) When she fights she wears a modified gas mask, cowboy hat, and a single shoulder cape.

Personality: Braith is able to walk the line between serious and joking as well as commit to either side. She treats everyone differently, depending on how much they are worth her time. She has a knack of judging people before she formally meets them and will stick to said judgment. First impressions are huge for her so you'd better make the most of it.

Backstory: Braith grew up as a middle class citizen of the city Kypha. At first, life was good and simple with nothing to worry about. That all changed when her parents filed for a divorce and court visits started becoming a regular thing. On her sixteenth birthday she ran away from her home planet. After a year of traveling with a space pirate by the name of Adamus Damascus, who taught her all about magical mechanics, she decided to hop off at Infernum in search of some sort of stable life. That was four years ago. She has recently found out that her parents got back together and have had another child, also by the name of Braith.

How she joined the guild: It wasn't long before all her money was gone and she had to resort to alternate means of survival. She saw great promise in the cartel and spent a little bit of her life selling and using the crocodile Infernum is so famous for. Everything changed when she got gangrene in her right arm. She couldn't go to a hospital or else they would call the infamous Iscariot Sin guild. But if she let it spread she would die a very painful death. She ended up choosing death over the guild but it didn't matter. Iscariot Sin busted through her door one day without warning and saved her just before the infection spread past her arm. They successfully amputated her arm and helped her through withdrawal, which lasted a month. She realized her wrongdoings and repented for her sins. She was given a second chance with the guild which she is eternally grateful for.

Magic: Concentration magic-warrior sage. She can make it easier to concentrate and multitask as well as act on the fly.time almost slows down for her when she uses her magic.

Friends: Her boyfriend Thorson gets most of her attention and patience but that does not mean there is not more of her to go around. Sylva too has a special place in her heart as well as Hunter and Catherine. Both are from the Rival squad, same as her and Thorson. Both Hunter and Catherine are just like her, albeit a little more welcoming.

Enemies: She hates all the scum on the street, especially the ones that led her to using in the first place. She has a hard time feeling sympathy for anyone who chooses to go down that road and not come back. Nothing makes her cringe more than the thought of her parents. She knows that they might show up to these games, and almost likes it. She is afraid that she might not be able to control herself and might just pull the trigger on them.

Strengths: She has an iron will as well as iron muscles. When she puts her mind to something it's hard to take her mind off of it. She is also strong for a human girl and isn't someone to mess with. She also takes on a lot of responsibility and is pretty self-reliant.

Weaknesses: Braith has a hard time listening to her superiors and has had multiple conversations with Erza, if you know what I mean. She is not the most athletic and somewhat slow. She has a tendency to lash out at people for no apparent reason because of the built up emotions inside of her.

Passions: Guns are her main weapon of choice. Powered by a rare rock called mathanos crystals that can be recharged with mathanos and can turn it into bolts of magical energy. Her right arm also runs on mathanos crystals .Weather it's shooting or building guns she is almost always doing something with them. Her work is another thing she is passionate about and takes it very seriously.

Dislikes: As previously stated she hates crime and her family with a passion. She also hates the feeling of foux security and is constantly on the lookout for anything that might hurt her.

Fears: She may not show it but she fears the thought of Thorson or the guild itself leaving her. She's afraid of meeting her sister. Will she be outshined by her or not?

Goals: Deep inside she wants to go back to her home planet and live a life without all this magic and her family drama. She knows though that it can never be so she follows Thorson and will stick by his side through hell and high water.

Day: Braith is a early riser. She gets out of bed right away and goes straight to working on whatever gun related thing she needs to get done. She then watches the news next to Thorson until he goes to train. She eats breakfast and shoots at the range. She doesn't shoot her guns too much because of how much of a hassle harvesting the mathanos for her gun is. She will often run and lift weights with Thorson after he is done training with Conan. Afterwards she will hang out with the rest of her squad and do whatever until supper. She will then get everything ready for the next day and say goodnight to everyone before going to bed.



Name: Thorson Evergreen

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Half Siren half Mermaid

Appearance: Thorson has short, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. To most girls he is the perfect man, a real hunk. He is tall with rippling muscles that he makes sure is always on full display at all times. His body is marked with many scars and tattoos. He has said that every scar has a story and every drop of ink has a purpose, but not many people know what they are exactly. When he is not shirtless he wears casual clothing.

Personality: Thorson is half siren so it only makes sense that he's a little flirtatious. He is a genuinely good guy and only wishes the best for most anyone he meets, whatever that might entail. He is confident in his abilities although tries to be humble about it. (hint, it doesn't always work) He is the most joyful when he is by his girlfriend who is another contestant.

Backstory: Thorson grew up in a life of luxury and war. The planet he was born is named Aquaterra. The only land on Aquaterra is floating in the sky, with the exception of one small island. On the land lives harpies, nymphs and dryads, where the water holds the mer-folk and sirens. Thorson was a prodigy in combat ever since he was little and was trained in the art of battle ever since he could swim on his own. Aquaterra is a land of constant bloodshed and conflict and surely would have been burned to the ground if it wasn't for all the water. Thorson participated in his first battle when he was seven and killed his first man when he was ten. By the time he was sixteen he was hailed as a legendary warrior. He was married to the princes of his kingdom and was next in line for the throne by the time he was seventeen. Then all at once it fell apart. A mole within the kingdom led enemy forces into the castle through secret passageways. Everyone he loved was dead before he could get his bearings. His wife, who was pregnant at the time was killed right in front of his eyes. He then was sent to a different planet and sold to slave traders. It wasn't until he was nineteen before he was rescued by a magical guild by the name of Black Dragon Legacy. Unfortunately he could never settle down so he left on his own to find himself. His life began anew when he landed on Infernum and saw the crime that infected Alexandria. It wasn't long before he found Iscariot Sin and made the choice to join their cause.

Magic: Lightning magic-lightning mage. Self explanatory, he can send lightning bolts shooting out of his hands.

Friends: His girlfriend has been there since the beginning and has earned his full trust and admiration. He has many other friends like Conan, Sylva, Connor, Gwen, Stacy, Jasmine and Victoria. Connor and Jasmine are twins who often get in a lot of trouble, but they mean well. Stacy and Victoria he fears are only friendly to him because of his looks.

Enemies: If you were to ask him, Thorson only has one enemy and that is Jörgson. He was the traitor who opened the gates and led the rival army into his kingdom. He was also the one that killed his wife.

Strengths: Thorson has always been naturaly gifted at both magic and physical combat. His kindness and protectiveness tends to carry over to other people.

Weaknesses: Thorson has three glaring weaknesses. His lack of agility, his inability to think straight while angry and his one track mind. He has never needed to be agile because of his strength so his fighting style is very one dimensional. Overpower your opponent.

Passions: Iscariot Sin has been a passion of his ever since he joined and that will never change. Most of his energy is used training and lifting; preparing himself for the day he meets Jörgson. Guns have also slowly caught his interest.

Dislikes: Oddly enough he hates any form of mer-folk. Like Conan he also hates those who would backstab for personal gain.

Fears. Thorson fears a day where his friends will be attacked and he will not be good enough. That dreaded night when his life fell apart plays in his mind every night and gives him spurts of insomnia.

Goals: He hopes that one day he may avenge his friends and kill Jörgson. He then wants to settle down with Braith and hopefully become the next master of Iscariot Sin.

Day: Thorson usually wakes up early in the morning just to stay in bed watching the news or something of the sort. He trains with Conan before going for a run. He then goes swimming with Braith and whoever else will join. He then takes a shower and eats lunch. He spends the rest of the day doing whatever seems fun. (more than not it's with Braith) He eats supper before watching more tv and going to bed.



Name:Sylva Aurelia

Age: 18

Gender: female

Race: Sun elf

Appearance: Sylva has lightly tan skin with bright yellow hair. Her eyes are a dark grey. She is small, standing only at 5'2", 100 pounds. Her ears come up to a point and are both pierced. Her skin pristine and flawless showing her lack of experience on the battlefield.

Personality: Sylva is mostly an introvert unless you can break her shell, then she is more extroverted. She will always go out of her way to tend to other's needs without too much thought of what she wants. She tries her best to stay out of conflict whenever possible.

Backstory: Sylva's parents were a maid and butler for a rich duke and duchess just west of mountain elf territory on the east side of Infernum. They were treated with great respect and kindness, as was his custom. Being hailed as the only pure person on Infernum it was a common joke that he was, "bound to die". Unfortunately a tribe of mountain elves raided the manor and killed everyone in sight. Sylva and her parents escaped and headed straight to Alexandria. There they met an old friend of theirs who was a part of the guild. Sylva was the only one with magical abilities so only she was accepted into the guild. Her parents now work at a restaurant a couple blocks from the guild.

How she joined the guild: She was invited through recommendation by a friend.

Magic: Increase energy magic-healing wizard magi. She also shoots a bow with arrows that have mathanos crystal arrowheads. Once charged the arrows will cause a small explosion, without the cost of the arrow itself. It isn't magic but I wanted to tell you now and didn't know where else to put it.

Friends: Conan is her best friend and the person she spends most of her time with. She also has Draks and Grace from her squad back at the guild. Draks and Grace are both outgoing and joyful.

Enemies: Sylva has one enemy and she is a part of guild as well. Livia is a mountain elf that is a couple years older than Sylva. When Sylva joined the guild she took Livia's spot on the Harmony squad. She has been at Sylva's throat ever since.

Strengths: Sylva's most defining features are her kindness, diplomatic skills and her surprising amount of mathanos. No one knows where she got her magical talents and no one seems to care. She got her silver tongue from her father and reading books.

Weaknesses: Where she excels in magic she sorely lacks in physical strength. She gets nervous very easily and has been known to back down from a fight she knows she can't win. She has a tendency to not look after herself and over compensate for other people, which can backfire.

Passions: Sylva loves nature and flowers. She loves meditating with Conan in the evenings and just spending time with him in general. Book writing and journaling are also something she does frequently.

Fears: She will never say it aloud, but she gets scared of mountain elves and orcs. Sylva fears death in its fullest, her friend's death, her parent's death and her own is always in the back of her mind. Her greatest fear is not being able to live her dreams and coming up short.

Goals: Her biggest goal is to marry the man of her dreams, who just so happens to be her best friend Conan. Despite being the weakest out of the five she joined to impress Conan, and hopefully herself. She also wants to be able to live to see Alexandria change into a better city, one with less violence.

Day: Sylva has been a late riser ever since she could remember, it still bothers her parents. After she wakes up she takes a shower, brush her hair, ect. She then eats breakfast before taking a walk outside to buy goods, tend to her garden and eventually spend time with her parents. If there are any injured guildmates returning from a mission she will help the healing mages. She will wash her hands then eat lunch. She will try her best to socialize with people before visiting Conan for meditation. She will go to the archery range before going to bed.



Name: Arthur Kenway

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Three fourths fairy and one fourths giant

Appearance: Arthur has bright golden hair that comes down to his mid-back. His pale skin is further accentuated by his golden eyes. Even with his many scars that cover his ripped body he still looks perfect, some people say he even shines when in the right light. On a normal day he wears baggy pants and a t-shirt but he does have formal robes that are colored yellow and orange. He a head taller than the next tallest man in the guild and a good fifty pounds heavier than them too.

Personality: Arthur values honor, chivalry and respect over all. He is the leader of the S squad and is well known for his demand for cooperation of the highest level and steep punishment for all who disobey. He isn't the most talkative person but if he has an opinion on something you are bound to hear it. He is Erza's right hand man and only answers to her.

Backstory: Arthur is the bastard son of the king of the fairies and a half fairy half Yavvar giant, but that didn't stop him from inheriting the throne. His dad always told him stories about his weak sister and how he succeeded her. But nothing ever felt right with him and his own siblings, especially since he was the only one in his bloodline that was born without magic, and his lineage. His suspicions were just that for the longest time until his own brother sent assassins to take him out. He left without another word in search for his aunt, which he heard was alive somewhere. He went from one planet to another doing odd jobs and taking out criminals wherever he saw them. Even without magic he got on many guild's radar and even started to get offers to join. He finally found out his aunt was leading a guild on Infernum and was gaining her own popularity. It is through her guidance that he found his hidden magical power. He has already been chosen to take Erza's place once she retires and is happy to take over the position.

Magic: He calls it Fairy dusk. He is a fire mage that can turn his mathanos into a compact ball on fire that explodes on contact. Though he does have magic he will also use his bo-staff and twin swords.

Friends: Thorson, Sylva, Victoria and Kyle. Kyle is in the nightmare squad while Victoria is in the Harmony squad.

Enemies: It comes as no surprise that there is a little animosity towards his family. Other than them though there is no one other than petty criminals.

Strengths: "To lead others you must first lead yourself, body, soul and mind". That is the motto he lives by. He is by far the most athletic of the five and one of the strongest as well. His fighting style is an even mix of physical and magical combat. He can easily access a situation on a whim and stays calm during combat.

Weaknesses: His obsession with respect can go too far at times and can detour people from his line of influence. Despite his strength he does not have a lot of endurance.

Passions: Arthur reads a lot of books, mainly history or war stories. He tries to learn as much as possible so he may be an adequate successor for Erza. He is also passionate about every person that is in the guild, no matter who they are.

Fears: His giant blood makes him violent at times for no reason at all. There is no telling if a day will come where he accidentally injures or even kill someone.

Goals: He plans on either taking over the guild or reclaim his throne back at his home planet.

Day: Arthur usually wakes up early and immediately gets ready for the day. He reads a little before socializing with whoever will bother to listen while he eats. He then lifts weights and flies around a little before coming back and spending time with Erza. They talk about politics mainly, along with bills and the sort. He runs drills with his team for an hour or two before going back to reading. He spend the rest of the day doing whatever he want before night time. Every other night he also goes out with his squad and does patrol runs.

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