Meet the Mentors

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Remember that the Mentors in the storyline are Magi Masters who will guide the Magi Guilds who are in the lowest ranks. In reality, I'll be giving advice to the writers who score the lowest to help them improve. There are three in total and they will be chosen before each task, based on the rankings. Please use these forms as well as their pictures for references when including them in your entries. :) 


Let us introduce to you the Magi Masters who will be mentoring the guilds who can't seem to get any higher in the rankings! There are three special ones that have been selected by the Magi Council directly! We are excited to meet them and we hope that you are as well!


Name: Aderri Nowen

Gender: Female

Age: 38

Personality: Aderri is quiet because she prefers to listen. When needing advice, she's the person to talk to. No matter how long it takes, she will sit and listen to anyone who needs someone to be there for them. She's wise with years of experience behind her. Her children mean the world to her and she cherishes her husband and family (she's even expecting grandchildren soon).

Backstory: Aderri grew up on the world known as Ivvar. It's mostly ice, cold waters, slowly moving glaciers, and icebergs large enough to be small islands. As a Polar Bear centaur, Aderri's body is perfectly adapted to the cold. Her clan roamed an iceberg that connected to a mainland via frozen ice. She befriended several Mer who swam in the frigid waters to the east, ones that surprisingly remained unfrozen. Her best friend was a Whalemer male who roamed the waters and left on vast journeys and another was an oddly gentle young Mershark whose body had adapted to the cold waters. Aderri found her mate at the young age of fifteen and they had no trouble having three children of their own. Their oldest daughter is expecting a baby soon, so Aderri is excited to become a grandmother. Ivvar is in the midst of the Republic, so Aderri was used to frequently seeing Republic Senators and Magi coming and going. The nearby guild, Old Waters, lived nearby, so Aderri joined them at a young age and excelled in Ice Magic as a Water Mage Magi. Since she was so little when she started training under her teacher, Aderri became a Magi Master at the surprisingly young age of 25. A year later, she was asked to mentor some of the Magi guilds in the Magi Games and she's loved doing it ever since.

Likes: She loves her family and her guild, Old Waters, the ice and cold, her two Mer friends, and mentoring Magi Guilds who join the Games.

Dislikes: Aderri hates the heat - she has too much fur on her body to enjoy it and shockingly enough even though she's classified as a Water Mage Magi, she doesn't like water and will only swim if she has to. Ice doesn't bother her, for some strange reason.

Guilds she will mentor: Aderri will mentor the guilds that score the lowest in the rankings. She's a highly skilled Magi Master, in water magic and will definitely be an excellent trainer for any Mage Magi who need it.


Name: Kean

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Personality: Kean embraces his heritage as a harpy prince. Male harpys are rare as it is, so to be a male prince and a harpy leader, Kean feels honored. Despite his high standings in the harpy culture on the world Iterrion, Kean is humble and doesn't boast about his wealth, power, or prestige.

Backstory: Male harpys are rare, so much so that they're considered nearly extinct. The Republic and Magi have been working closely with the harpys to help ensure the race's survival. When his aged parents (both nearing their 100's, which isn't as old as humans would be at that age), finally had Kean, they were overjoyed. He has seven older sisters, but that didn't stop his parents from desperately trying for a son. His parents raised him to be honorable and to do the right thing. They hired the best Magi Masters to teach him magic, as well as tutors from all across the galaxy to teach him in history, magic, blacksmithing, combat, flying, science, biology, music, literature, languages, race history, and planetary knowledge. Kean became a highly skilled Illusionst Sage Magi and by the age of 26 had earned the rank of Magi Master. He settled for helping the people on his home planet, Iterrion, trying to ensure the survivial of the harpy race, and leading his people as his parents prepare to step down from the throne. The Republic asked him to be a mentor last year, but he didn't have the time. This year, both of Kean's parents suggested doing it to get a break since he's been working so hard.

Likes: Flying makes Kean feel free. He also enjoys history and literature, and learning new techniques with his telekinesis. Kean also likes to fight and train with staffs.

Dislikes: Kean hates being underground - it makes him feel too confined. He also dislikes anyone in authority who abuses their power, and men mistreating women.

Guilds he will mentor: Kean's happy to mentor whatever guild he must. Being an Illusionist Sage Magi, he will be extremely helpful to Sages and can help them further techniques to draw quicker runes in the heat of battle.


Name: Laesirrah Faethiir

Gender: Female

Age: 181

Personality: Laesirrah is quite serious and formal. She's dedicated, especially when she puts her mind to something. When she does a task or job, she doesn't stop until its completed and satisfactory. This makes her a bit of a perfectionist. Deep inside, she's hard on herself if she fails.

Backstory: Laesirrah is a Mountain Elf who was kidnapped at a young age by Forest Elves. Their barbaric nature gave her strong survival instincts and taught her to fight long before she could speak. The people often mistreated and misused her, but she stayed strong and never gave up hope of escape. As she grew older, she was often taken for her beauty. Eventually, she killed the man who had currently taken her for himself and she fled to the mountains. The Elf clan there wasn't her people, but they took her in and cared for her injuries, some were old wounds that had never healed. A Magi Guild sent a team to help push back the Forest Elves, which had grown too numerous and posed a threat to many races there. Laesirrah became the Magi Guild Team's guild and in exchange for her help, their Guild Master taught her magic. She became a very skilled Shield Wizard Magi and has been the rank of Master since she was 64 years old. She's one of the oldest Magi Masters.

Likes: Laesirrah enjoys the majestic nature of mountains and being as high as she can go. It gets her away from the troubles of the world.

Dislikes: Forest Elves

Guilds she will mentor: She's a skilled Shield Wizard Magi who can teach Shields to combine their magic with combat. As an Elf, she's extremely skilled in combat with unparalled fighting and flexible abilities. She can also teach Wizard Magi.   

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