Task 3: Fun House

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Evina eyed the mansion outside Kypha with a gleam in her eye. Pimret had just walked out of it and he was pale with a wide-eyed terrified look on his face. Thulok was on the ground bellowing at the stunned hobbit. "So?" Evina asked Pimret. "What did you think of my fun house?"

Pimret shook his head silently and simply plopped down in the grass.

"I'll be a dwarf's beard, Evina," Thulok started, "You've actually managed to shut him up!"

Evina grinned. "This is going to be such a fun task. Let's see how the Guild's react when they go inside! Hehehe!"

Thulok and Pimret both shifted their gaze to Evina. At times, she could truly be a terrifying fairy.


Hello, everyone! Sorry that this is a day late, but welcome to Task 3: Fun House!

(I present to you... gifs from the funniest show you will ever see. If anyone can guess it, I'll give you a hint about Battle Task 4)!

The arena has been set up in the plains outside Kypha, the capital city. Towering in front of you is a beautiful mansion. A flower garden surrounds the outside of the front, just beneath the windows. Stairs lead up to a porch where the entrance is and upon the second story is a balcony. This is a high stakes game of hide and seek.

For this challenge, you must choose one character to be the seeker for your guild. You must also choose three other teammates (of your five) to be the hiders. The hiders must go into the mansion and are given five minutes to find a place to hide. It must be a very good place and once they are hidden, they are not allowed to move or change places. During the challenge, they are not allowed to call out or alert their teammate in any way. If any guilds are caught cheating, their guild will be eliminated from the challenge, resulting in zero points this round.

The seeker's job is to go into the house and find their three teammates. When the seeker exits with their three teammates and is standing outside the mansion on the front porch with their three teammates, their guild has completed the challenge. Guild rankings in the story will be determined by how fast the seeker found them because each guild is timed and in the story, the times will determine the rankings (remember that our rankings are determined by your writing score). The mansion is filled with many hallways and rooms. You as the writers are allowed to describe and design it however you wish. The twist is that the mansion is filled with your character's - the seeker's - dislikes and fears, ranging from a dislike of something minor, to a pet peeve, to a major fear or minor phobia. They must make it through this.

I will be judging your writing on the details of your character. How well do you know them? Can you show me what they dislike and fear? I want to be SHOWN how they're feeling, let me see their body language, tell me what their emotions are, let me see how they react. Will they give up or will they be able to overcome the challenge?

As usual, you are allowed to mention that your team finished and you can mention the order the guilds all came in. Remember that the actual rankings will be decided by your writing and when scores come out, your ranking is where your guild will also be in the storyline, so remember to be realistic and accurate to last tasks rankings and where your guild is.

Each guild is going one at a time, so along with guild interactions before the challenge, your guildmates will be watching the other guilds participate on Magicams. Every mansion is designed based on the seeker's dislikes and fears, so each challenge they face will be different. And yes everyone can see the dislikes and fears and how the magic manifests them through the magicams, so sorry if some of the Magi might be embarrassed! You can also show the crowd's reaction and the guild representative who is left watching, along with the rest of the guild to show their reaction to your seeker experiencing intense fears. (maybe some of them have feels for them, who knows).

Word count:

3,500. Anyone who wishes to do before and after build interactions has an extra 1,500 words to use either before or after. ANYONE WHO DID ALL THE BALLOT PUNISHMENTS IN TASK 2, REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE AN EXTRA 2,000 words to use for word count in this task.

Due date:

June 8, Friday, 2018, 6pm central. This gives you a week and four days!

For more incentive, anyone who hands in before the 5th of June will receive an extra 1 point on their Guild Ranking!

ANYONE WHO DID ALL THE BALLOT PUNISHMENTS FOR TASK 2, your regular due date is June 10th, Sunday, 2018 6pm central. If you hand in before June 6th, you can still have a chance to receive an extra 1 point on your Guild Ranking!



You must choose to kill a different writer than you have before. Remember when you choose to use a death on someone, it takes away one point from their guild score. If more than one person chooses the same writer, then it will take away as many 0.1 from the writer's task score as there are people choosing the same writer. For example, say Marcy uses death on Eric. Eric would lose one point from his guild score, so if he scored a 10 in top place, now he only gets nine. Let's say Oliver used a death on Cate and so did Eric. Because there are two people targeting Cate, that means she has 0.2 taken off her task score. If you have any questions, let me know or if you have any suggestions to change this and make it better, let me know as well!



Character injuries:

Bekka - permanently out of the Games due to the damage of her foot. She's been REPLACED BY: Benjo

Greo - Poisoned by a Sporkion and roughed up in the fight with Kytel - REPLACED BY: Zenna

Tilani - Was turned to stone, so it took several hours yesterday to turn him back so today he's supposed to rest; the healers say he should be well enough to return tomorrow - REPLACED BY: STILL TO BE CHOSEN (Kesie, since she no longer has to replace Nylisa)?

Herho - Electrocuted, but the healers say she should be good to go either today or tomorrow, although it's recommended that she not do anything too straining - REPLACED BY: Berwyn

Alastair - Major problem with his Mathanos - REPLACED BY: Duan

Alex - Unconscious from things landing on him, although the healers say he should be okay in another day of rest - REPLACED BY: STILL TO BE CHOSEN

Aconi - REPLACEMENT STILL TO BE CHOSEN (I don't remember what happened to him; is he better now or not)?

Shiazmu - Turned to stone, but the healers have turned him back last night, however, he still needs a day to rest and recover from the stress it caused his body - REPLACEMENT STILL TO BE CHOSEN

Here are the characters who have recovered and are out of the infirmary today:

Ethan - He's still sore on his arm, but he's well enough to join the four other representatives, although the healers have recommended that he sit this task out and just watch just to be safe.

Nylisa's wing is all better and she's ready to go.

Syliane is all ready to go and the healers say she's healed enough to even participate (just stay away from water, they recommend)!

Bernard is good enough to be released from the infirmary, but his shoulder is still sore, so the healers recommend that he don't do any heavy lifting.


Fun House Craze - Whoever wins this award will describe this so well, it's like I'm in the fun house with them. Not to mention every hallway and room will be super creative and feel just like a fun house with a twist!

Terror Time - Whoever wins this award will not only scare their characters with their greatest fear, but maybe even scare me as well!

POV - Whoever wins this award will dazzle me by going to different characters' POV's - from the hiders, to the seekers, to the guildmates watching the competition. Scene interactions before and during the competition and maybe even adding in a bit of watching the other competitors for a bit.

Gamemakers - Whoever wins this award will include the Gamemakers in their entry, maybe even have them speaking with members of your guild.

House Designer - Whoever wins this award will literally be so creative and unique in their design of the Fun House! Not just the fears and pet peeves, but the overall layout of it, including the hiding spots and everything! Go all out!

Ballot punishments:

Those of you who are in first place - Several7s and JesterheadJohnSnow - must incorporate these seven (7 because that's how many ballots you had) words into your entry ONLY during the mansion competition (as in not in the before or after scenes involving anyone who isn't in the mansion): breath, threat, tail, fly, noise, hum, and bring. They must be in seven different sentences and cannot be part of the same paragraph either.

Those of you who are in second place - ariel_paiment1 - must include falling in your entry for at least 50 words.

Those of you in third place - jesusfreak202, music1or1books, wordsmith-, Katie387750 - must include a dark voice in your entry that whispers to your seeker and you must come up with a logical, realistic (and maybe even creepy) reason why they would be communicating with your seeker, as well as who this voice belongs to. Remember it has to make sense, or it won't count.

Those of you in fourth place - ForeverandMagic and D-Willy45 - must include some deep, dark secret with your seeker's fears that is connected with their past.

Those of you in last place - MusicgirlXD and Sara_R_Stark - must include an argument between two of your guildmates before the challenge beings. This argument can be from other guildmates who aren't representing your guild.

Anyone who completes all the ballot punishments will receive an extra 1 onto their task score, extra word count for Battle Task 3 and Task 4 and receive a detailed hint about any task of their choice if they ask me. You also have an extra 1,500 words to do this with (but only if you do all of them).



Guild Valkyrie, Evina has given your seeker a magical communicator so that they can talk with the single representative not participating. No one else can talk to your person and they can't tell you where everyone is hiding or where to go, but if you get scared, at least your seeker has someone to talk to.

Crimson Shadow, Evina has chosen to make your guild go first to see how you do right away - remember she is watching you. This means that your seeker and hiders will participate in the fun house before any of the other guilds do.

Remember Liberium-Spiritibus, Evina is watching you. To prove that she's interested in sponsorsing you, Evina has arranged for your guild to particpate in the task in whatever order you want. So if you'd want to go first, you can, but if you'd rather go last to watch the other guilds and how they do, you can do that as well. Remember this won't affect your rankings.

Silent Phoenix and Knight's Watch, Thulok has given you a map of the mansion and it shows which rooms will show what kind of fear: for example, it shows two rooms and one shows: PET PEEVE, while the other shows: MAJOR FEAR, so your characters would probably avoid the major fear one. However, it doesn't show good hiding places or where your hiders have chosen to hide.

Ivory Crow and Miria, Pimret has given you a potion that allows your seeker to be fearless for an entire five minutes. However, during that time, the seeker doesn't know that the potion makes them feel a different emotion far more intensely (it also may cause them to act upon it).

Black Shadow, Aderri has informed you before the challenge begins that the fun house is filled with fears and dislikes. She's given you a hint to try to keep yourself as calm as possible when navigating it.

Iscariot Sin, Kean has given you advice on how to calm down in the face of fear.

Iscariot Sin and Dragon Claw, the Gamemakers are watching you.

This Task, I'm doing something a little different. Because we have so many three-way ties, I'm adding in an element this time called Tie-Breakers. This is just for Task 3 unless we continue to have problems with this.


This is basically a way for you to earn extra points that the people you are tied with can't (hopefully). I will only select ONE person who wins each thing to keep the scores from ending up the same.

Clown - The person who includes a clown in their entry and actually scares me with it (because I'm actually afraid of clowns), will win an extra 0.3 added onto their TASK SCORE.

Bugs - I hate saying this, but the person who includes bugs in their entry and literally CREEPS me out with them (I hate, hate, hate, hate bugs; one of my greatest fears -ewwww), will win an extra 0.5 added onto their GUILD RANKING

Illusions in windows - The person who includes scary illusions inside windows in their entry will win an extra 0.6 added onto their TASK SCORE.

Annoying - The person who literally writes a scene where their seeker is soooo annoyed that it annoys me will win an extra 1 POINT added onto their GUILD RANKING.

Pet Peeve - The person who includes the seeker's major pet peeve and really SHOWS them freaking out over it will win an extra 0.2 points added onto their TASK SCORE.

Line from one of my favorite fandoms - The person who includes a line from one of my favorite fandoms and uses it in a sentence that matches the entire situation the character is in, will receive an extra 1 point onto their TASK SCORE (if you use Star Wars, since that one is obvious, you better make it REALLY good, or I will knock the points you receive down to 0.2 for the win).

Hopefully, this will break some of the ties we've got going on!

Remember for each one, I will choose the ONE PERSON WHO WROTE IT THE BEST. You can do as many as you want, but I will only pick ONE for you to win (to be fair, unless no one else does them).

Let Task 3 begin! Good luck! Let me know if I forgot anything important, or as Josh always says: 

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