Task 3: Scores and Feedback

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-0.1 for grammar

-0.1 for spelling

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.8

So I can't stop reading. This entry is so intense and it's literally a story I'm really enjoying. I forgot at one point it wasn't on wattpad, so I almost went to highlight a section and comment on it. POOR ESKANDER. Also, I didn't see any mistakes for the longest time! And HAHAHA the big spider was actually tiny; no wonder why Eiridan was laughing! It was long but enjoyable to read and you didn't lose my interest at all. Technically speaking, going to the Gamemakers' POV's aren't allowed, but since it was just an extra scene at the end and not part of the main task requirements, I'll let it slide. You also had your entry twice, but it was at the end and not disruptive. Only two mistakes in a practically 10,000 word entry! Great job!


-0.1 for punctuation

-0.1 for spelling

-0.1 for grammar

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.7

Once again, you have characterized your characters so well. Tilani's teenage attitude is far different from Kesie's and they're both unique! SHADOWS SO CREEPY. Your descriptions are absolutely vivid and I feel like I'm walking around with her! I love how the snow was a very subtle way to annoy her. AWW THE DOGS. That's a great fear, but then Caruk's pov made me wonder about Kesie...? You had three minor syntax errors, but your entry was smooth to read. I loved Kesie and even though this was her first time, you immediately got me into her head and helped me get to know her. This was a fear-driven entry and I loved it! Your descriptions literally put me into the entry with you. Amazing job!


1.7 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.3 point deduction

SCORE: 11.7

I love the guild interactions - the fight was intriguing and I like Jacob and Michael's friendship! You've characterized them so well and you're starting to give them all unique character voices. You characterized Michael well and even though it was lighthearted, you still included his fears, so I feel like this was a very well balanced entry and I enjoyed reading it! Great job!


-0.2 for sentence structure

-0.2 for grammar

-0.2 for punctuation

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 11.4

Did a Game of thrones quote " I drink and I know things!" Subtle but enough for me to catch - awesome! Winner so far cuz of how subtle it was and yet it made sense! "I have a bad feeling about this." THERE IT IS! Subtle Star Wars quote. "What is dead may never die" haha, another Game of Thrones quote - again subtle. Man, you're good!

Strong descriptions, love the guild interactions; your entry is more like a story and I enjoy reading it. Haha "hide and seek. Is this a joke?" Hahaha, hilarious! "Yep that sums it up." OMG YOU ARE KILLING ME. It's intense but humerous all at the same time! You do such a great job describing Jardonkha's fear, like my heart is pounding along with hers. I love the various POV changes too; it keeps things intriguing. EWWWWWWWW GGGAHHHHHH BUGS okay, okay, okay my skin is crawling and EEEUUUGGGHHHHHH. You did it, you did it. Now make it stop, aaah. I'm not kidding my skin literally started crawling when I read it. I had half a mind to skip it, but i'm the judge so I can't. EWWWW. Nice way of incorporating the voice and the falling scene. I also like how she found Rhengar; "I promise I only took one bite." WOW You are just hilarious! The clown part... OMG. Such strong descriptions and man it's so creepy I'm terrified and giggling at the same time - yes, literally, giggling. What amazing and impressive characterization skills! Seriously, this is one impressive entry and though you had more mistakes than usual, this was a much longer entry than usual. It's a story and you're getting me attached to your characters. I just... I can't fully express how impressed I am or how much I loved your entry. Fantastic job! :)


-0.1 for spelling

-1 for including the same scene twice (I don't actually have this in my rubirc, lol, so I took off what I thought it was worth)

-0.1 for grammar - you shifted pov from Mirana to Lynei in the repeated scene

1.7 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.3 point deduction

SCORE: 10.5

I love Eris wanting to be involved and the realism with how they left her out, worried about her past. Glaux's hiding spot - I WOULD NEVER FIND him, or technically her since it's Mirana. Haha. WOW. Eris' fears and annoyances worked well and I can't stop reading. Vaxon... Oh gosh. It's like a giant flashback for me lol. He's still bad as ever. I CAUGHT THE FAIRY TAIL QUOTE. Nice tweaking by the way! I like how you even went to Zaydaan's pov at the end and left us guessing as to what fear she faced last - probably Zaydaan dying. It started off not as smoothly as usual, but it still entertained me and it really got us in depth into Eris' mind. It was also creative and enjoyable to read. Outside of the mistakes, especially having the same exact scene copied twice in a row, and switching from Mirana to Lynei's which confused me, this was well written. Great job!


-0.4 for spelling

-0.9 for grammar

-0.8 for punctuation

-0.8 for sentence structure

-2 for being late a second time

1.5 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.5 point deduction

SCORE: 6.6

I loved the fight and man, for some reason I'm totally almost shipping Cordelia and Razor omg. YAY Bernard is almost back woo! Nice little scene with Thulok. You did have a few mistakes with sentence structure and had some misplaced commas and colons. You also switched to present tense a few times, even though it's supposed to be written in past tense. CLOWNS. BUGS OMG. MY SKIN IS CRAWLING. POOR RAZER. The flashback gave me so many feels for him.


-2.1 for punctuation

-1.3 for grammar

-0.1 for sentence structure

-0.5 for realism - her fears were severely lacking and I doubt she would start singing in the middle of battle

-1 for not following additional task rules - you didn't do your ballot punishment of having a voice whisper to your character in the fun house

1.3 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.7 point deduction

SCORE: 6.3

I loved you mentioning Aderri's hint and including Evina. The intro with your guildmates really made your entry feel like a story. Each of your scenes flowed nicely into each other. AWW BENJO AND OPAL... SO CUTE. I'm fangirling. I also felt like it flowed very well! I would not want to hide in a barrel... Good hiding spot though! I thought your entry was fun and it made me laugh and smile. Her fears could have been more "fearful" but I still enjoyed reading it because it felt like it had a bit of comedic relief. You did have a lot of punctuation and grammar mistakes this time, so keep an eye out for that in the future. Great entry though - very entertaining! And I loved all the POV changes!


-1.1 for grammar

-0.5 for sentence structure

-1.3 for spelling

-2 for punctuation

-1 for being late

1.3 on the writing maturity scale, resulting in a 0.7 point deduction

SCORE: 5.4

Well this was just a little bit dark, lol. There were a lot of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure mistakes, but it was intriguing and entertaining. I enjoyed getting to know more about Siliva's (sorry if I spelled it wrong) character. The ending left me so many feels and baffled, so I have to know what happened! These games were supposed to be friendly, haha! Great job!

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