The Magi Games

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This chapter covers everything about the Magi Games, the storyline, and especially the realm that this exists in. It will talk about the Galaxy itself, the Magi, how their magic works - all its rules -, all the races in the galaxy including a list for you to choose from when making your characters, and specific information about Kypha and Tythan. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Check out the other trailer I made which is posted above! Enjoy :) 

Each year, the Republic hosts what is known as the Magi Games. Guilds from all over the Republic come together to the planet who's turn it is to host the Games to participate in a series of challenges and battles to determine which guild is the strongest. Each guild is scored, but at the end, only one guild will be named the champion.

This year, the planet Tythan will be hosting the Games. It will be held all over the planet, but Tythan's capital, Kypha, is the city where the Guild members participating (and visiting to watch) will all be staying.

Before we get into detail about Kypha and Tythan, let me talk about the realm we're in.

The Republic exists in a large portion of the known galaxy. Naturally, I'm not going to break that down for you, as your imagination can come up with planets and things for it. The Republic is ran by a Senate, who are representatives from every race and every planet who all work together to decide laws and vote on critical decisions. The Magi are the only beings with magical power in the entire known galaxy and they're the peacekeepers of the Republic. They work together to ensure that everyone is safe and that any threats are taken care of. Even though the Magi have a Main Capital on Castre, which is a planet close to the Republic's capital, there are billions of Magi, spread all over the galaxy. On Castre in the Magi capital, the Magi Elite are advanced Magi Masters that run the Magi and dictate how they're controlled and run. Because there are so many of them, the Magi have separated themselves into guilds. Each guild is run by a respected Magi Master, which is chosen by the Magi Elite. The Magi Master reports to the Magi Elite. Each guild works on a different planet - various planets - throughout the Republic to help maintain order and peace.

Here's how magic works:

Magi are separated into three categories, which are called titles: Mages, Sages, and Wizards.

Mages are Magi who channel Mathanos - magic energy - into their hands and think their spells. Their magic comes out in the form of elements. Each Mage can only use one type of element.

- Water

- Air

- Earth

- Fire

- Plants

- Gravity

- Plasma

- Metal

- Light

- Darkness

- Lightning

Even though there are only 8 main elements, there can be specific types of Mages. For instance, a mage could have sand magic, but it would still be classified as an Earth Mage Magi. Someone who uses ice would be classified as a Water Mage Magi. Trees would be classfied as Plant Mage Magi and so on. Any specific type of magic your characters use must fall into one of these elements, if you choose to be a mage.

Likewise, Sages and Wizards also have certain main types of magic that each specific type of magic falls into.

Sages are Magi who write runes in the air or on objects to use their Mathanos - magic energy. They manipulate something in the world around them, whether it's something around them or even themselves. Sages can be one of the following:

- Shapeshifter

- Illusionist

- Warrior

- Shadow

Again, even though there are only 4 main magic types, there can be specific types of Sages. For instance, a Magi that could change their appearance would still be classified as a Shapeshifter Sage Magi. A person who uses telepathy would be classified as an Illusionist Sage Magi.

Wizards are Magi who chant their spell outloud and channel their Mathanos using a wand or staff, combined with whatever they're chanting. Like Mages and Sages, Wizards still only have main categories of magic that all specific types of magic falls under. Those are:

- Conjurers

- Healers

- Shields

- Space

Even though there are only 4 main magic types, there can be specific types of Wizards. For instance, a Wizard who is able to restore someone's physical energy would be classified as a Healer Wizard Magi. Wizards are pretty self explanatory.

For more information on some of the Magic that isn't obvious:

Illusionists are Magi who can cast spells that manipulate the mind - whether they can make anyone see a picture, or erase people's memories, or has telepathy or telekinesis.

Warriors are Magi who use spells that can strengthen their bodies, enhance their senses, enchant weapons or objects that can be used as weapons, make them faster, make their strikes more accurate - basically anything to do with fighting.

Shadows are Magi who can blend in - become invisible - or shadow step, or manipulate the shadows however they want.

Conjurers can conjure things, animals, or people, but anything they conjure shows up as a blue transparent thing and has no real conscious. They cannot bring people back from the dead.

Healers can heal minor injuries and wounds, or restore types of energy.

Shields can create shields made from magic energy and can use them for whatever purpose they wish, but it can block or even repel (in advanced cases) magic attacks.

Space can create two portals and manipulate space so long as they can see where they're teleporting. They can use these however they wish - to teleport themselves or other objects.

Magi use magic energy called Mathanos. They have a magical place inside their bodies where Mathanos is stored, like any other energy - mental, emotional, or phyiscal energy. Each spell they cast uses up Mathanos and when they're out of Mathanos, it takes a phyiscal tole on their bodies. I will be judging to make sure you're realistic with how much Mathanos your characters use and if the spells they use would do more damage to their bodies than you're showing. Most of the time, they would feel dizzy, weak, lightheaded, headache, blurry vision and in extreme cases, they would pass out and some extreme spells are enough to send them in comas and even cause death. To replentish a Magi's Mathanos, they can draw it in from the air but that takes time - too much in a fight - and there's a technique to drawing it in. Some spells may require a Magi to draw in Mathanos first, depending on how strong it is. Your Magi must all be on a certain level - what level is up to you, but remember to use spells appropiate for their level. None of them can be a Master, except for the leader of your guild. (Novice, Apprentice, Adept, and Expert are the levels you can be. For reference after Experts are Masters (the levels required to be a guild leader and also the ones who teach young Magi, and after them are Elite, who are the leaders of the Magi as a whole. There are rumors of Legends but few Magi have ever met ones at this level).

Next, let's talk about races!

This galaxy also has certain types of races. Here is a list of all the races in the galaxy and descriptions with them. Your characters must be from this list of races. You can have them all be the same race, or any combination thereof.

~ Humans - One of the most widely spread races in the galaxy and the most common. We all know what they look like.

~ Elves - There are different types of elves and they're the second most common races in the galaxy. There are: Mountain Elves, Blood Elves, Forest Elves, Sun Elves, Night Elves, Gray Elves, Ice Elves and Sea Elves. Mountain Elves are the most common, with white or light tan skin. They're highly intelligent, skilled fighters - what most people would think of when they hear the word Elf. Blood Elves are red in color, and sun elves are tan with orange hair. They have similiar characteristics, although Blood Elves are somewhat wary of strangers. Mountain Elves are more reclusive than Blood Elves and Sun Elves are closer to humans in their curiosity and need for exploration and travels. Night elves are purple with red eyes and they are sensitive to sunlight and somewhat evil in nature. Forest Elves are white or tan skinned and have a very brutal, very barbaric society. They are feared by most other races and are known for their breserker way of fighting. Gray Elves are gray in color, Ice Elves are blue or silver in color and live in cold environments. Sea elves are aquatic.

~ Orcs - Not as brutal and vicious as one would assume. They're actually very honorable, though they can have personalities just as diverse as elves and humans. They are also known for their Code of Honor and their society of Knights.

~ Mer - These are any type of aquatic race. Mer specifically are half human half types of fish and there are various types including mermaids and mermen, octomer (half human half octopus), raymer (mantaray, half human); whalemer, mersharks, jellymer... - the list continues on and on.

~ Dwarves - These are beings that look like humans but are much shorter - the tallest dwarves are only three feet tall. They're typically bulky in size, though even dwarf women can be pretty. The men always have thick beards and most are fierce yet loyal warriors.

~ Halflings - tiny humans that stand between two and three feet tall. They're usually slender or skinny and they have a very silly, fun, or prankster nature

~ Dryads - Race of humanoids with various looks that are similiar to nature, as is their personalities. They can communicate with plants and wildlife and are considered guardians of nature and the forest. They can heal plants and flowers when they're cut down or broken and can merge with plants, trees, flowers, bushes, and can grow fruit at will.

~ Giants - There are two types of giants - Liithuel are the good kind. They're only male and they are born from certain type of tree that they call their Mother Tree - which is a tree bonded with a Dryad woman. There are also Yavvar Giants which are barbaric and cruel. Both races of giant can get extremely large, although Liithuel giants when they're young, typically are around 12 feet tall - Liithuel giants are born from their Mother Trees and are born fully aged as an adult male. Yavvar Giants age similiar to humans and they are the only race that doesn't fear the Forest Elves - their size being the reason.

~ Centaurs - Centaurs are half human, half animal. The most common is horse, but any human can be a centaur with any animal. Horse centaur, deer, giraffe, lion, tiger, jaguar, cheetah... the list is endless. They have societies based on their animal counterparts, though they are formal and are more intelligent than humans.

~ Fairies - Winged humans that are either male or female. They can change their size from human sized to tiny if they need to. The females bond with flowers. Each Fairy has a certain color of hair and wings that match. They have Fairy Dust that has magical properties. The dust is the same color as their hair and wings.

~ Pixies - Tiny, wingless humans that use Pixie dust. They cannot fly like fairies and they stay tiny all the time. They are michevous, but unharmful.


~ Nixies - wingless, human sized beautiful humanoids that use Nixie dust. They must live in or around a water source to survive or they go mad. They can transform into any form of water creature and when they do, they can sing a beautiful song that causes waves.

~ Sirens - Not to be confused with mermaids, sirens are aquatic humans either male or female that can breathe underwater. They all have beautiful voices (either speaking or singing) that can lure victims to the water where they live. They will often drown their victims or sometimes take them to secluded places to toy with while they slowly drain their victims life.

~ Harpeys - Humans with bird like feet and wings that allow them to fly. Some Harpeys don't have bird like feet, but their wings set them apart from humans and the fact that they sleep high up and off the ground.

~ Naga - Half human, half snake. Most would assume they're centaurs, but they're actually so numerous they're actually their own separate race. They also have a species called a sea-naga that can live and breathe underwater.

~ Genies - Beings with magical abilities to summon creatures - live ones - but they're tied to a lamp and must obey the person who finds their lamp and give them three wishes.

~ Nymphs - Tiny creatures that only reach up to three inches tall. They're always multiple colored and they love living inside the holes of trees. They can blend in and love eating tree bark.

~ Gnomes - They can have any color skin but always have red hair. They have pointed ears and can learn anything by watching it being done.

~ Animaloids - These are humanoid animals that can walk on two feet and talk. They can be any type of animal, but not any mythical creature.

When you make your characters, they must come from this list and yes you can have all of them be the same race (like human), if you want them to. If you wish to invent your own race, they cannot have magic and you must build the race and have me pre-approve it before making your character this race. Half breeds between two races are allowed! They cannot be any type of mythical creature like dragons or griffins or phenoixs - those are creatures not people.

Onto information about Tythan and Kypha:

Tythan has three continents - one large one in the east, one large one in the west and a long one in the south. The large one in the east, is called Kypha, named after its capital city Kypha, located on the western side of Kypha. Kypha the city has a natural island bridge that stretches above the ocean, reaching the island in between Kypha and the western continent of Appor. Likewise, on the Appor side of the Island, is another island bridge, connecting the two continents. The island is called Serpents' Island, named for the sea serpents in the ocean around it. Both island bridges are called Serpents' Bridge. Kypha the continent has a large mountain range to the east, with a city in a valley called Halbek at the edge of the mountain range, where the stretch of forest called Halbek forest begins. The hills begin at the southern part of the forest, with a river stretching from north of Halbek forest, merging with another river north of the hills. To the south of Kypha is the Spaceport of Tythar, where magical ships coming and going from the planet Tythan land. In the north is the penninsula town of Connith.

Appor, the continent to the west, has a city which is famous for its trade from which the continent is named. Appor the city sits in the east - almost directly across the ocean from Kypha the city. Appor's capital city is Nassok, which lies to the west of Appor the city. Nassok also has a Spaceport on the far western side of Appor the continent. To the south, is the swamp city of Yunnok, and to the southeast is a cliff-side watterfall city called Membrooke.

Ikkol, the southern continent only has three cities - Jannok, to the east, Ollai to the west, and the capital city called Ikkol, in the middle of the south. Lying in the center of Ikkol the continent is the spaceport of Tyrrol.

Here is a picture showing a map of the planet Tythan:


Stars - Capital Cities

Triangles - Mountains

Blue lines - Rivers

Green circles - Forest

Squares - Spacesports

Green box - Swamp

Black semi-circles - Hills

I've drawn a rough sketch of the layout of the city of Kypha, where the Magi Games are going to be held. You guys can add specific details, such as what types of shops there are, or what the houses look like, but this gives you a basic idea.

Here is the picture of Kypha:

Kypha sits right on the ocean. From the front gates, if you turn your back to the city, you face the ocean and can see Serpents Bridge rising up above the ocean, leading to Serpent's island, which is barely visible on the horizon. Behind you lies the city, to your right lies the forest and to your right lies passive plains, which is where the magical arena and the spells for the Games will be held.

Kypha itself has four main hotels - The finest is right next door to the capital building. There is another nice one next to the marketplace. There is a third on the far right side of the city (right side as you enter the city gates) and the last is along the main road, on the front side of the marketplace (though it's a farther distance from it than the second).

The architecture in Kypha has multiple story buildings. No building is more run down than another - everything is in equal standing. They tower high, the highest being the capital building, straight down from the main road (with only one turn). The hotels come close to reaching the capital building's height of twenty stories. The shops are usually two stories - the bottom for the shop and the upper level is where the shopkeeper stays. The square is surrounded by shops and in front of them, often times, merchants have open stands. A mountain stands in the middle of the square, bubbling water.

The capital building is actually a palace. The main road leds to the Palace Gates, where guards await. Once passing them, you enter into the courtyard. Fountains on your left and right have statues, bubbling out clear, pristine water. There's a garden to the far right in the courtyard, with flowers glowing teal, peircing greens, bright yellows, shocking reds, and beautiful pinks. To the left is where the bushes are located, nicely cut, forming walls standing four feet high in a maze of sorts. Walls tower twelve feet high surrounding the palace entirely. The main road cuts through the center of the courtyard, leading up a wide and tall set of stairs. The stairs led to two double doors, twelve feet tall and intimidating. Inside, the doors open up into the Grand Hall, where balls and parties are held. To your right, a hallway continues to the Dining Hall where a long table, able to seat thirty people, awaits, with five other smaller tables that can seat sixteen. To your left is the special rooms, each one themed and specifically for tourists - rooms with artifacts or magical writings in the air, telling a story of the Republic's history. One of statues of the Republic's most important citizens, another one with a wall with beautiful paintings from all over the galaxy, and the last dedicated to the Magi. A mural on the wall tells the story of two dragons - one white, one black - and the story continues telling of how the Magi came to be. Runes in the air glow in an array of bright, vivid colors, each one signifying a different type of magic. 

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