The Winner: ariel_paiement1

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ariel_paiement1 is a masterfully beautiful writer! Everything she writes puts me into the scene and the story and immerses me in the creative and unique worlds, characters, and stories that she creates. She pours her heart and soul into everything she writes; she always hands in on time, never quits, has never dropped out. She's dedicated and goes above and beyond what other writers do. She deserved the win! Below is the interview I had with her (I haven't done one of these in a while):

1) What do you do to get into what I call the writing zone? (listening to music, etc.)

Well, I usually turn on music. If I'm really struggling to stay motivated, I put the phone out of reach so I won't use it as an excuse to goof off. And sometimes, I end up staring at the screen without writing anything for like ten minutes. For me, that usually does it.

2) What was the hardest task to write?

The hardest task to write? Hmm... Probably Battle Task 7 or Task 8. I can't decide because both were equally awful in their own ways.

3) What was your favorite part of Magi Games?

My favorite part was probably either the treasure guardian task or the crafting task. Other than that, I loved any parts where I could write from Alistair or Maertien's perspectives.

4) If you got the chance to meet these characters you've invented what do you think they would do or say?

Well, depends on which character. If it were Eiridan, he'd probably want to know why I did what I did to them. Jae and Eskandar would most likely punch me while asking why I let so many bad things happen to them. Duana would probably start crying and possibly slap me. Miyuki would laugh at the frustration of everyone else. Duan straight up wouldn't talk to me. And Alastair and Maertien are the only ones who would probably be okay with actually talking to me. They'd probably want to ask why too.

5) Hardest death scene to write?

Goodness... Umm, probably Duana's. I've never had a character die of a broken heart. Her death and Alastair's made me cry the most. 

6) Your personal favorite ship you wrote?

Duana and Eskandar for sure. They were the more obvious and most written about ship.

7) How many books have you written?

Wow, umm... Hmm... 14 or 15 full length books in the last 6 or 7 years since I really started writing to improve.

8) Why do you write?

The short answer? I just love doing it, and it gives me an outlet for all the emotions I may not want to be open about in real life with others. The long answer? My dad told me he didnt think I could make it as a writer when he read my first book. I was 12. The first thing I thought to do was to cry. But I didn't want him to see me cry. So thought number two? I'm going to prove him wrong. No clue if I have, but I discovered how much I loved it along the journey.

9) When did you write your first story and what was it about?

 I wrote my first story when I was eleven or twelve. I don't remember precisely how old I was. But it was about a girl who married the king of a foreign country. Beyond that, I can't remember what it was about.

10) Do you have any advice for writers? 

Some would say this is cliche advice, but keep writing. Take the time to check out books about writing from your local library to learn more, but keep writing. As you learn things from books and courses, work the new info into how you write. The other thing I would say to newer writers is,this: grammar matters a lot! As a writer and an avid reader, I have actually stopped reading because the grammar was bad. Your story does matter a great deal---no story, and grammar won't matter much---but grammar and style are the foundation upon which all your writing rests. If it isn't solid, you could have the best story idea in the world, but it won't get a second glance from a publisher or a serious reader. So take the time to really learn grammar and sentence structure, and then get others who have a good grasp on it to help you proofread. Don't be offended if fellow writers on here or in other forums offer you free grammar and structure advice. They're doing a job you normally pay someone to do, and they're doing it for free. Respect that and appreciate it. They spent time on helping you in return for nothing. So instead of telling those people you don't care about grammar because story matters more, thank them for it. It's going to help you with both that story and with future work if you can implement the advice. The last piece of advice I have is to find a support group with other writers or with friends who like to read. They'll be emotional support when you're struggling (because writing is hard work), and they'll be sounding boards for ideas or advice when you're stuck in writer's block.


That was beautiful advice and honestly some of the best I've ever heard. Ariel's book On Twilight's Wings is being revised but it's a modern fantasy/supernatural and it's gripping and makes you wanna read more! She has a total of 37 stories on Wattpad which is impressive. Some of these are compilation of her AG entries, which is always intriguing to go and read, and her other novels. In Darkness Lost is a fantasy novel that's available on Amazon Kindle, so check it out! 

I enjoyed writing with all of you guys and I hope you enjoyed Magi Games. Don't forget to check out the novel version, Republic Dynasty! :)

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