💠 Best Family Ever 💠

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Shiro: Hiya! This is a request from the dearest
I hope you enjoy, Madre~


It has been long, Ja'far would admit that. Almost eight years, to be exact.

With perplex expression, Ja'far blinks multiple times, surprised green eyes landing in a certain (h/c) head woman.

The girl feels a powerful stare directed towards her and turns around, eyes landing on a certain white haired male. Her (e/c) eyes widen.


"(Y/n)?!" They both call in unison, pointing acusing fingers at each other.

Sinbad, who was walking with Ja'far turns to the woman.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went back to your house" Ja'far asks with puzzled expression.

"I did, my mother and father died a couple years ago so me and Kere started looking for another country to live, I only went back for them so-" she explains.

"Kere...?" Ja'far trails while Sinbad waves at (y/n) like an idiot.

"Long time no see, (y/n)!" He chimes and she smiles.

"It's nice seeing you, Sin, why are you two wearing such weir clothes?" She suddenly asks.

"Eh? Cuz I'm the king" Sinbad beams and the girl stares.

"No way!" She exclaims.

"Yes! After you broke little Ja'far's heart a lot happene-" the purplette starts before being cut off by Ja'far violently punching him in the stomach.

"Shut your mouth and go play elsewhere" Ja'far hisses and Sinbad whines like a hurt dog, walking away fastly.

"A-anyway, so Sindria, hm? It's a good country, I'm sure you'll be happy here" the former assassin says, eyes glued in the ground.

(Y/n) takes a deep breath. "Ja'far... I'm sorry" she says shyly.

"Eh? Why?" He asks in surprise.

"Because I left you... And went back to my homeland" she mutters while looking down.

"There's no need to worry, you didn't feel the same as I did anymore and went back to your parents, there's no need to be sorry about that" he replies only to tilt his head at the disbelieving look the woman gives him.

"... Oh my God... You poor, poor oblivious child" she gasps dramatically.


"Did you really believe me when I told you I didn't like you anymore?"

"Eh? well- yes...?"

She facepalms. "Idiot! The only reason I told you that was because I didn't want to hurt you when I left! I thought you'd figure it out eventually" she laughs. Ja'far's face turns bright crimson.

"What?! Are you- really?!"

"Of course! I loved you so much, you loved me back equally, I thought it would be for best" she shrugs.

"Oh God" Ja'far facepalms.

"Mommy!" A sudden call makes them both turn. A small child of only six of life runs up to (y/n) and hugs her leg, the child having her same hair color and bright brown eyes.

"Oh, hi, darling, did you have fun?" The woman asks and the child nods happily, suddenly turning to Ja'far.

"Ah- Kere, this is Ja'far, Ja'far this is Kere, my daughter" (y/n) introduces.

"Eh? He's Ja'far? The one you said you wanted to marr-"

"Shhhh! Kere!" The (c/h) woman blushes furiously and so does Ja'far.

"Ah- Congratulations! For having a child I mean" Ja'far says and she smiles nervously.

"T-thanks she-"

"Mommy always used to tell me how you where amazing and she loved you! Do you love her too?" The child asks before her mother stuffs her mouth with a piece of bread.

"Kere! Eat that bread instead!" The woman cries.

"But you'd talk about how you love him even when Dad was with us" the child says after munching her bread, her mother screeches.

"What?!" Ja'far asks in horror and she shakes her head.

"I can explain!"

After that, they went to a restaurant and talked like normal people instead of screeching in the middle of the bazaar.

"So... Basically... Your marriage was arranged shorts after you went back?" Ja'far repeats and she nods before slamming her head in the table out of pure shame.

"I know we dated when we where young but... You left quite the impression, you know?" She mumbles embarrassedly while Kere Pat's her back.

"There there, Mommy, Dad always loved Alyssa and you always loved Ja'far-"

"Kereeeee!" The woman screeches again, causing the girl to smirk.

Ja'far blushes and coughs, "Well I-... Let's just say you left an impression too..." He mumbles while looking away.

He thought he was free, that he had forgotten of her, but the truth is he fell head over heels when you get and, simply by looking at her, he already felt dizzy again. This wasn't normal.

The girl looks up with dreamy eyes, about to say something until-

"Oh, brother Ja'far!" A cheerful voice calls, the three people sitting in the table turning to see a young blue haired boy, a blond male and a bright magenta haired girl.

"Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana, what brings you here?" Ja'far asks calmly.

"We where just walking around, nice to meet you, I'm Aladdin, and you are?" The young Magi introduces while turning to (y/n), who smiles back at him.

"(Y/n), I'm Ja'far's... Friend" she replies and he tilts his head.

"Friend? But both your rukh's are pink-"

"AHAHAHA we where just leaving!" The blond male laughs loudly while covering Aladdin's mouth and running off with him, Morgiana following after bowing politely.

Both (y/n) and Ja'far blush and look at everything but each other, Kere, who had hidden from the three stranger's view, looking at them with interest.

Such an awkward reunion, right? Two former lovers meeting again, one with his dreams accomplished, one with a daughter. Sounds awful, doesn't it? At first, the two thought so too, but as years went by, the tale became the story of how they found each other again after eight years.

"And that's how your dad and I met... Again" (y/n) says with a sheepish smile.

With a happy smile in his lips, the young albino boy looks up.

"I see! So that's why kere and I look so different!" He realizes, green eyes sparkling in awe as his freckled face turns even brighter.

"That's right~" (y/n) chimes while picking the four year old up and hugging him.

"We're back!" A cheerful voice calls, Kere suddenly running into the room.

"Welcome back, how did it go?" The woman asks her daughter, who smiles sheepishly.

"Dad freaked out when I hid from him" she giggles before running to her mother's and brother's side.

Ja'far walks into the room with a sigh.

"Not funny, young lady" he says with a frown.

"Don't be mad, dad!" Kere giggles before carrying her brother and running off.

(Y/n) sighs after yelling a quick 'be careful!', she then stands up and walks towards the albino adviser.

"Thanks for taking her out~ she really likes spending time with you" the woman says and her husband sighs.

"I swear, they both are just like you" he says before softly kissing her.

(Y/n) smiles brightly.

"Zae looks just like you though~" she coos before kissing his cheek.

"True, she might not look like me at all but she's still my daughter though" he says a bit too proudly and she laughs.

"Best family ever" she decides with a hearty laugh.


Shiro: hope you liked it! I hope it wasn't too rushed! I've been busy af and haven't had time to write or do much :') please request! My brain's dead XD


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