💠 Don't Go 💠

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Shiro: Quick note! There'll be a short update about my rant at the end of this chapter XD


You hated yourself.

You've always hated yourself, your personality. Dying never seemed like an awful idea, to be honest.

You always felt like you had nothing, your parents where rarely home and your motivation was as low as your self esteem. You where empty and lonely.

But someone changed that for you, he was your light, your love, your world, one of the few - your friends being the rest - that'd always cheer you up and make sure to remember you just how much he loved you. Ja'far was the love of your life.

Your personality has always been unstable, your emotions generally being too intense for your own good. But Ja'far would always calm you down, he was just that great.

That was until today.

"(Y/n), I need you to sign this papers" Ja'far says while knocking on the door. You hadn't left your room all day.

"... I'll sign them later, leave them by the door..." You reply.

"Please open the door, it's already quite late for you to be in bed. I need you to get out" he insists calmly.

When no reply is proportionated, he knocks on the door again.

"(Y/n), please open the door, I need you to sign this papers" he says again.

"I said I'll sign them later, leave them by the door" you repeat.

"It's already late, you need to-"

"I need you to shut up! Leave me alone! I'll sign the fucking papers later! Just go!" You snap, your eyes immediately widening and your heart dropping.

Just as you where about to talk once more, the sound of something being placed in the hall floor and the footsteps of the albino walking away are heard.

The tightness in your heart increases as you feel your eyes filling with tears.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." You mumble sadly while griping your matress, hands shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry... I always do this, please... I'm sorry" you continue to mumble apologies as you start sobbing uncontrollably, face buried in your many blankets.

You couldn't her nor see it - having an absolute break down - but the door of the room suddenly opens, revealing Ja'far holding a key in one hand and two scrolls in the other.

"It's already- (y/n)?! What happened?!" He panics and you flinch, looking up at him in surprise.

"Ja'far...? Didn't you leave...?" You mutter shakily.

"I went get the key to open the door- what happened? Are you okay?" He asks while, rather unceremoniously, dropping the scrolls and key in your desk before shutting the door closed and walking up to you.

"I- I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I snapped at you... I always do this, I'm sorry I always act so mean... Sorry" the albino sits next to you and engulfs you in a tight warm hug.

"It's okay, I know you don't mean it" he soothes you, his hand delicately running through your hair while the other holds you close.

You hug him tightly, continuing to cry in his shoulder.

"I love you, please don't go" you whine desperately and he kisses your cheek.

"I love you too, I won't, if I go anywhere you're coming with me"


Shiro: Hiya! Yas! Update, finally XD So! I have a short update about my school disaster lol.

So, it's been a bit better (still kinda crappy, but better) and I think I might not attempt stabbing multiple of my classmates (not yet, at least).

I've been getting along with a very nice and chill girl (been struggling with another but that's a bit of a sensitive topic) and, while I still despise most of my classmates most of the times, I've found out they are crappy, just a bit less than I thought.

Some girls and boys I know I won't get along with, others I know I'll be able to talk to when necessary and not kill them really REALLY dead :]

I actually love the school, the academic plan is amazing and I believe I'll enjoy my studies there (even if I suffer in math class :')) and I now know I'll probably survive most of the idiots that I'll be trapped with for three years!

Out of any joke though, I'd like to thank you all so much for your support in my salty-ass rant!
You guys are so incredibly sweet and been offering me help and I'm very thankful for all of it! ^^

Love you all so very much and thanks for everything!


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