💠 Farewell 💠

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Shiro: Okay This is hilarious
I basically had this draft saved since a few weeks ago when I wrote it and just two days ago I think the lovely
Requested a story like this XD
Anyway, it's slightly different than your request, Izzy, but I hope you like it XD
Btw this will have a second part since the story was too long xd



Human nature tells you to run when you're in danger. It's instinct.

Panting in exhaustion you run through the streets of your home town. Ignoring the ache in your feet and the dizziness that clouds your mind, you run.

When finally arriving town, you take advantage of the crowd and run through it, using people as camouflage in hopes he won't find you. //Just run and you'll be fine,// you keep telling yourself as comfort. The only comfort you have.

Escaping the crowd and reaching a darker street, you hide behind am old abandoned looking house, struggling to catch your breath and to stop shaking.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?! Come out now!" You hear your father yelling, throwing rocks around while looking for you.

With a shaky inhalation you hold your breath, complete silence falling over the street as your father walks away while screaming at you to come out.

He was drunk... Again.

After your mother died the man you once knew, kind and loving, died with her, this sick version of your father taking over. Everyday was the same, he'd get drunk since early and treat you like crap. You where done, that's why you ran away.

Finally breathing again you gasp while shaking uncontrollably, rushing to get inside the house and locking the door with shaky hands.

You look around. The house was completely made out of wood, destroyed by time and weather so the floor was broken in some parts and covered in dust in others, a single and lonely caracol stair in the middle of the room.

Curious yet unsure, you slowly approach the stairs, going up with quiet steps. You pass the second floor and continue to go up, finally reaching the last story of the old building.

Your (e/c) eyes scan the huge room, a broken window in the wall across where you stand letting in the moon light. With shaky steps you approach the window, looking at the town you grew in with sad eyes.

A sudden presence behind you makes your eyes widen, turning around to meet a pair of dark snake-looking green eyes. You freeze, a yelp stuck in your throat as the white haired male places a dagger against your neck, "Who the hell are you?" He asks in icy tone. You gulp, "(Y/n)..." You reply in an whisper.

The boy around your same age glares at you, "What are you doing here?" He hisses, "'Cuz if you where looking for me I'll kill you" he threatens.

"I wasn't... I'm hiding" you reply distantly, "So am I, get outta here" "I can't"

The boy's grip of the dagger tightens and he presses it harder against your neck, "If you don't I'll kill you" as he speaks this words you can't help but chuckle, "I don't really care... If you do I can stop hiding from him" you say in a whisper.

The male's look doesn't change, "You mean the man that just left screaming, right?" Though he was asking simple questions his tone was hard and cold.


"Go away"

"I can't"


"...I have nowhere to go..."

It was true, yo had nowhere to go back, nowhere you could call home.
The boy huffs and you tilt your head, "Fine, my target's moving anyways" he mumbles while getting closer to the window.

"If you tell anyone you saw me I'll kill you" he threatens to which you smile, "Thank you"

The male looks away, slight blush in his cheeks hidden by the bandages that cover his face, "See ya" he says, jumping out of the window and using his red wired darts to travel from roof to roof top until he's out of sight.



Is it bad that I find assassin Ja'far hot?

Kuro: I think he's adorable

Shiro: We're sick :,)

Kuro: perhaps


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