💠 I Love 💠

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You love Ja'far.

That's the plain truth, you love him more than anything or anyone, you love spending time with him, so, every night, it was always hard to say goodbye despite knowing you'll see him the next morning.

Holding his hand, you happily skip through the Sindrian palace, humming some song you couldn't quite remember where you heard.

The servants that walk through the palace send you questioning or even concerned looks, but you don't care, you love Ja'far, it doesn't embarrass you to walk this way.

"Don't you have more paperwork to do?" You ask while turning to him, his expression calm as always.

"I don't, we can spend the day together" he replies much to your approval.

As the hours of the day go by, lunch time arrives, the two of you walking into the dinning room.

You're greeted by the generals, who wave a simple 'hi' or smile.

With calm and happy expression you take a sit next to Ja'far, who sits by Sinbad's right, and continue talking quietly.

The generals send you weak smiles when you turn around to find them looking at you, you simply smile back and continue talking with the white haired.

After Sinbad arrives the food is served.

"Hm? Are you not going to eat?" You ask Ja'far.

The male sighs and shakes his head, "I haven't had much appetite recently... I'll make sure to have something to eat later" she replies with a smile.

With a smile and a nod you reply a cheerful 'okay!' before you start eating.

After that you head towards the gardens, the two of you sitting in a bench.



"I love Sindria"

"I know, I do too"

"It's really beautiful"

"Indeed, I'd give my life for this country"

You smile at his reply, "I would too"

As night time takes over the island, Ja'far accompanies you through the halls, back to your room as you've decided you're not hungry enough to have dinner.

"You should get some sleep, (y/n)" Ja'far says with soft smile.

"Eh? But if I go to sleep now I won't be able to see you until morning" you pout.

Hearing this words Ja'far's smile drops.


"Hm? What is it?"

"It's time, darling... I'm sorry it ended this way but... You have to let me go and start living"

"What do you mean?"

The room fills with silence.

"You love Sindria, you said it yourself, right?" He asks.

"I did- Ja'far? What's going on?"

"We both said it, we would give our lives for this country"

"... Ja'far?"

"(Y/n)... I did...give my life for this country"

Silence takes over the room again, you freeze, how long has it been? A week? War ended a week ago, didn't it? Something happened... What was it?


"I'm sorry, (y/n), you have to let me go... I don't belong here anymore, everyone's concerned about you" he speaks.

Ah. It all makes sense... The concerned looks from servants, the weak confused and sad smiles from the generals... It all makes sense, doesn't it?

"You died..." Your voice was more like a cracked whisper, the two shaky words coming out of your lips bring some flashbacks of the 'event'.

"... I did"

Those words, the truth. And then it all comes back to you.

War had gone loose in Sindria, soldiers fighting the enemy army could be seen everywhere around the island.

You and been fighting by his side, Ja'far's side, and then it was all gone.

Yes. You remember. Holding him closely while begging him to stay awake, him muttering you a quiet 'I'm sorry, I love you' and you replying with a hearty 'I love you too'.

It all makes sense, doesn't it?

You remember it, having a panic attack when noticing the blood wouldn't stop, him cupping your face with a single hand and singing you a quiet lullaby.

It makes sense... That melody you couldn't remember hearing... It was that lullaby.

You remember crying your heart and soul as his breathing stopped, being forced to let go of his hand during the funeral.

You look up, eyes filled with tears, "I'm sorry" you whimper.

"I'm so, so sorry, Ja'far"

The white haired walks up to you, hugging you closely.

"It's okay" he replies softly.

"I- I-"

"(Y/n), it's time, it's time for you to let me go, to start living, okay? I need you to do that, live for the both of us"

"I can't without you" you cry in his shoulder.

"You can, darling, you're stronger than you believe, I know you'll be fine" he says, a few tears dropping from his own cheeks.

"I miss you! I miss you so much" you whimper.

"I know, I miss you so much too... But I'll always be waiting for you, I want you to live and, someday, to die in your bed, old, happy, and I'll be waiting for you"

The albino pulls away from the hug, cupping your cheeks with both hands before kissing you one last time.

"I love you, (y/n)"

"I love you, Ja'far" you say, tears running down your cheeks as you force a small smile.

The man smiles back at you and then closes his eyes.

You blink, his figure no longer standing by your side. He was gone.

You clench your clothes, dropping to your knees while crying and singing the same lullaby in between sobs.

You love Ja'far-


You loved Ja'far



I'm sorry ;-; I'm sorry I'm not sorry XD
I really wanted to write a sad oneshot, I've been in the dark corner recently and I just needed to let it out :')



Thank you guys for everything and I'm sorry for breaking your heart and crushing your soul...

*if you ever come back...*

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