💠 My Idiot 💠

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Shiro: Hiya! This is another request from
It's a bit different than what you said but I tried to keep it as close as possible XD

Hope you like it!



He was always busy! No matter what day or time it was he always had something to do!

Truth is, you knew that from the very beginning, you really did, but you never thought that after you two getting married his work would only keep increasing.

Yes, you where married to a workaholic, the King of them actually: Ja'far.

You loved him, with all your heart actually, and he loved you, equally to be honest, but he also loved his work, you suspected more than he loved you.

Your routine was more of an individual than a married couple's one, you two would wake up, say goodmorning, eat breakfast and then work. Yep, and the worst is that you would rarely see each other after that because Ja'far would always trap his freckled self in his stupid dark sad office. You where starting to consider he might be a vampire.

You, being nothing more than a financial advisor in the palace, had work, just not enough not to finish later than Ja'far. It was trouble and bothersome. Maybe that's the reason why you started hanging out with the eight generals so much, you had grown quite close to them and would often spend your time around your friends than grieving your, basically, dead relationship.

With a loud sigh you throw the last of your scrolls across your office, standing up with unpleased expression, "I'm too young to spend my day like this!" You screech dramatically and leave the room, making sure to, also dramatically, slam the door behind you. Drama was your jam.

With the same monologue looking movements and randomness you arrive your husband's office, not bothering to knock and simply kicking, yep literally kicking, the door open.

"Oh, Ja'far~" you call with jazz hands, the serious as ever white haired looking up to you, concerned for your sanity and questioning your decisions.

"Yes?" he asks simply, making you smile at him.

"Come on, Jaffy Taffy! Let's go outside for a while! Unless you want me in the bedroom~" you joke. What? You where that kind of girl, okay? It was just teasing.

Ja'far face palms and growls, "(y/n), I'm too busy for this" he says.

"Of course you are!" you say irritably, exiting the door with your signature slam.

Sharrkan, who happened to be walking by, notices your mood and tilts his head, "(y/n)? What's wrong?" he asks.

You growl and drag him away to make sure Ja'far doesn't hear. "My stupid workaholic husband is what's wrong" you complain.

"It's time, Sharr" you say simply, his eyes widening.

"You- you mean for that" he asks with excitement. You just nod.

"For that"

Now, you may be wondering, what does that mean? Well, it's simple, it's a plan. Yup. You and Sharrkan had a plan, plan you swore wouldn't use unless you where desperate and, by this point, you where considering kidnapping your own husband just to get his attention.

With determined look, Sharrkan and you step in your favorite tavern. Let me just say you two where both extremely dramatic when you wanted to and this was the case.

With 'suspicious' air you two take a sit in the bar, each ordering a bottle of your favorite drink.

After a couple minutes the door of the tavern opens, Pisti and Yamraiha stepping inside with the same dramatic expression. What would you do without your friends?

Yamraiha sits next to you and Pisti next to her, having Sharrkan sitting on your other side. The two girls order a bottle each too.

"We got your message, (y/n)" Pisti speaks, adding a serious tone to her voice. You nod.

Let's clarify that your message was literally a piece of paper that said 'Time for that' that you and Sharrkan had passed down Yamraiha's office door before heading to the tavern.

"Are you sure you want to proceed with the plan?" Asks Yamraiha while slightly turning to you. You nod and everyone holds their breaths, taking a sip of your drinks at the same time.

"Let's do this" you say, and thus it began.

The first part of the plan was: Get drunk. Which you accomplished after two bottles and a half of alcohol.

Second part: Position perfectly.

You four idiots walk, well more like stumble, back to the palace, you standing in front of Ja'far's office, Sharrkan around one corner and Pisti and Yam around the other. Perfect.

Third part: Act like you never have, own the stage.

"(Y/n)!" Says Sharrkan, loud enough so Ja'far can hear but not as much as to look suspicious, just right.

"Sharrkan! I told you to stop! I can't, why don't you understand? I'm married" you say.

"But, (y/n)! I love you! Ja'far is always working, he never pays attention to you!" He argues.

"Ugh, this is why I hate drinking with you! You always do this! Stop following me" you say walking a bit to give the impression that you're genuinely trying to walk away.

Sharrkan runs up to you and grabs your wrist, "Why can't you give me a chance?! I've loved you ever since we me-" he starts but is cut off by the click of Ja'far's office door opening.

Sharrkan turns to look at Ja'far while you look away, forcing yourself to cry so you look more upset.

"What are you doing to my (y/n)?" Hisses Ja'far while stepping out of his office. Your eyes widen as a small smile makes its way to your lips but you force yourself to stay serious.

Sharrkan flinches but continues with his part. "You don't care for her, she deserves better" he says back, pulling you closer to him.

Ja'far's eye twitches, stepping closer to Sharrkan, "Let go of her" he hisses once more, threat and poison lacing every word. Sharrkan chuckles, nervous inside but confident outside.

"Or what?" He asks. Bad idea. Ja'far immediately punches the heliohapt prince across the face, completely forgetting their positions and where they where.

Some of the maids who had been watching gasp, others laugh, they all run away though.

You turn in horror only to see 1: your best friend fall to the ground, 2: Yamraiha and Pisti watch in horror as well and, 3: your husband glare at Sharrkan as if he were going to kill him there and then.

You hurriedly stand in front of Sharrkan in protective manner, "Don't kill him-" you start but are cut off by Ja'far pulling you closer.

"Mine" he warns Sharrkan, who looks up at him with sad terrified puppy eyes, before dragging you away.

As Ja'far drags you away you look up at him, first in horror, then surprise and then amusement.

He had the angriest expression you had ever seen, he was fuming while mumbling what an ass Sharrkan was.

"Oh my gosh... You're jealous" you grin and he turns at you with a frown, "Am not!" "Yes you are! You even called me 'my (y/n)!" You tease.

The albino looks away, both angry and embarrassed, "You are such an idiot" he growls, finally understanding what had happened and that it was all your plan.

You smirk at him, "Am I? I think I'm pretty clever" you chime, skipping ahead of him.

"(Y/n)" he calls, making you turn back to him.

"Yes, darling-" you tease but are cut off when the former assassin kisses you.

After a bit he pulls away, looking down at your red surprised face with amusement.

"Nope, you're my idiot"


Shiro: soooo? How was it X3

I hope you liked it ^^

Thanks for everything, guys!


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