💠 Unusual 💠

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Shiro: Hi guys! So! Quick thing before you read, so I was really bored and didn't knew what to write about so I asked my mom and... Well, basically, she said "You should write about a milking cow! Call it the milky cow!"
I'm competitive, okay? XD
So me, being me, replied (*cough* yelled *cough*) "Challenge accepted!" And my mother, being my mother, replied "Deal!"

So here I am! Enjoy this random Magi one shot XD
What's life anymore? :')

Btw  the reason why this males no sense is 'cuz my mom doesn't even know what kind of one shots I write or what Magi is or is about....

Meh ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭


Unusual likings are one thing but (y/n)'s likings are plain weird.

More than weird they are surprising. Surprising because no one really understands why she likes what she likes and, every time the girl would try to explain, nobody would really understand her words.

Among the list of her weirdest obsessions where her love for pools, her appreciation for tomatos, her passion for windows, her adoration for bricks and, the weirdest of them all, the milking cow.

Since she was young and they first arrived to Sindria, (y/n) found a little farm in which they raised cows on top of a hill. There's where it began.

The girl became completely obsessed with a certain cow, a milking cow which she called milky cow to be more exact, and without any reason became basically dazed by the animal's 'beauty'.

Ja'far, being her boyfriend, was slightly confused about her love for the milk producing animal but only became concerned when he found a scroll with the following written:

'The milky cow
Such a magnificent creature.
Poetic nonetheless and impeccable whenever needed.

Provider of remarkably needed product and, thus, its name.

People may be concerned of how fond I've grown to this mythical animal but I fear not. My love will never vanish.

I shall continue to tribute its beauty, everyone should.’

While it was plain obvious that (y/n) added drama to her writing her passion for the milking cow was truth. Ja'far was worried about it, he didn't want this obsession to end up like the others.

Like for example when her love for pools ended with her jumping to one despite not knowing how to swim or when her appreciation for tomatos ended with her hiding in a pile of said vegetables or when her passion for windows made her run into one just because it seemed like a great idea or, in the worst case scenario, when her adoration for bricks drove her to carrying multiple pieces of the heavy construction material and, accidentally, dropping them down the palace’s entrance stairs which ended up in several broken feet, windows and even a nose and three ribs. He was seriously worried that (y/n) would steal the milking cow and take it to the palace.

Ja'far lightly knocks on (y/n)'s room door, waiting a few seconds before it's open.

The white haired tilts his head in confusion as it's a maid who opens instead of the room's owner, “Oh, Mister Ja'far, Goodmorning” says the maid while bowing slightly.

The male bows back, “Goodmorning, I was looking for (y/n), do you by any idea know where she could be?” He asks.

“Miss (y/n) seemed in quite a rush when she left her chambers… she said she was headed to her ‘precious milky cow’ if I recall correctly, that's the reason she asked us to take care of her bedroom” explains the maid, an annoyed mark appearing on Ja'far's forehead, “I see, thank you for your time, if King Sinbad were to be looking for me please inform him that I'm heading towards the farm in the mountains” he says, “Of course, Mister Ja'far, have a safe calm trip” says the maid while bowing once more.

Ja'far's walk towards the farm was nothing but quiet. The mountains in Sindria could perhaps be the quietest place of the whole island.

When finally arriving the farm, Ja'far sweat drops.

In front of the rail that avoids the cows running away, stands a (h/c) haired female.

“(Y/n)” calls the white haired, the female turning around, “Oh, Ja'far! Hi! What could possibly bring you here? I know you're not the biggest of fans of leaving Sinbad on his own” giggles the girl.

“I came here looking for you, I wonder what you could be doing here” he says, slight disapproval in his voice. (Y/n) chuckles nervously.

“I just came here to visit milky cow” she laughs with the same nervousness, knowing rather well how little her boyfriend enjoyed her visits to the creature. Ja'far huffs slightly and (y/n) pouts.

“Why are you so against the milky cow?” She asks, Ja'far turning to her in disbelief, “What? I think it's quite obvious, isn't it?” He asks.

When (y/n) shakes her head no the white haired sighs, “I just don't get it, (y/n), I don't get your fascination with the cow” he bluntly says while pointing an accusing finger at the cow. (Y/n) gasps dramatically and steps between his finger’s direction and the cow, “Don't you see the milky cow’s beautiful? It's graceful!” She says. Ja'far frowns in confusion, “But why? Why do you find it so fascinating? What is so beautiful and inspiring about the cow?” He asks.

(Y/n) thinks for a minute, then shrugs.

“I dunno, it's a milking cow….?” She replies. Ja'far facepalms, “You don't even know why, don't you?” He says.

The female grins widely, “No idea! I just find her inspiring! She produces milk! And is black and white! And eats grass!” She states the obvious. “Look, Ja'far, I'm not asking you to like the milky cow but could you support me? I know it's weird but I hope you can understand that not everything has a reason why” she says, talking as if it were the most important decision in her life.

Ja'far, after thinking a bit, sighs, “I do support you, just promise it won't end like the pool thing!” He says, “Whaaaatt?! The water looked so charming! I just had to jump!” she argues as if her words somehow justified her actions, “You don't know how to swim!” He accuses, “Yamraiha got me out!” She argues back.

Well, what can I say, Reader-chan? This is what a regular day looks like and, despite everything, Ja'far knew he loved the girl as unusual as she could be and she knew she loved him as unusual in his own ways. After all, who are we to decide what is or not usual?


Shiro: So~ that's it! It was really weird XD thanks Mom for giving me such a weird idea, it put me to test XD
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this unusual story (See what I did there? Eh? Eh? XD) And thank you all for your support!


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