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Shiro: hiya! This is a request form

Who is super nice btw~

Here's your request

Ja'far x Slave! Reader


While walking next to the docks your master yells at you to hurry up, your job being the same as always: carrying merchandise.

You swallow a whimper as a sharp stone stabs your barefoot, which is tied to the other by a rusty chain.

Looking down at your feet without placing down the merchandise, you continue to walk, failing to notice someone in your way which ends up in you two bumping.

You fall on your butt, dropping everything you where carrying with a whimper. Finally realizing what had happened you quickly look up at the person you crashed against to.

"I'm extremely sorry" you say with nervous expression, a pale white haired boy looking down at you, "My bad, I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?" He asks while kneeling in front of you.

You frantically shake your head, "I'm okay, please, don't bother" you say.

The male shakes his head and smiles at you, "It's also my fault, let me help you" he says while starting to pick up what you had dropped. You blush and thank him, hurrying to pick up merchandise too.

"Eh? Ja'far-san, what happened?" Suddenly asks someone, both the white haired and you turning to meet a group of people, the one who had spoken had bright read straight hair and wore a knight armor.

The boy who you now knew was named Ja'far sighs, "I wasn't paying attention and we bumped into each other" he replies and then glares at who seemed to be the leader of the group, "You took long! Hurry up next time, Sin!" He scolds the purple haired who only laughs, a tall blue haired male face palming in the back.

"You did find a pretty lady, didn't you, Ja'far?" Comments 'Sin' while smiling at you, who only flinches in reply while the red haired next to him blushes, "You're so straightforward, Sinbad-san" he mumbles.

Ja'far glares at him, coldly, "Sin, stop" he says in threatening tone. Sinbad purses his lips.

Ja'far turns to you, "I'm sorry about him, he's stupid" says the white haired and you just shake your head, "There's no need to apologize but I should probably hurry-" "(Y/n)!"

At the sound of your angry master yelling your name, you turn to your side only to see him stomping up to you with furious expression, "You clumsy idiot! I told you to be careful! Do you know how much time you make me waste?!" He yells at you.

You dip your head apologetically, "I am extremely sorry, master-" you start but are cut off when you feel pressure against your head, being forced to completely bow.

"Shut up, you're useless" says your master while one of his feet hold your head down.

"Mister, I am very sorry, this isn't her fault" says Ja'far while standing up, "I wasn't paying attention and she couldn't avoid me, my apologies" explains the white haired.

Your master smiles, "Oh, my apologies for the misunderstanding causing you any trouble, you know how this slaves are! Always clumsy" he jokes with a laugh. Ja'far puts on a bitter smile.

The man known as 'Sin' steps closer to you master, "Excuse me, Sir? You see, we come from a traiding company, it's a lot of work, and I'd be more than happy to buy this slave, is that possible?" He asks and your eyes widen.

You wanted to go, your master was awful and you hated this job, you where okay if you had to work again but, please, somewhere else.

Your master laughs, "This slave is of no use to you, bit if what you wish is to buy it I'll gladly sell it to you" he says, slowly removing his feet of your head.

You look up to see Sinbad flashing him a smile, a hint of hate beneath his kindness towards the man. "If that's so, my friend Mystras here will pay you as you like" he says while pointing at the red haired, who nods and takes the male away to pay him.

Ja'far offers you a hand, "Can you stand up?" He asks with calm tone and you nod, taking his hand and pulling yourself up.

"You'll stop being a slave when we buy you, I'll free you" says Sin with a smile, "My name's Sinbad, I'm the head of a traiding company, if you have nowhere to go we would be happy to take you in" he offers with a smile.

You look at him with shiny eyes, "I'll join you" you say with a small smile.

"Your name's (y/n), right?" Asks Ja'far and you nod once more, blushing slightly. The white haired smiles.

"Welcome to the team"


Shiro: Here it is~ I hope you liked it!
I'm sorry if it wasn't what you expected tho ^^'

Thank you guys for everything!


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