💠 Books 💠

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//Where could she be?// asked herself Pisti. She has been looking for you for hours!

"(Y/n)!!!!" she scream-called you but no answer was screamed back.

"Geez! Where are you!?!" she called, dramatically falling to her knees and raising her arms as if yelling to the heavens.

"Pisti? What are you doing?" asked someone, the blond looking up to find, a rather confused, Yamraiha.

"Yam! Help! Ja'far asked me to find (y/n) but I can't!!!" cries the short girl while grasping the magician's robes.

"You gotta be kidding me! She's not in the library?!?" asks Yamraiha while panicking, Pisti's expression going blank.

"I-I haven't.... Looked in the library" says Pisti, realizing her error, the blue haired face palming.

"You are such an idiot" says Yam as a matter of fact.

“I know! sorry, I go get her now! Bye!" Says the energetic blond, already running towards the library. Yamraiha simply waves back at her.

When Pisti arrives to the famous room she opens the doors, revealing a beautiful (s/c) skin colored woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair sitting in the middle of a mountain of books, her eyes breaking from the book she was reading and focusing on the blond girl.

"Hi, Pisti, what brings you here?" you ask calmly, a soft smile taking over your delicate features.

"Hi, (y/n)! I have been looking for you! Ja'far needs you back at work!" explains the cheerful Arthemyran princess, your eyes widening.

"Oh god! I forgot! Thanks Pisti!" you say and run out, of course, not without taking about 5 books with you.

"You really don't change do you, (Y/n)?" says Pisti while sweat dropping.

You run through the halls with you books in hand, arriving to Ja'far's office and opening​ the door in horror.

"I'm so sorry I am late! I was reading and-"

“You lost notion of time, didn't you?" he finishes your sentence and then looks up at you.

"Sorry" you say and dip your head.

"It's fine, let's start working" he says and hands you a bunch of paperwork.

You nod and sit across the desk, placing your books on the floor before you start writing and signing papers.

"Hey, (y/n)?" calls the white haired after awhile, you looking up from your work.

“Yeah?" you question while tilting your head.

"Why do you like books so much?" he asks you and you stop writing, looking straight at him.

“They are amazing" you say simply and he looks up to meet your eyes.

"To read adventures, dramas, poetry, they transport you to beautiful worlds filled with imagination!"

Ja'far's eyes widen a bit at the look of your own, your (e/c) orbs sparkling and shining with excitement.

"And you know? They really can tell beautiful words that actually have an impact on you" you say smiling.

"The reason I started reading was my big sister, she taught me how wonderful books can be, when she died all her books became mine, so I started reading them, and discovered that I saw my sister in every story, some of her advices, some of her goals, I was fascinated by the beauty of every single one of those books" you say, still smiling at the great memories.

"I see, I think that's great"

You look at him in genuine confusion.

“What do you mean?" you ask and he just smiles a bit.

"That it is great for you to find something that makes you so passionate, that makes you smile so much when you talk about it" he says while smiling at you.

"Thanks" you say, blushing a bit, not even sure if you should be thanking.

"Do you have something that you like that way?" you ask curiously.

"I like paperwork, but I like you as well" he says while blushing, you becoming redder than Morgiana's eyes.

"I like you too...." you say, not daring to establish eye contact with the male

You feel a slight weight on you head and look back at the freckled man, his hand placed on your head and petting you.

"Let's go read at the library when we are done" he says smiling.

"Sure!" you say and smile brightly at him, still blushing slightly.

💠 Extended ending 💠

Sin walks through​ the halls, looking for you and Ja'far for dinner, the only place he is missing being the library.

When he goes in he finds you and Ja'far fast asleep next to each other.

The purple haired smiles slightly and leaves, closing the door behind him.

"I knew it" he says while smirking and then leaves to tell the rest.


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