💠 Ja'far's birthday party //part 2// 💠

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"Well I can always just go by the market place" you sweat drop and rush to said place.

After running by the streets you arrive to the stall filled section of the island, that is now beginning to get filled with sellers who prepare their merchandise for the day.

With a quick movement you snatch your pocket clock, a piece of paper and a pen out of your pocket, looking at the clock to see it's already 4:21 a.m.

You nod to yourself and put the clock back on your pocket, staring at the piece of paper where you write 'Possible presents for Ja'far' on top and then write the number one, thinking as much as you can.

//What can I give Ja'far?? He is always helping and caring for me, He deserves something good,I have enough money to get him something quite expensive but I don't know what...//

You sigh, deciding it's best to look around the market to get ideas, then you realize it, it's too early to see every stall.

After becoming aware of the obvious, you decide to go back to the palace and maybe ask the others for suggestions, they should be waking up by now, after all, they did have a lot to plan.

With calm steps, you walk back to the palace, quietly making your way through the halls.

"(y/n)-chan! good morning"

You turn around to find Pisti smiling at you.

"Good morning, Pisti, hey, can I ask you for advice?" you ask with nervous tone, the blond smiling in response.

"Sure! What is it?" asks the happy female.

"Do you have any idea what can I give Ja'far for his birthday?" you ask and she hums.

"Hmmm, I don't actually know, we are all planning the party you and Sin suggested so we are taking all that as a really big present" she said tilting her head to the side.

"I see..." you reply.

“But! I think Ja'far will be happy with whatever you give him, he loves you a lot after all!" she says with a bright smile .

"Thanks, Pisti" you say, returning the smile.

"No problem! You can do it girl! See you later!" she says and heads to the dining room.

You walk back to your room, your mind going over the many possibilities of a gift.

After closing you room door, you take a sit in your desk, taking out a piece of paper and writing the same as you wrote in the last attempt of a list.

After staring at the paper for a good five minutes you grow annoyed at your lack of creativity.

“Damn you, brain” you grumble, taking a piece of drawing paper and slamming it on top of your desk.

After turning the pencil in your fingers you start sketching a face, letting your mind wonder.

//Damn, I can't think of a good present, what would make Ja'far happy? How can't I even think of a good present when he is always so nice to me? He always helps and saves me, if I am sad he cheers me up... I suck...// you think while both frustration and sadness fill your mind.

A sudden knock on your door snaps you back to reality, startling you a bit before you realize what happened.

“Come in!"

After saying this the door opens, revealing an albino with cute freckles sprinkling his face. You smile.

“Hi, (y/n), just came to tell you good morning and inform you that breakfast is ready" he tells you and smiles at you slightly.

"Good morning, Ja'far! I will be there in no time, I just have to finish something before" you say and stand up, walking up to him and hugging him.

"By the way, happy birthday" you say happily.

Ja'far smiles and hugs you back.


You break the hug and kiss him on the cheek, then look at him.

//He’s always there for me... How can't I even find him something?...//

“(y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Hm? Oh! Y-yeah! I'll be there in a second! You should go first" you say and he nods, leaving the room.

As soon as he leaves you go back to your desk and notice that what you have been drawing was nothing less than Ja'far smiling with you by his left side and Sinbad by his right, in the back you can see Pisti, Yam, Sharrkan, Spartos, Hinahoho, Drakon, Masrur, Alibaba, Morgiana and Aladdin, all smiling as well.

//Well, I can draw something nice but not find a present...// you think, annoyed, and decide to leave, closing the door as you step in the hallway.


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