💠 Ja'far's birthday party //part 4// 💠

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"Come in, (y/n)"

You open the door, revealing Ja'far sitting in his desk surrounded by paperwork.

"Hi, Ja'far! Want some help?" you ask as you walk his way.

"It's fine, you don't have to worry, plus, I know you hate paperwork" he looks at you and you sweat drop.

"Well, yeah, but it's your birthday! You should not be doing paperwork!" you say as you puff your cheeks, he blushes and smiles as he finds this cute.

"It's fine, the fact that it's my birthday does not mean I can stop working" he replies softly.

“But you could take a break..." you insist.

"It's fine it's fine" argues the former assassin.

You seat in the chair across the desk and stare.

“What is it?" asks Ja'far, confused by your actions.

"Nothing..." you lie with a grin.

//I wonder if he will like his present...// you think as you see him keep writing at an amazing speed.

After about an hour he finishes signing the last scroll, placing down his quill and stretching his arms, you blush slightly.

"Hey Ja'far?"

"Yes?" He questions, focusing on you.

“Can you tell me how it was to travel with Sin when you were younger?" you ask, trying to distract him so the others can prepare everything for the party.

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

“Was it fun?" you ask while tilting your head.

“It was, a lot" he says, smiling at such memories.

"Did it went wrong sometimes?"

"It sure did, just remembering how it went in Artemyra makes me laugh" he says smiling.

"What happened?" You ask curiously.

Ja'far told you the story of how he, Sin and Mystras got threw off a cliff to death and how they survived eating snakes and mysterious meat they found on the floor, he also told you how they escaped hiding in the bird's food.

"Wow" you say, surprised with the story.

The man laughs a bit and you can't help but giggle yourself.

You really liked how Ja'far sometimes smiled and laughed around and with you, it made you happy.

"Yeah, it was fun" says the white haired.

"It sounds funny but I don't think I could have done it that easily" you admit.

"Haha, that's true" he says.

You take your pocket clock out and see it's already 5:52.

As you put the clock back in your pocket there is a knock in the door, which then opens only to reveal a satisfied looking Sin.

"What is it, Sin?" asks Ja'far.

"Nothing, but dinner is ready so you two should probably come down" he says with his signature smile, you and Ja'far nodding.

"I have to go grab something from my room, go ahead" you suggest while standing up and fixing your clothes. Sinbad shakes his head.

"Don't worry, we’ll wait for you" says the purple haired and gives you a slight nod.

"Okay, I'll be back soon" you say with a small smile before running off to your room.

You rush inside and grab the present for Ja'far, which you cover with a sweater, and then hurry back to the two males, arriving to both Sin and Ja'far smiling at you.

“Let's go then" says Sinbad and the three of you leave to the dining room.

The walk was quiet, yet not uncomfortable.

When you arrive and push the door open everyone pops out of the nowhere.

"Happy birthday, Ja'far!!!!" Everyone yells at the same time.

Ja'far stares in surprise, everyone either hugging him or patting his shoulder, the white haired thanking every person he got the chance to talk to.

When your time to hug him comes you walk to him with a smile.

"Happy birthday, Ja'far" you say as you smile at him, throwing your arms around his neck.

The male returns the smile, "Thanks" he says and hugs you back.

"Awwww!!!! CUTE!!!" Pisti points, everyone following her lead.

Both Ja'far and you blush.

“B-by the w-way, Ja'far..." you shudder as you feel nervousness bubbling in your chest.

“Yes?" he asks and looks at you while you look at your hands.

"I-I w-wanted to give y-you a present but....but I wasn't sure what to- um you know, give you so IDIDTHISFORYOU!!" you say, surprisingly nervous while giving him the folder and letter.

Ja'far blinks multiple times before grabbing the two items, opening the folder and looking in amazement at the drawings.

“Thanks, (y/n)... did- did you draw these?!" he questions in surprise.

“Y-yeah, you don't like them?" you ask a bit worried.

"Are you kidding? This are amazing” he says, the rest of the generals becoming curious.

“Lemme see" says Pisti.

“Me too" says Yam, and so, in no time everyone was staring at your work.

"(y/n), these are so cool!" says Alibaba.

"That's true, Miss (y/n)!!!" says Aladdin.

"They are not that good" you whisper shyly and look at your hands, some chuckling at your reaction.

"Anyway! Let's start the party!" you say and everyone cheers.

After not too long amazing amounts of food were served in a large table on the garden, a lot of alcohol present as well.

Everyone enjoys themselves, drinking and eating as well as talking and laughing, you spent the night with Sin and the others but mainly with Yam and Pisti.

After a few hours of you girls alone you three went with the rest of the generals, talking about random topics.

A while after the food was mostly over the cake arrives and, even though it was difficult to receive, everybody enjoys it.

The party, as most Sindrian parties, went from being a just cheerful celebration to a rather loud festival, dancers and musicians filling the air with cheers and different melodies, the same usual flirting and occasional dueling happening as in every other Sindrian carnival.

As expected, at the end of the party you were all exhausted, and rather drunk, so you all went straight to your rooms, except that you stopped Ja'far before he could even leave.

“Hey Ja'far" you call and then hug him.

"Yes?" he says hugging you back, slightly worried about the hangover you'd have the next morning.

"Once again, happy birthday, did you enjoy the party?" you ask with red face because of the wine.

"Yes, I did" he replies with a chuckle to which you smile.

"I'm glad..." you say, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"Come on, (y/n)" he says, taking you by the hand and walking you to your room.

We the two of you get there, he lays you in your bed and wraps you in a few blankets.

“Good night, (y/n)"

"Good night, Ja'far" you say as he kisses your forehead and you fall asleep in matter of seconds.

The albino closes the door of your room as he exits it and goes back to his own.

Once he closes the door he lets out a tired sigh, changing his clothes in swift movements.

The white haired male looks around the room and takes the letter you gave him, opening it with curiosity.

Dear Ja'far:

First of all, Happy Birthday! I'm glad I can be with you in such an important day!

In this letter I want to thank you and tell you what I feel and think of you, I think you are an amazing person, you are always helping and supporting me and I am really thankful for that, thanks for always being there with me when I need you! I don't say it much because I blush a lot, but I want you to know I love you and you can always ask me for help, hope you had and will keep having amazing, fun and happy birthdays!

Love you


As he reads it he can't help but blush a little and smile.

Once he’s done, he takes the letter and drawings and puts them in his desk, next to a portrait of you and him smiling together.


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