1. Return to Sindria

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So, I've decided that I'm going to merge this story with the Sinbad x OC  story that I'm writing (The Ninth General). The chapters that I'll be posting here will be following the same story line as the other story but will be from Mei's POV, and of course the other story will primarily be from Toni's POV. I hope this turns out well because I've finally pinpointed a decent idea for the stories to follow, lol. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy it! :D

Also, I won't be posting as much on this story. It'll contain a lot of time skips and it won't be as lovey dovey as it's previous chapters. Anyway! Let's do this!

^^^Please read!^^^

The sun was at its highest point in the sky, signifying that it was mid to late afternoon. It was hot out and I slipped into a hazy daze as I slumped down onto a bench underneath the shade of a large tree growing in the plaza of the surrounding market. My eyes skimmed through the passing crowd, taking special notice of a group of children surrounding a familiar figure.

(Ah, this should be entertaining-) I thought smugly to myself as I watched one of the younger children grasp at the man's long, jet black braid.

"Hey, get your hands off me, twerp!" Judar growled, swatting his hands at the now giggling cluster of children as they darted around him like a swarm of angry bees.

I smiled to myself as I watched the children take turns pulling at his hair until I finally gathered myself up and wandered over next to him. "Now, Now. I think he's had enough," I told the group of kids in a gentle voice. They gleefully continued their laughter, running off further into the market.

"You couldn't have come saved me sooner?" Judar hissed, pulling the sections of his braid back into their usual spherical shape.

"I don't particularly like children either," I retorted with an amused chuckle.

Judar's scarlet eyes quickly met mine. "Oh?" he started in disbelief. "Why's that?" he asked, sounding rather uninterested as he began to tinker with the goods at the vendor's table.

"They're whiny and needy and complain an awful lot," I replied, taking note of how he didn't seem to be listening. "That's also why I don't particularly like you either," I continued, doing my best to hide my grin.

"Hey now," Judar said, his voice growing serious as he dropped the items back onto the table.

My grin widened into a smile as I continued teasing him. "You're a spoiled brat, you know," I continued.

"I am not," he refuted, leaning forward and peering up at me as if to gauge whether or not I was serious.

I couldn't help but giggle at his concern and I quickly flicked the tip of his nose with the end of my finger. "You really are," I said between my light laughter, causing him to pout slightly. I tugged him by the arm, linking my elbow in his as I dragged him through the market. "Come on, let's pick up some food before finding a place to stay for tonight," I suggested, happily toting him along with me.


Not long after we'd set off to find somewhere to sleep, a young man came running through the crowd. I assumed he'd run past us when he stopped shortly in front of me, doubling over to catch his breath for a moment.

"Princess!" he addressed me urgently, waving a neatly folded paper in front of me. On the front of it was a familiar stamp.

"Sindria?" I pondered aloud. I took the letter, pulling it open and scanning its contents hurriedly. "King Sinbad is requesting we pay him a visit," I summarized for Judar, who was trying to read the letter over my shoulder. "But how on earth did you find us??" I asked the man delivering the letter.

"I'm not certain. The King mentioned something about his General's clairvoyance magic and then sent me your location to have this delivered to you," he replied.

"I see," I said, wondering what King Sinbad could need from us so urgently that he'd send out for us right away like this. "We should go," I said, turning to face Judar.

He scowled, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke. "Normally, I'd refuse to go but knowing you, you'll head there anyways," he said, his tone flat.

I smiled giddily up at him and he let out a short sigh.

"Well, this is your world, Princess. Lead the way," he said, tapping me lightly on the forehead as a light blush spread across my cheeks.

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