16. Light Show

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I awoke the next morning with a slight headache from the previous night's festivities.

(Huh.. I don't remember making it to my room last night.)

I shelved the thought before heading out to find Judar and Hakuryuu.

(They must want to know about the negotiations made.)

"Oh, your friends went into the market and won't be back for a short while." one of the maids informed me after I asked for Judar and Hakuryuu.

(Alibaba and Aladdin are probably busy as well. I guess I'll keep myself entertained until they make it back.)

I wandered around King Sinbad's palace for a while until deciding to expand my sightseeing outside the palace grounds. Sindria was just as beautiful in the afternoon as it was during last night's evening festival. After a lengthy walk through some back alleyways and mild forest shrubbery, I came across a high point on the island that overlooked the entire town. I could also see just inside the palace courtyard from atop the hill.

(Wow, this place is unbelievable. I might even be able to get some practice in while I'm alone.)

I smirked to myself, unsheathing my small sword. I focused greatly on my magoi usage as I waved my blade through the air. Water sprinkled from the blade, creating a a fountain around me. "Kenna," I said and heat radiated from the ring on my finger. Fire burst from the ring, catching the falling water before creating a curtain of steam that glistened in the sunlight.


From the edge of town, Judar glanced up towards a high hill that towered over the other buildings and even the palace walls. His lip pulled into a smile at the sight of flames disappearing into sparkling mist. "Up already, Princess?" he muttered under his breath.

Hakuryuu glanced over at Judar. "Did you say something?" He asked.

"Meet me back at the palace later," Judar instructed, shoving off a bag of goods to Hakuryuu without sparing him a parting glance.

Judar hiked up the hill and watched from the shadows as Mei practice her Djinn weapon equip. She almost appeared to be dancing in the sunlight with veils of mist shimmering around her. The Rukh had gathered in her presence as well, only adding to her grace.

(I've witnessed plenty of things in this life but.. she..)

The Magi found himself watching in complete adoration as Mei submerged herself into her practice. The show she was putting on was enough to catch and hold the attention of several onlookers from the town below. Even from inside the palace, Kougyoku could see the girl atop the hill and she stopped to watch, unable to peel her eyes away from the flames that danced through the sky.

With a short twirl, Mei smiled, her eyes sparkling as she threw her hand up to create a barrier of fire around her. With a single fluid motion, she cut the flames with her sword, steam rising from the contact and sparkling like a million tiny crystals.

The cloud of Rukh surrounding Mei was now so thick that Judar believed she might be able to see them too. Before he knew it, he was sprinting towards her as fast as he could carry himself. He wasn't aware of the smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around Mei, sweeping her with him up into the air.

She looked more than startled as her eyes met his. "Judar! Wait!" She clenched fearfully at him as her feet left the earth below.

He only laughed, "Don't stop what you're doing!" He carried her higher until the two of them were well off the ground.


Doing as instructed, I kept my djinn weapon equipped, sending flames hurdling through the air around us. I cut through the fire swiftly, the water from my blade produced a huge amount of steam shortly after. The sunlight seemed to only grow brighter as the steam around us shimmered like diamonds. If the sight hadn't already captivated me entirely, Judar threw his hand up, casting bright yellow Rukh all around us. The Rukh spiraled around the sparkling steam, making the entire world around us look as if it were made of fireworks.

(So beautiful!)

I caught myself smiling at the actual magic happening around me and then my eyes met Judar's. He was looking right back at me, his expression unexpectedly serious. For a moment, I was completely captivated by his gaze and my mind was nothing but a white and empty space. I couldn't help but smile then, thinking about how he probably ran all the way here just to make my little fire show a thousand times better... just by being here with me. My tummy fluttered and I felt happiness wash over me like I'd never felt before.


"They're definitely a sight, aren't they?" Alibaba chuckled as he passed by Kougyoku in the palace. He, along with Aladdin too, had stopped to watch as well.

Kougyoku started at their presence but covered her reddened face with her sleeve. "They certainly are," she said quietly.

Aladdin laughed as well before speaking, "And the Rukh around Judar are all pink just like when Hakuryuu looks at Morgiana!"

By then, it was apparent to everyone else the connection that Judar and his summoned princess shared.


Just as quickly as the happiness had gathered in me, it also subsided. My arm went limp in a matter of seconds and my sword slipped out of my fingers, clanging against the ground far below. My grip on Judar was the only thing keeping me from falling and with my arm going numb, I was quickly slipping away from him.

I gasped, realizing I was headed for the ground as well before Judar caught a hold of my other hand.

"I've got you," he said calmly, pulling me back up into his arms. A moment later, we were on the ground again.

"It's happening again," I said, more to myself than to Judar. I grasped at my arm, receiving full confirmation that I had no feeling in it whatsoever.

"Let's go back to Sinbad's for now and I'll take care of it there," Judar suggested, picking up my dagger from where it fell. I only nodded, sheathing my weapon and followed close behind him.

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