3. Djinn Reunion

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I wandered the palace halls for quite a long time before Judar spotted me near the courtyard.

"Impressed with your new home, Princess?" He asked. I took a mental note of how his voice always took on a teasing tone.

"I'm no princess. Not anymore, anyway. And I can hardly call it my home... Just as I can't really call this body my own. Nothing here belongs to me," I responded coldly. I didn't really feel any disdain toward my situation but I couldn't say I was happy about it either.

Judar merely blinked a few times before shrugging and slinking towards me. He caught hold of my hand and held it up in front of him, examining it closely.

"Judar, What are you-?" I started but the sound of him humming thoughtfully cut my question short.

"Well, it would seem as though your soul is now tied to this body," He began, his tone matter-of-factly. I cocked an eyebrow at him, wondering if whatever he was droning on about was supposed to make me feel better. "Therefore," he continued, "It would seem that this is now your body. Is it not to your liking? I thought she was pretty cute." Judar smirked, his fingers twining with mine. "And just as this body is now yours, so is everything around you. Even the Magi that stands before you," He gave a swift but graceful bow before continuing, "So how about it, Princess?"

I couldn't think of any words to say. Even if it was some lame attempt to lift my spirits, his words had gotten to me. I pulled my hand away from him, using the long sleeve of my robe to hide the pink that had spread across my cheeks. I could only manage to nod before turning away slightly. "What am I to do here? What is it that you've summoned me to do, exactly?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ah, right down to business then. Follow me, I have a little gift for you," Judar directed me down the hallway.

We walked for a while before reaching large double doors. He ushered me inside before closing the door behind us. I glanced around the room. It was nothing too extravagant; a few bookshelves, a writing desk, and a large trunk that sat nearly in the middle of the room. The trunk was the only thing that really stood out and, as if by instinct, I wandered over to it, strumming my fingers along the lid.

By now, Judar was next to me, his voice a low rumble in my ear, "Go on, open it."

I hesitated for only a second before doing as he instructed. The heavy trunk lid lifted, exposing shining metal objects that all seemed vaguely familiar somehow. I reached in, picking up the closest object and examining it closely.

(A small sword... These objects are all so beautiful but this one...)

At that moment, the weapon in my hands seemed to glimmer in the dark room. On the blade, an eight-pointed star glowed brightly, illuminating the entire room around me. It was then that I remembered my past, the dungeons, my comrades, and so much more.

"The Djinn remembers you as well, it would seem," Judar said. "We had them gathered after you awoke this morning."

"Even my household members' weapons?" I asked, still adoring my long forgotten weapon.

"Yup," Judar replied immediately. "You'll need new members to go with those weapons though. I may have summoned you here but reviving an entire crew is downright impossible."

I remained quiet, sifting through the trunk and quickly looking over each weapon inside. Once I'd had my fill of absolute nostalgia, I fastened my little sword onto the ties of my robes.

"Wanna take it our for a spin?" Judar asked, the excitement in his voice a little too apparent.

"Actually, Judar, I have a favor to ask of you," I replied confidently. Judar looked at me quizzically, awaiting further explanation. My eyes shifted over to meet his gaze.
"I want to conquer another dungeon."

Judar looked taken aback by my request but smiled brightly nonetheless.
"You got it, Princess."

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