He lives on, I am his

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The idea isn't mine but the whole one-shot is. 

This is a one-shot for Hakuyuu cause I think we all know he needs more love than this. Anyway, the enjoy the angst. 


Hakuyuu gave you one last kiss to your forehead as he was seeing you off, you were off to settle some business somewhere and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. "Come back safe, okay?" He asked with his hands holding yours.

You nodded and unclasped a necklace around your neck, you grabbed his hand and put it there. You clasped his hand around it, "keep this with you to remember by while I'm gone okay?" You asked.

He nodded and pressed a kiss to your lips, "of course."


Hakuyuu's eye twitched while you giggled, he turned to Hakuren with a glare, "SHUT UP, HAKUREN!"

This only caused his younger brother to laugh and clasped a hand around his shoulder, "oh come on, you're acting like you'll never see them again! They'll be back soon, right Y/N?"

You nodded, "of course I will."

"See. Now come on, it's time for them to go."

Hakuyuu hesitated and then let go of your hands, "okay... we'll see each other in a few weeks. Promise?"


Hakuren rolled his eyes, "what? Are you guys going to pinky swear?"

You and Hakuyuu both turned to glare at Hakuren's childish antics. He only laughed and walked off, "don't forget to go play with Hakuryuu later!" He reminded his brother.

Hakuyuu rolled his eyes and turned you only to see a frown on your face. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know... I just wish I didn't have to go, I have a bad feeling Haku..."

Hakuyuu only chuckled, "everything will be fine. Now go and fulfill your duty."

You nodded and ran into the boat, "I'll see you in a few weeks!"

"As will I!"

Hakuyuu sighed as he worked on various documents. Ever since you had left his boredom had reached its max. He dropped his pen and leaned back in his chair. He gazed at the necklace and smiled.

He began to stretch but soon stopped when he heard his mother walking through the halls. Her voice seemed oddly cold and menacing, speaking of which Hakuyuu had begun to get a bad feeling ever since you left.

He quickly picked up his pen and began writing.

You got off the boat with a skip in your step, you were finally back and what's more is that you were finally able to see your lover's face again.

As you looked around the docks you grew concerned as you didn't see him anywhere. What you did see was a crying Hakuryuu with a giant scar on his eye.

You ran towards him, fearing the worst. "Hakuryuu! What happened?!" You asked as you looked at him for more injuries.

"Onee-chan," he sobbed, "I'm sorry..." He whimpered.

Your eyes widened, "why...? What happened?"

He shook his head, not wanting to stay. He only gestured to where their home once stood, you staggered over there and fell down to your knees. In front of you was now a burnt pile of wood covered in soot and ashes.

"W-What happened...?" You asked as tears filled your eyes. A melancholy aura surrounded everyone but one servant came up, you recognized them as Hakuyuu's personal maid.

"I'm sorry to say that prince Hakuren and Hakuyuu are..." The maid could barely finish her sentence as she heard sobs begin to rack your body. You gripped the skirt of the maid's dress.

"Please don't say it! Please tell they're both okay!-" you buried your face in the skirt- "please tell me... He's okay..." You whimpered. The maid placed a comforting hand on your head.

"I'm sorry... A fire happened and... Not everyone made it out in time..." Tears filled the maid's eyes as she looked down at you with your face in her skirt, "I'm so sorry... But he left you something."

You immediately looked up, "what is it?" You asked eagerly. The maid reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out a couple of letters, she handed them to you and you immediately ripped open the first one.

As you read it, it almost felt like you could hear his voice reading it to you.

My dearest Y/N,

As I write this first letter to you I cannot help but think of something terrible that is coming around the corner. I can only hope you're not here in time to see this horrible event take place. I love you more than life itself...



You wiped your tears and opened the second one.

My love, Y/N,

This is my second letter and I hope my feelings reach you through my words. My suspicions are being confirmed and I don't like the sound of my future ahead. If I die, please live one without me... Strong and independently.



My dear,

Y/N, I'm becoming more and more apprehensive as the days pass. I wish you were here... Maybe then you could calm my nerves. I only hope you don't hold a grudge against me after this horrid event comes to pass.


Your eyes widened as read the next one.


I was right. Something terrible is going to happen and I must warn Hakuryuu, he most know of our mother's plan. Remember, she cannot be trusted! I hear her coming... Remember do not trust her!


As your eyes widened you reached for the next letter and felt a small object inside.

My dearest love,

This may be the last letter I write you to but in this one, I will share all the love I hold for you. Words may not be enough but I will try with the ones I know.

I love you more than my own life. I would risk everything just to see that sweet smile grace your features.

I would give up everything, even my life if it meant that you would live your life with love as your aura.

I love your soft skin and shining e/c eyes. I love it when your brows crease when your curious and I love your strength and resilience.

Your strength and resilience are why I know you can make it, even without me by your side. I am sorry that I broke our promise... I can make it up to you, look at what I left in the envelope.

You shook the envelope and in your hands fell an engagement ring. You began shaking like a leaf as you held it in your hands. You turned back to the letter.

Y/N, I may sound selfish but even if I'm dead I want you to be mine forever. Will you marry me? I love you.

A hand covered your mouth as sobs racked your body. "Haku... You jerk..." You gaze landed on the ring and you placed it on your finger, "of course I'll marry you..."

You flipped the letter only to realize that there was another paper. It was a marriage certificate. You smiled as more tears ran down your cheeks. There was also pen inside the envelope.

This jerk thought of everything and it may not be like the normal ceremony you dreamed of but it was just as bittersweet. You grabbed the pen and signed your name.

Looks like you were now Y/N ren.

The horrid feelings still came back as the burning building came to focus. All the sobs and tears came back as you looked up to the sky.


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