It was an accident

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Kouen x Reader

Summary: You and Kouen had decided to spar and while that happened you accidently chopped something of his off.

I've seen this idea around and wanted to write my own edition.


You walked around the halls of the castle with your sword strapped to your side. You had been waiting for Kouen to finish with his meeting to and see him. 

You had gotten word it had just ended and began to walk over to where he might be. As you turned the corner you felt someone grip your shoulders, pin you against the wall and place their lips on yours. 

Your eyes were wide and you soon noticed the familiar red hair, you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. You hummed and reached your hands up to bury them in his hair. You felt him trail his hands down your hips and to your thighs, hoisting your legs up to wrap around his waist. 

You pulled away and giggled at how eager, "calm down, remember you promised to spar with me," you said kissing his forehead.

Kouen groaned put you down, as he did he wrapped an arm around your hips, "later you're mine," he said huskily in your ear. You tensed and blushed, you averted your eyes as you nodded.


You held your sword up in a defensive stance, glaring at your husband. You were determined to defeat him in this match, even if it was just a spar. 

Kouen, smirking while holding his sword in one hand, spoke, "well? What are you waiting for?" He asked with a mocking tone. 

Your grip tightened, "hah!" You yelled. In a flash, you were behind him with sword pointing towards the ground insinuating you had swung it, you panted and sheathed it, "how was that?" you asked with a smile.

Kouen turned to you, "you're getting better." 

Your eyes widened and your hand covered mouth in shock, Kouen rose a brow, "what?" He asked. You shook your head and said nothing.

Kouen kept his brow raised and he reached his hand up, feeling an abnormal breeze on his chin. His eyes widened as he felt nothing there, his goatee was gone, "Y/N..." He said threateningly, shadows covering his eyes. 

Tears filled your eyes with fear, you began to run away, "I'M SORRY!" You yelled as you ran from him.


You banged on the door looking behind you for Kouen, "please open the door!" You yelled fearfully. You hadn't seen Kouen since you ran off but you figured you needed somewhere to hide and decided this would be the best place.

You heard a groan from the other side of the door and smiled to see the familiar magi open the door, "what do want now?" Asked Judar taking a bite from a peach.

"Please hide me!" You yelled, gripping his arms tightly. Judar tensed and looked at your terrified face, you seemed utterly terrified at this moment. 

"What the hell happened to you? Did you chop off his goatee or something?" He asked, chuckling slightly at the thought. Not even thinking that's what had happened.

"Yes..." You whimpered.

Judar's eyes widened, "are you an idiot?" He asked, knocking you on the head.

You whimpered once more, "it was an accident," you said as you crumpled to the ground, "please let me stay here."

Judar sighed, "fine, but you owe me," he said stepping to the side to let you in. You cried with happiness and gave him a hug causing him to groan.

"Why me?" He asked laying down on his staff as if it was a bed, "why not Kougyoku? Or Kouha? Or Koumei? Or even Haku?" 

You sighed, "Kougyoku isn't a good liar, Kouha would tell him as soon as he sees him, Koumei wouldn't care enough to hide me and Hakuryuu is always sparring," you said.

Judar nodded, "you have a point."


Kouen stalked through the halls with shadows covering his eyes, he was angry and it was noticeable as all the guards stepped away from him out of fear. 

He knew where you were, he knew you wouldn't go to any of his siblings. Kougyoku isn't a good liar, Kouha would tell him as soon as he sees him, Koumei wouldn't care enough to hide you and Hakuryuu was always sparring. 

Once he was at his destination he banged on the door roughly, he heard a groan from the other side and the door opened, "what?" Asked the familiar magi. 

Kouen didn't waste any time, "where are they?" He asked firmly with a harsh glare. 

Judar didn't seem affected by the glare and stepped to the side, "they're in here," he said.

You looked in disbelief as Kouen swung you over his shoulder, "DAMN YOU JUDAR!" You yelled as he carried you out.


You blushed as you laid on his bare chest, it was obvious to the entire that Kouen didn't show any mercy. It was also obvious on account to all the bite marks on your neck and chest.

You snuggled your face deeper in his chest, "it's gonna grow back..." You looked to his bare chin, "if anything I like how you look without it."

Kouen hummed, "I'm still growing it back," he said, pinching your waist causing you to squeal.

"It was still an accident..."


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