Chapter 8: The Empress of Time: II: Deal

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In a lavish Japanese room, wooden floors, paper doors, a royal blanket on the floor, there, citing on her knees, taking a sip of her tea, was the future Empress. Behind her, was a bed, covered in the finest silks of all of Japan. About five feet from her, sitting in a *seiza position, sat Yukino, Aria, Aladdin, Solomon, BB and Serenity. Yukino was trying very hard not to squirm in pain because they been sitting for 1 hour straight in complete silence. Aladdin was the same. Serenity was used to it because she offend had to do it for her assassinations. Solomon's face was blank, but inwardly, the man was in pain. Aria didn't feel anything at all and B.B, was holding back tears. Hell, she maybe Japanese but this was hell for her right now. The Empress places her cup down and opened her eyes a bit.

"I thank you all for saving my people and I. You have my gratitude." Kougyoku said.

"Y-your  welcome your highness...." Yukino mumbled.

The Empress had an aura of proudness, dignity, and royalty.

"This is completely different from our friend." Aladdin thought to himself and sweat drops.

"However...." The Empress closed her eyes again and picked up her cup, looking down at the green liquid inside of it, "All of you did violate the law." She said and everyone stiffened.

"It is forbidden for commoners to be present at the royal ceremony. Usually this would end with you being sent to the dungeons...but.." She closed her eyes, "Since you saved my life, that won't happen. What are your names?" She asked and everyone relaxed a bit.

"Aria Tohsaka Emiya." Aria said and the Empress eyes slightly widened.

"I see.......Tohsaka huh?" She said.

"My name is Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham, King of Alma Torran. It is an honour to be at your presence." Solomon bowed.

"A king?? Alma Torran?? I've never of such Kingdom. From the middle East perhaps." She said.

"I'm Aladdin. And King Solomon is my father. And this here," he smiles to Serenity, who blushed, "Is my fiance, Serenity." Aladdin bowed.

Kougyoku nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you!! I'm B.B!! Your best k---ow!" Aria smacked B.B on her head before the woman even finished that introduction.

B.B. pouted but sighs.

"I'm B.B." B.B pouted.

And Kougyoku turned to Yukino.

"And I'm Yukino. It's a pleasure to meet you." Yukino smiled shyly.

Kougyoku stared at her for a few moments, and then spoke.

"Your name, the Kanji for snow and the hiragana for no. Interesting. Changing the subject, once again you all have my gratitude. But maybe...." Kougyoku stood up and walked over to her wooden window and looked out to the horizon.

"About a year, a stranger royal building appeared 300 miles from here. Strange creatures have rose from the shadows and have attacked people. When night comes, no one dares step foot outside because they fear for their lives. Those who have stepped outside have either disappeared or have been found killed." She said and turned to them, a stern expression on her face.

"I can tell you all aren't ordinary people. I can sense power coming from all of you. Masters....." A small hidden smirk, "Correct??" And instantly everyone stood up.

"Calm down. I want to make a deal." The Empress said.

"Alright." Aria said.

This was a tricky situation. Why? The original plan was to escape because she can’t stand being attached to wires. Also because she wanted to payback Sinbad for breaking into her bathroom when she was naked. He will never understand her reason for not wanting emotions. She refuses for him to see the dreams she has when they fall asleep. It is said that masters and servants share the same dreams when they sleep. She doesn’t want him to see. She doesn’t want him to know her. She may have sealed er emotions for good,  ut there is always that small trickle of doubt. She swears that the man that triggered her was Sinbad, but it wasn’t. The others have noticed something was wrong with her, especially Lan and Emiya. Same with Ishtar. Why the Babylonian goddess? She is a pseudo-servant. A divine spirit using her grandmother’s body, Rin Tohsaka as a vessel. And it was that small bond that Ishtar has towards her that the goddess immediately feels. Aria was more aware of it. Parvati is the same. The Indian Goddess is possing the body of Sakura Matou, Erika’s grandmother.

Kougyoku nodded and snapped her fingers. At the other side of the wooden paper doors, a shadow appeared.

"You called master?"

A young man with red hair, his eyes covered, dressed in ninja clothing, had his head down has he bowed the empress.

Serenity gasped but quickly kept it to herself. She recognized him!!

“Yes. Please inform the others that we have allies. And that tonight, make sure to keep guard.

“Right.” the young man said and disappears.

The empress turned back to the others.

“Here is my deal. Help me get to the bottom of this problem. In return, I offer you shelter, food, and access to the ancient chamber of magic. Not a bad deal, no?” Kougyoku said.

Aria thought for a moment then spoke.

“Alright. Deal. Our only condition will be access also the kingdom records.” Aria said.

Everyone else looked at her shocked except the empress.

“Typical of you Tosakas. Alright. I’ll have their maids prepare rooms for all of you. Well then, good night.” Kougyoku slightly huffed but left.

After she was gone, Yukino quickly stood up and went to Aria.

“Are you crazy?!” Yukino screeched while Solomon and Aladdin, along with Serenity and B.B watched.

“Look, we need to find a place to stay, and also contact the others. If my theory is correct, then we might be in the middle of a singularity.” Aria said.

“Eh??” Yukino said.

Aladdin frowned that that word.

“Allow me to explain.” B.B. sighs and turned back to her normal clothing, “ A singularity is a distortion in a era that did not happen and causes the extinction of humanity. In the past, Chaldea was created to correct these “Singularities” and to restore order in those times, allowing the path of humanity to continue. Basically, we correct history.” B.B said.

“And for every singularity, their is a holy grail that is behind all this, or even a demon pillar. I really don’t want a repeat of this Grand Holy War again.” B.B said.

Solomon thought for a moment then spoke.

“Seeing as we are the only servants here, it will be difficult if there are more enemy servants here. We need backup.” Solomon said.

“Master’s do you have your tablets at least, along with some magic supplies?” Serenity asked.

“One moment…..” Yukino dug through her purse, “Yup! Hologram tablet and…...some rune stones…” Yukino said.

“I was put in the hospital  against my will, so have nothing.” Aria said.

“Against your will?! Do you have any idea what you have done to yourself?! Its like you killed yourself with that poison you drank.” Yukino said angrily, referring to Aria’s episode of drinking that black liquid.

“So? I told you, i don’t want to know what it’s like to be human again. Besides, if i was my old self…..” Aria looked out the window, “I would have never survive this cursed world.” Aria said and Aladdin looked at her sadly.

“So you given up on the world?” Aladdin said.

Aria raised an eyebrow at him.

“Excuse me?”

Everyone turns and sees the door open, maid coming in and bowing.

“All your rooms are prepared. Your food is also served. I shall lead each of you to them.” The maid said.

They followed after her, each one lead to their rooms. Aria stepped into hers and thanked the maid, and closed the door. But for her…….the room….was a nightmare. The bed….the tables...the shelves….everything… looks exactly like her old room when she was little. Though Aria felt no emotion towards the room, she sighs and walked up to a table, and slowly she felt the smooth wood. The scent of cherry blossoms and tea hit her nose. Home….it smelled like her old home….

She took her new bottle of pills, this time they were black, and gulped one down. She took a sip of her tea and liked the taste.

“Jasmins….nice.” she mumbled and put the cup down.

After that, she spotted a small wooden box with paper and ink. She made a small cut on her finger and bad the blood drop into the ink, then mixed it together using the brush. She then walked to the center of the room and drew a summoning circle. With this, she could summon servants. She mumbled a small summoning spell, the circle glowing, what looked like small birds chriping and fluttering around, chittered happily as a figure formed and suddenly hugged her.Gold eyes looked at her worried.

“Thank Goodness! You’re alright!” it was Sinbad.

Aria frowned and got out of his arms.

“Bummer. I didn’t think you answer my call Bug. I was hoping for an assassin.” Aria stated.

Sinbad frowned and glared at her.

“As long as you keep hurting yourself, i refuse to leave.” He said coldly.

Aria glared and moved away.

“Whatever. Do whatever you want. But for now…” She pointed to the bathroom/personal hotspring, “Go set up my bath.” she said and walked to her bed and sat down.

Sinbad was stunned.

“What?” he said.

“Go set up my bath. Are you deaf?” Aria said as she took a bite from a red bean mochi.

“Excuse me, i don’t remember being a butler.” He said with a raised eyebrow.

“I don’t care if you were a king in the past. You are my servant and it is your job to obey. So go.” Aria said as she picked up another and ate it.

“Haha...Very funny. You don’t order me around.” He said.


And he instantly bolted to get the bath ready the minute he saw her raise her hand to use a command seal on him.


“Unbelievable….” Sinbad grumbled as he picked up the soaps carefully put a small amount of each into the water.

“Who does she think i am?! Her slave?!” he kept grumbling and grabbed the lavender shampoo.
Sinbad sighs and stood up, pleased. It has been quite some time since he's done work like this.

A Very good reason why Lan the other day called him a "Lazy Ass King who runs away from his responsibilities." He was deeply offended but....

"Ja'far: Sadly this all true."

"Pisti: You know, back in our world, there was a rumor that the King slept with over 3,000 women in Balbadd!!"

"Mystras: Sinbad?!!? You lucky bastard!!! You go out there to have fun with pretty woman!!!?? Argh!!! You incubus!!!"

"Spartos: We've gotten complaints from female citizens...

Masur: You molested an old lady.

"Yamuraiha: One time he even hit on me."

"Sharrkan: Yeah....don't remind me...but the kings a ladies man!!"

Hinahoho: You guys should have seen the disaster he caused with the Kou Princess!! Haha!!"

"Kouen: What disaster??"

"Aladdin: Uncle Kouen, I thought you knew!"

"Sheba: Stop Aladdin!!!"

"Solomon: ........typical"

Sinbad slumped at the memory. All the female masters plus the female staff either gave him a look of disgust, pity, or were holding in their laughter. Even female servants. The mother hen ones made it clear for him to stay away from the children. About half the male servants went up to him, saying he was a true man, like Achilles, Cu (Alter, Lancers, and Caster), Fergus, David (Archer one, not Solomon's father), Merlin, and for females....Mebd. He does get along with Shuten, and Gilgamesh. Also with Iskandar. The way he spoke about conquering for unite the world. It was different. The rider has told them his story, but was more interesting was his noble phantasm.


Sinbad snapped out of it and hears the door open, seeing Aria peak in.
"Are you done??" She bluntly asked.
Sinbad just gave her an annoyed look but nodded.
"Yes it's done." He said.
Aria stared at the tub. The scent of cherry blossoms, lavender, roses, and plum blossoms filled the room. Rose and lavender petals floated on the water surface. She dipped her hand in the water and smiled. The temperature was just right. Not to hot and not to cold, but a nice warm feeling. She nodded in approval and turned to him.
"It's perfect. Thank you." She said.
Sinbad's brain must have short because did she just say "Thank you" to him?!
"Bug?? Bug, are you alright?? I said thank you. You did a good job." Aria said, confused.
Sinbad was still in shock.
"Heeellloooo?? Anyone there??" Aria waved her arm in front of him and frowned.
"Guah!" Sinbad screeched when water was splashed on his face.
"Answer me next time!" Aria said, water dripping from her right hand.
"Oh?" Sinbad wiped the water off himself, "You wanna play like this??" He smirked.
Before Aria could respond, Sinbad picked her up and threw her into the water.

Bubble bubble....

Water bubbles coming from the surface and him smirking. Aria slowly made her head surface and glared at him. And before Sinbad could comprehend, Aria grabbed his arm and threw him in.
"Gasp!! Cough!" Sinbad gasped and Aria huffed.
"Revenge." She said.
He glared back at her but froze, the water making her (h/c) hair slick down, her clothing sticking onto her body. Her curves showing. Aria sighs and stood up.
"Well, since we're both soaked, might as well bathe together." She said and began to button down her shirt.
"Wait what...." His brain short circuited again.
"Just bathe with me." Aria glared and began to strip down, right - in - front - of - him.

(Chaldea: Lan: Ugh....I just got a I need to call the police or something...)

Aria was now fully naked and crossed her arms.
"Well??" She raised an eyebrow.
Sinbad gulped, his throat felt dry.
"R-Right." He gave her a crooked smirk and began to take his clothing off.
Aria stared. His well built body was covered in a few scars. He removed his hair tie and let his hair down, the water going down his body. Sinbad looked back at her, his arms crossed, with a cocky smirk.
"Meh. I seen better." Aria said and turned to get the shampoo.
Sinbad choked on air. Did she literally just blew him off?!
"Here." Aria shoved the shampoo bottle in his face and she sat down, her back facing him.
"Wash my hair." She ordered.
He sighs and poured some of the shampoo on his hand and began to gently massage her head, carefully running his fingers through her hair.
"Hhmmmm....." Aria hummed a song and Sinbad recognized it.
"That song..." He spoke, "I know it. My.....lover used to sing it....when...." He stopped himself from speaking anymore.

Celatia  would sing that song. When she sealed her emotions away, and left with him after both saw Serendine body turn to dust in his arms, she often sing that song.

"How do I explain it....?? It's like...I'm fighting myself. A part of me that yearns for emotions, and the other that doesn't. It's like, I can almost switch between the two. But one wants to take over and over power the other. That's why I sing that song."

Aria was silent.


Sinbad froze and Aria turned to him, looking directly at his golden eyes.
"Bug...she is me...and I am her...we are one. Yet we aren't.  The only thing I possess of her is her power and her curse. Because we share the same soul. I am not her but yet I am her." Aria said with frown.
Sinbad eyes narrowed and she stood up, and closed her eyes.
"Do you wish to speak to her?" Aria said.
"No....You can't be her....she...she....!!" Sinbad gritted his teeth.
Aria was silent and spoke.
"Celatia...I allow you to take over."  Aria said and blue markings glowed on her.
Her hair turning silver along with her eyes, her skin pale, almost like a ghost. Blinked and smiled.

"Sin---!!" The woman froze and eyes travels down,..


- 40 disastrous minutes later -

Sinbad had a bright red hand marking on his cheek, and also three faint nail scratch scars her got from Aria. He was now fully dressed in his night clothing, and Celatia  in a nightgown. The pale woman was still blushing but looked down at him.
"Though it's been since our teenage years, I can't believe you're still a pervert! Hmp!" Celatia  huffed.
Sinbad sighs but smiled to her sadly, and suddenly hugged her.
"I don't care, I'm just glad for you to be here with me." He said and caressed her cheek, and smiled warmly.
Celatia smiled.
"I am too. I may not look like I used to anymore, due to me being a bodiless spirit, but I'm glad to be here. Aria can be a handful." Celatia chuckled.
"Don't remind me." He sighs.
"But how..." he said.
"Aria and I share bodies. Though she is my reincarnation, she is a separate soul from mine. Right now she is asleep. I made sure of that, because I don't her to hear our conversation. Listen Sinbad," Celatia said and had him sit down, her next to him.
"Aria true casted the same curse I did onto herself, but it's more....serious...than mine." She said.
"What so you mean? How serious?" He asked.
Celatia sighs.
" you....believe in...former lives...?" She asked.
"what's this?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Sinbad, I wasn't an ordinary person. My true name is Celatia Ardia Celestial Timedra. I'm.. well I was...a survivor of Alma Torran and.......A Counter Guardian." Celatia said
Time stopped for Sinbad...
"Like....Emiya..and Kiritsugu??" He said.
"In a way yes.....I can never know death nor life. I have travelled to many worlds. When Alya brought me back to this world, I was shocked. At first, I wasn't even sure if I could even bring myself to face people again because of lives I've taken..but..." she held his hand and smiled sadly.."I met you. You melted the cold heart I created. And as we traveled, I fell more in love with this world and you. But...." she quite down.
"The destruction of our sealing away David..." Sinbad said sadly.
"Yes.....that curse I created....broke the law of the universe......and as my punishment, The Goddess of Reality mother....Kisandra.....cursed me....that every Time I am reborn, no matter what world...or time...I will...always....fall into despair...and bring the curse...onto myself..." Celatia said.
Sinbad was utterly shocked by this.
"I know this is a lot to take'm the goddess of Reality ....because...David killed my mother because she refused to be his...and her...curse...will still continue." She said.

"Why?! Can't you break it?!" He said.
"Just because I'm a god doesn't mean I can break it!" Celatia glared at him.
"My mother had eight followers. If I can awaken their powers......then...maybe....." She said.
"What about Aria?" He said.
"Believe me, I want her to be free of this burden. The age of the Gods is long dead. They should be dead. But look...Here I am as a pseudo servant. Sort off......sigh ...." she sighs and Sinbad caressed her cheek.
"I'll be honest...this is a lot to take in, but…” He smiled to her, “I’ll everything in my power to help her. She is you, and you are her, so….” he sighs, “I-I’ll make her fall in love with me.” he said and her eyes widened slightly.

“O-Oh. I-I didn't think you….head that road.” she said.

But she knew it was right thing. Sinbad needs to move on.

“Also...impregnate her.” she said and that made Sinbad begin choking on his spit.

“what?!” He said.

“I-m-p-r-e-g-n-a-t-e her.” she said again with a sour mood.

“No no no. I'm not doing that!!” He said.

“fine. I’ll just go ask Cu…….” she said and Sinbad stopped her.

“alright alright!! But why?” He asked.

Celatia sighs.

“Because I want to leave behind the last of myself with a child. I couldn't be with you in our world. But...I want at least a small part of original self to stay with you.” she said.

He looked her shocked.

“You know she won’t allow it.” He said.

“I know. That's why I want you to make her fall in love with you. You might even learn something.” she smiled.

Sinbad sighs but then noticed her disappear from Aria and turned back to her current self. He quickly caught her and placed her on her bed, and got in, putting the blankets on the two. This….was a lot to take in….

??????  -

A shirine…..power like the night came from it. A woman with fox ears walked towards it, a sad smile on her lips.

“Amatarasu….what are you doing here?”

A make voice spoke from the shrine.

“I told you to call me by my other name, Tamamo no Mae or just Tamamo, brother. “ Amatarasu also known as Tamamo no Mae, chuckled lightly.

The male voice was silent.

“LOOK, I think you should find yourself a wife. The Empress is a good choice no?” She said.

He snorted and spoke.

“She does not catch my interest. Mortals have short lives sister. Why should I find myself a wife. Other than that, I sense...two….unknown Gods from different worlds.” he said.

Tamano puffed her cheeks.

“oohhh!!! You!! Fine!! What catches your interest?” She huffed.

Her brother was silent then spoke.

“Yuki. Snow.” he said.

“Then that's it!” Tamamo grinned, “I shall find a maiden who’s heart is like snow!” She grins.

Her brother was silent and snorted again.

“Yeah yeah. Good luck with that.” he said.

Tamano actually took that seriously and left.

hmmmm…….a heart like snow….why not also someone Who’s name means snow??”

(Too be continued......)

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