Counter Chapter 2: The White Dove

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Raised in a winter wonderland, Germany, snow was all she knew. From the land, sky, and sea, the mountains and heavens. For pure white snow was all she knew. Raised as a mage, born from a human mother and homunclus father, she knew the hardships that came, and the short life span she had. After all, she stopped ageing at 16. Though she is an Einzbern , she learned more of the world as she became the head of her clan, when her grandfather passed away. She then access to everything.

The secrets her clan hid, knowledge of magic, all. But what caught her attention in particular, were the records of what is called, the Holy Grail war. Her ancestors were the founders of the Grail War. She began to read the records of such war and all caught her interest. But she frowned, reading them. Though her family were the founders of the Holy Grail War, they have lost several battles. But another record caught her attention. This one was written by a survivor.

Illya von Einzbern

Her ancestor.

As she read through it, a smile graced her lips. Illya was happy during her life time. Though she survived Heavens Feel, becoming the next vessel of the Grail, all to stop a girl from Matou that was used as a vessel for the corrupted version of the Grail, Illya survived. Along with her half brother, Shirou Emiya, and Rin Tohsaka. And the servants that survived the war, Arturia Pendragon and Medusa. The two servants that survived, lived through the years, slowly becoming human and living their lives in peace.


Oh wise king, what do you command? I offer my strength in the power of a vessel. I thy ask is to seek a vessel. A vessel who can withstand my power. A soul pure as the clearest water drop on earth, yet had the wings of a dove who shall take its first flight. Oh wise king of Urk, seek me a vessel and I shall grant thy my strength. But thy can not fall in love with thy vessel. If such thing happens, my curse shall fall Upon you. The curse of separation.

His crimson eyes looked down at his kingdom from his throne. A vessel he must find for this...."Fragment of Life". It offered to lend him it's strength. It offered to prevent the death of his people and kingdom. Did such a power even exist. Though he is half God, he still doubts that power that offered a hand to him.

"Oh, Crista!! Be careful!!"

He turns and sees one of his head maids scolding....who??
"Forgive me!! I was in a rush to go buy herbs! We ran out!" A young woman with skin white, almost like porcelain, ruby red eyes, silver hair that looked like silk in the sunlight, and wore a maid dress, but a white flower bracelet on her right wrist.
"Out of herbs again?! Ooohhh!!! Sira with her magic experiments again! I'll give that girl a peace of my mind later! Just go buy the herbs dear..." the head maid sighs and the girl left to the town market to buy the needed herbs...again.
The king of Urk eyes narrowed as he watched the girl leave. Who was she? She isn't one of the citizens. As king, it is his duty to know his people. He has memorized every single citizens name, to their birthday, to who had a child, and so on. He was known as a wise king.

"Oh, Crista My lord?? She is a traveller. She is staying with me for a month before she leaves to continue he travels. She's such a sweet girl."

"A traveler....." the king mumbled as he swirled the wine in his cup, looking out to the he is of his kingdom.
"Gilgamesh, someone caught your interest??" His friend, Enkidu smiled.
Enkidu had the appearance of a woman, but can also be confused for a man. However, he is a being created out of clay and has no gender. But is referred as he sometimes. The King snorted.
"No. But I worry for this so call Fragment. She to offer me the power to stop the destruction of my kingdom in the future, in exchange, I find her a vessel to reside in. But....." he stayed silent at the last part.
The vessel will most likely be a mongrel. Like he will ever fall for one. He chuckled and saw from the streets, the woman now known as Crista, walking with a basket of herbs and towards the kitchen area.

"Hm.....Lets try her...."


"Eplamira!" Crista yells as she made a few baskets float in the air to help the head maid, Shiria, an elder but kind woman, with the food.
"Thank you dear." Shiria smiled as Crista nodded and made the baskets float back down.
"You know, Lord Gilgamesh asked me who you are. I told him you are a traveler." She said as Crista began cutting vegetables.
"Most likely I caught his attention because I am not from here. Besides, I never seen the king before. I'm here only for a month because my master is teaching me runes. Also because something about to stay away from the Goddess Ishtar.....who ever that is." Crista said while Lady Shiria was trying to keep herself from laughing at that.
"Anyway, I finished cutting the vegetables and also the meat. I'll be going now. Wish me luck with this rune test because good Heavens I need the Goddess of Luck on my side...." Crista glooms and leaves.
Not to far, Enkidu was watching with interest. This one was new.....

As Crista walked through the nightly lit city, she smiled looking at the people. They were happy, filled with joy. She saw a stall that sold some of her favorite birds, doves, but one in particular caught her attention.
"This one?  Oh she a rare one. 12 gold coins." The vender said.
"Make 10 and we got a deal." She said back.
"Eh...why not?" The vender grinned and handed her the white dove in the small cage.
She thanked him and handed him the coins, then leaving to near the kingdom's walls.
"You poor thing, being in a cage does not suit you. " Crista said and opened it.
The small white dove cooed, cocking its head at her, then flew to her shoulder, where it settles and began to sleep. She sighs, but smiled, looking at the wall, and placing her hand in it.
"A cage huh.....?" She sighs and turns to head back to the palace but felt a strange presence.
"Who's there? " She said she she summon a golden dagger to her hands.
She looked around but nothing. She backed up a bit but suddenly swung her dagger behind her, only to meet a golden Shield protecting the person.
"Mongrel, is this how you introduce yourself ?" A Smith male voice said but He noticed even more when he saw her eyes glowing with powerful magic.
She jumped back and glared.
"Thy is stalking me, what not? Why should I introduce myself to thy?" She said bitterly.
He smirked. He liked her attitude.
"And for your information, I am not a mongrel. I am Crista, daughter of Uathach, granddaughter of Scáthach, and mage of Ulster. " Crista declared proudly as the air around her began to glow red and red spears began to appear from them.
"Scathach huh....? The great Celtic Warrior of Ireland. What is someone like you doing here?" He glared.
"I have come to journey in search of strength. And based on your looks...."she looked up and down at him, " You are the King of Urk...Gilgamesh. " she said and made her weapons disappear.
The cute dove was now perch on her head.
"Yes. Seeing that your are someone from high class, I'll allow you to stay in my kingdom, but as a royal." He said.
"Look you work holix. " she said and his eye twitch, "I don't need to Be treated like some fancy princess. I'm happy living with Lady Sharia. Now if you excuse me, I got business to do. Bye bye." She smirked and disappears In a portal, returning back to the land of shadows.
He clicked his tongue in a annoyance but returns to the palace. He walked through the night lit hallways and into a room, where in the center, was a see through entity of a woman. She had no face.
"Thy  sense  a compatible vessel. Though she is different. She is worthy. " it said.

"But she has also peaked your intrest." It said and Gilgamesh eyes narrowed.
It flew around him and smiled.
"King of Urk, my vessel can not be touched by you. She can not belong to you no ,mater how much you desire it. " it chuckled and he glared at it.
It flew back to the mirror it was residing in and gave him one final look.
"But you may not need my power in the future. Because more people will arrive to help you." It said and disappears to the mirror.
He stared and leaves, something in him...wanting to destroy that mirror to prove it wrong.


Lillian eyes were dull as she was surrounded by corpses of monsters. She moved hands, making her strokes fly around around, and her eagle landing on her shoulder.

"Now listen here you pathetic bastards." She spoke coldly as She Took one step forward, and the henchmen that were sent to kill her, coward in fear, "I will kill burn you every time you try to take me and my families freedom because were are part homunculus. I won't yield to you. Never." She said coldly and finished off the rest.
Erika watched in silence as She Too was bloodied from her battle. They didn't bring their servants with them, But They didn't need too.
"Erika, how long will you stay in that fake form?" Lillian sighs as she used magic to make the blood get off them and the scent of it.
"If I reveal how I really look like, I'll be on the wanted list. Besides, this child form is better. I can sneak in and out when ever I want." Erika grinned while Lillian giggled.
"I guess you are right. Changing the subject, we got the demon hearts we need for the magic experiment Tina needed. Kenedii should be close to finding the girls." Lillian said as they made the demon hearts go into a basket.
"Mama! I'm hungry!" Jack whined.
They forgot that Jack came with them.
"Here." Lillian gave her a heart and Jack happily ate it.
"I hope we find the other soon. Noctis is getting more and more worried." Erika said as they rayshifted back to Chaldea.
" becoming....Unstable...." Lillian said.

The king of Urk was silent as He watched his master return back to Chaldea....


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